Good schools to get online adjunct positions-

Discussion in 'Online & DL Teaching' started by Randell1234, Dec 29, 2007.

  1. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    The key to being an adjunct these days is have a good relationship with a school, one where they want YOU to teach. The degrees you hold are not all that relevant (except for minimum qualifications).

    Whenever I read someone's post about how they're thinking about getting a doctorate so they can teach, I reflect on how wrong-headed that is. That's like saying you want to get a driver's license so you can drive a Porsche...without having a Porsche already.
  2. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Rich, I think only the slightly crazed or crazy-rich get super-expensive vehicles BEFORE they can drive them. I'm not arguing with your statement that perhaps teaching should come first, before the doctorate. You have WAY more expertise than I do, there. (I have none whatsoever.) I just think there might be a more appropriate analogy..

    Reminds me of something that my hero, Eric Clapton did, when he got his first REALLY good cheque in the music business. He had no driver's licence - in fact, I believe he may never have held one in his life. But he hollered "I'm rich! I'm f***ing rich!" First thing, he went to a car lot down the street and bought a 1938 Cadillac (in the 60s). I always thought that was a bit irrational, if he wasn't going to be able to drive it - though come to think of it - a vintage Cadillac for what was about $1500 then -- I might have done it anyway, especially if I were suddenly rich. I wouldn't have bought a new Porsche though, unless I was dead sure of driving it. ... Wonder where that Cadillac is today. ... Maybe I should call him.

    "Hello, Eric? Johann here. Still got that Cadillac? The old one? ".... :)
  3. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Re: Prev. post. I was wrong. Some time later, Eric did get a license. Lost it at least once, though. Damn those Ferraris!, lead foot.&text=He faced a magistrate in,and flimsy excuse for speeding.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2020
  4. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    The point I'm trying to make is that it is a fallacy to think that simply getting the minimum qualification automatically qualifies one to perform in this paradigm. It does not. It's the same with the 18 s.h. in such-and-such crowd. Yes, if that school wants to employ you, you certainly must make the minimum grade. But the reverse--if you make the minimum grade schools will want you--is absurd. We see that chatter all the time.

    I hold two doctorates, an MBA, three industry certifications (PCC, CPTD, and SPHR), and recently completed a certification in online learning. I've taught for five different universities. No one....NO beating down my door to teach for them. That's the fact, jack.
    Neuhaus and SteveFoerster like this.
  5. Neuhaus

    Neuhaus Well-Known Member

    I have to explain this to at least one entry level engineer every year when we negotiate their initial salary (there is no negotiation).
  6. Dave Wagner

    Dave Wagner Active Member

    What Universities are hiring online adjuncts these days?


  7. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    University of the People, apparently, although the compensation isn't much to write home about.
    Dave Wagner likes this.
  8. Dave Wagner

    Dave Wagner Active Member

    Thank you. I forgot about them...
  9. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    Helpful2013 likes this.
  10. chris richardson

    chris richardson Active Member

    Good place to get the "experience in teaching at the college/university" level so many adjunct jobs wish to see.
  11. Dave Wagner

    Dave Wagner Active Member

    Thank you, Bruce and Chris. Long time, no talk... I taught part-time at the University of Phoenix Online and Little Rock Campuses for 14 years and at the same time, I have taught part-time for Touro, TUI, Trident, and Trident AIU for 20 years. I'm looking for additional part-time work at a school that is visionary. I'd like to try a school that won't get attacked by "higher-education pirates"... ;) Any resemblance that any school we discuss may have to "pirate booty" is purely coincidental. Yar! Shiver me [textbooks]...


    Bruce likes this.
  12. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    I don’t know if the timing is coincidental, but the whole Covid nonsense seemed to hit a reset in the world of DL teaching. Maybe there are more online/distance courses available now, but there seemed to be a real boom in DL teaching hiring since then.
  13. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    1.06 million Americans have DIED from Covid so far. It's more than nonsense.
  14. Dave Wagner

    Dave Wagner Active Member

    Yes, Speaker Pelosi let over hundreds of thousands of Americans die while she twice fake-impeached President Trump. (What a National Treasure she is!) President Biden has also let hundreds of thousands die, plus he has doubled the price of gasoline and ruined the economy... Good show... Jolly good show!

    One funny thing about the Pandemic... Many of you are old enough to remember when "distance learning was so experimental that we couldn't really know if people could learn on a computer." Of course, during the Pandemic we learned that children need the face-to-face group context to be socialized, motivated, and taught discipline; adults, however, generally can excel in distance learning if they are intrinsically motivated.
  15. chris richardson

    chris richardson Active Member

    So a vote of Congress is now fake eh?
  16. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    Many more have died from the flu, I don’t recall mandatory masks and vaccines for that.

    I’ve had Covid twice, the first time kind of sucked but I’ve had cases of the flu that were far worse. The second time was just like a bad cold.

    The hysteria has nothing to do with public health, it’s all about power, control, and forced compliance. What price did we pay for this power grab?

    I choose to not live my life in fear, and just want to be left alone.

    Thankfully, sanity is slowly but surely coming back.
    Helpful2013 likes this.
  17. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    I'll do that.
  18. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Please note that this thread is not in the Political Discussions forum.
    JoshD likes this.
  19. Michigan68

    Michigan68 Active Member

    SweetSecret likes this.
  20. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    Universities come and go. I used to teach at Devry, Jones International, Walden, Liverpool and Touro. None of these jobs lasted forever. Most programs that I have taught died over the years.
    The bottom line of the problem is that Doctorates are becoming more available so most of the adjunct jobs pay so little that is hard to survive unless you learn Dr. Babs method of teaching 15 classes per term by just grading all papers with an A and prepare canned comments for your courses. But even if you hand in As to all students, you still need to enter grades and respond to emails. If the average course pays less than 2K, you need to teach at least 40 courses a year to make a living or about 8 to 10 courses a term. 2K a course meant something in 1999 when I started but now it is 2023 and most schools pay still the same.
    I tried the University of the People but the work is so much for 600 dlls that even if you want to help humanity, it is hard to keep up with the 10 to 15 hrs a week they need to end with 600 bucks after 8 weeks. Their main issue is the large amount of students they have and very difficult type of students as they are open enrollment with no filters so you end with a lot of students that demand a lot of time.

    Online adjunct jobs can be a great thing if you dont do it for a living but just to keep up with your own learning and put something interesting in a CV. Maybe 2 to 3 classes a year from a school not as demanding would be fine. University of the people is not an option for me because they really require a lot of work as they enroll a lot of students as they are almost free.

    I think Johann suggested to become an evangelist reverend rather than an adjunct, I think he might be right as at least you can end with better income and more interesting work than just grading tons of students with As to avoid complaints and keep administration happy.

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