IUPUI stands for Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis, but students pronounce it oo-ee-Poo-ee. I took several classes there back in the early 90s.
I didn't know that students pronounced IUPUI oo-ee-Poo-ee. I haven't taken classes there but I'm from Indianapolis and I've just always called it IUPUI. Oh well, maybe it was just a 90's thing.
I think it's actually older than that. I worked there and went to school there in the 90s. The older people that I worked with would sometimes call it that, but I never heard any student say it.
University of Ontario Institute of Technology. University of Ontario or Ontario Institute of Technology would have been fine, but the combination makes the name way too long and does not make a strong first impression.
is there any university in usa that offers distance based learning to foreign students ? if so , what is the name and site of the university and the procedure to take admission .
Not actually bad, but amusing: Walla Walla College (now University) Kalamazoo College University of La Verne (what? No Shirley?) Bowling Green State University Mississippi University for Women (a coeducational --thanks to the Supreme Court--state college) Goshen College Wartburg College Transylvania University Simon's Rock College Gustavus Adolphus College Mount Angel College My favorite college name, not because it's bad, but because I just like the sound of it: Sweet Briar College
Yes - Probably most USA DL institutions offer degrees to foreign students as do institutions in some other countries including the UK and SA. The only I communicated with on this topic was TESC and they accept foreign students. What major are you looking for? PS: You picked the wrong thread in which to post your question. I suggest you repost in the "Distant Learning Discussion' section.
Until about the end of the 19th century, I think Gustavus Adolphus was a well known historical figure. -=Steve=-
I went to Rutgers University University College (which is now defunct). But now I'm at UMUC. It took a while for me to adjust to the name. But guess what. If you look into Oxford University, they have UC as one of their colleges. So ingoramuses can go ahead and beat up UC name if they want.
Well, I don't think it was, but they will be revealing their new name soon. We shall all know shortly.
There is Megatrend University in Serbia. Megatrend univerzitet But that is not all, one of school of this university is Borislav Stankovic Basketball College.
haha I agree with friartuck - Morehead College in NC is just literally asking for it... well the boys are at least
I remember driving by Northeast State Technical Community College in TN about 7 yrs ago and thinking, "Wow, there's a school with a bad name. Northeast what?" Looks like they just go by Northeast State now. Much better... Northeast State - Community College in Northeast Tennessee
California University California University of Pennsylvania is the full name. It is named after the town of California, Pa. which was founded during the gold rush of the 19th century. People just shorten it to California University confusing everybody they come into contact with. Jaco
Two more confusing university names: Ottawa University from Ottawa, Kansas Miami University from Oxford, Ohio "Not that Ottawa/Miami..."