Yes! As an Indiana University (Bloomington) grad in PA, I've had way too many conversations like this: Them: "Where did you go to school? Me: "Indiana." Them: "Oh, IUP?" Me: "No, the real one." I'm sure it's a good school, but I'm annoyed w/ the confusion its name causes me. One of their colors is red, too.
By the way, there's also a Wyoming, Pennsylvania. I sometimes wonder why they never got their own university.
I resurrected this thread in order to add my new favorite university name - Mountains of the Moon University Mountains of the Moon University – Mountains of the Moon University
Caution . . . Sophos, my really good malware detection program, finds danger at the MOTMU site: Location: Mountains of the Moon University – Mountains of the Moon University Access has been blocked as the threat JS/RefC-Gen has been found on this website. Return to the page you were previously viewing.
And... college. Thats University of Maryland University College. Is it a college or a university? Are we sure twice mentioning that it is a university, makes it so?
"University college" was a phrase for a professional studies unit that's long since fallen out of general use. But because of the confusion, I've long said they should rename UMUC to be "Maryland State University".
From CNET site (2009): "JS/RefC-Gen Category * Viruses and Spyware Type * Trojan Affected operating systems - Windows JS/RefC-Gen is a family of malicious JavaScript Trojans embedded in web pages. When web pages containing JS/RefC-Gen are viewed in a browser, the malicious script attempts to redirect the user to a remote malicious site (typically to install other malware)." I went ahead, forewarned and no problem encountered. I'm impressed by the list of partners. Looks like some heavyweights, well-known universities, NGO's etc. really want this school to succeed. It appears to have Government approval. And I like the name, too! Rwenzori Mountains are quite properly known as Mountains of the Moon. Accurate and picturesque all at once. Nice job! J.
I am still wondering why they don't drop the INTERNATIONAL from the name? Since the founding school Touro University International by Touro University; I understand it was to differentiate from Touro College in New York and other places. However, since it was sold and renamed to TUI (Touro University International) University; then it changed to Trident University International. Why are not Trident University or the University of Cypress since it is in Cypress, California?
Hello! Necromanced this thread to introduce the "Lovely Professional University". The name seems quite strange, however, it seems to be a perfectly legitimate institution in India: Best regards, Mac Juli
The PM of Dominica has an honorary doctorate from LPU. He took a lot of ribbing from it from opposition supporters, but there are a lot of universities with names that sound odd to Western ears but not at all strange to their actual target markets.
Yes. It is legit, as you say. And proud of its re ecord on the rights of women students in India. We discussed it elswhere and I believe Dr. John Bear said "well, at least they didn't call it SEXY Professional University!
Essex = East Saxons Sussex = West Saxons When not cutting off heads with a seax (their weapon of choice, from where they got their name) I guess the Saxons were a mean, mead-swilling sex-obsessed bunch. My DNA says I'm a direct descendant of them, pretty near as Southern English as it's possible to get. Doesn't surprise me or those who know me a bit.