Trump is the Perfect Sore Loser

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Bill Huffman, Nov 7, 2020.

  1. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    So 70+ million Americans are going to their fridge for a milk miracle :)
    Bill, they expect noting less then verification that the elections were fair and that the mailed ballots are legal and machines software glitches didn't multiply etc etc.
    Legal challenge will be pursued.
    Once FEC certifies the results if someone had sour milk they long time flushed it or repurposed it as
    some make cottage cheese from it.
  2. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    It is extra fun that this exchange is taking place in the thread titled
    Trump is the Perfect Sore Loser
    Johann likes this.
  3. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    This is false. The public record regarding Steele's work and it use is available to all. You can't re-tell it and expect that to be accepted.
  4. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Nonsense. There is no evidence that any of that happened. Nor that it has EVER happened. The operating assumption is that it did not. Feel free to prove otherwise, but time is running out.
  5. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Only two that I've heard from - Donald Trump and Lerner. And Trump probably sends somebody to do it.
    Bill Huffman likes this.
  6. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    I don't need to prove anything. I stated what is President Trumps campaign is going to do.
    I already congratulated President elect.
    I'm not employed by any of the campaigns. I posted some links to the information that was made available.
    And if there is evidence it will be provided by the attorneys of the campaign who will be filing lawsuits.
    If this is nonsense or not is yet to be seen. Just by the nature of people I personally have no doubt that some regularities and fraud took place.
    I think next weeks will be tensed, lets see FEC and all the certifications and move on.
    Who know who will run for the president in 2024? Trump was kidding he will be called for the rescue.
  7. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    Making cottage cheese from sour milk is a great way to reduce waste, save money, and get some extra protein in your diet. Are you tired of dumping sour milk down the drain?
    Homemade Cottage Cheese is Best!
    Maniac Craniac likes this.
  8. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    He had good schooling for 4 years of 2016 Dem's sore losers, who hoped for their sour milk miracle for 4 years, maybe Russian hoax will supply the miracle? Or maybe Ukrainian call, or this and that.
    It appears there is still 73 days for your milk to turn sweet.
    But indeed Biden had a miracle. I congratulated his achievement.
  9. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Especially now that he needs to use both hands to pick up a glass of water....
  10. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    As I said Trump is not without flows.
    But for me the most troubling is the one that when people asked me I responded on.
    As a person of faith I always warned the the enemy of Trump is Trump.

    What I meant is in bible
    Proverbs 16:5
    "Everyone who is arrogant is an abomination to the LORD; be assured, he will not go unpunished."

    So if one asks me, there is a lesson here for him.
    We all are not without a sin.

    This is my personal opinion if one asked me , what would be the reason if Trump lost the 2020 elections.
    This trebled me a lot during the last 4 years.

    But I don't know what the new leadership will bring.
    The radical progressive agenda may be bad for us the green deal will achieve to little for a huge cost.
    Estimated just one tax till cost an average family $8,000.
    And Washington will exercise regulations and control over people , over the energy consumption.
  11. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    My wife is a lifelong Republican. She voted Democrat for President for the first time in her life this year. Here's what she's told me. She was thinking she would probably not vote for President until Biden picked Kamala Harris. She then said she might vote for Biden.. She was still up in the air who to vote for until when Trump came out of the hospital. If he'd said sorry I was wrong, we all need to wear masks and social distance then Trump would have still got her vote. Instead Trump came out of the hospital and said he feels 20 years younger. At that point her mind was mind up.

    What I would say is that Trump would have won this election if he'd just told people from the beginning to wear masks and maintain social distance. Instead he made fun of people wearing masks and had rallies that were super spreader events. Based on mortality rates in other countries, Trump is responsible for about 150,000 fellow American lives.
  12. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    I want whats the best for our country and our children.
    This is impossible because in all 51 states there were shutdowns and a level of enforcement to keep distance and wear masks.
    I think some governors are guilty of the way they handled people in elderly facilities.
    Also some people who didn't keep the social distancing.
    We already discussed this and I think this accusation like most left accusations are inflated.
  13. chrisjm18

    chrisjm18 Well-Known Member

    which state is the 51st?
    Mac Juli likes this.
  14. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    I'm unsure what the Trump side is hoping to accomplish. Are they hoping for a new election in the states where Trump lost? Thats not going to happen. Are they hoping some court will simply award electors to Trump in defiance of state law? That's absolutely not going to happen. Are they hoping some court will disallow some significant number of ballots that have already been counted? Impossible. Unless these ballots were kept separate, as a few thousand were in Pennsylvania, there is no way to know one ballot from another. Furthermore, even if by some dark miracle a court did award the vote to Trump in Biden's place, no one state would change the outcome. So what is all this except a damaging temper tantrum from a man who is old enough to know better?
  15. Mac Juli

    Mac Juli Well-Known Member

    New Michivada. It is a newly discovered state which was discovered and immediately won by Trump. As it carries 51 electoral votes, it immediately nullifies all efforts of Biden.
    See here for details:
    chrisjm18 likes this.
  16. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    Well, although I am not the sort of Judge that would hear a general election challenge (thanks to whatever gods of elections there be!) I can tell you that there is no point in going to court with a claim unless you can explain to the judge exactly what you say is wrong, exactly what you want the judge to do about it, and exactly why granting the relief you're asking for will make a practical difference. This must happen before the judge will even take testimony or exhibits. I'm damned if I can figure out how any Trump claim gets past the second and third parts even if they can produce some evidence of skullduggery.
  17. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    There isn't one, but the 23rd amendment gave residents of the District of Columbia the right to participate in presidential elections as if they were a state.
    chrisjm18 likes this.
  18. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    Oh, and Lerner is correct; for Presidential elections, as for many other purposes, D.C. is a third state with three electoral votes. This is a status we haven't extended to the U.S. citizens, the MILLIONS of U.S. citizens, who live in our "unincorporated territories" such as Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands.
  19. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    51st State? I thought maybe Puerto Rico might have succumbed to Trump-mania. I remember after their devastating hurricane, Trump tried to win them over with a few rolls of paper towels. I never saw a more pathetic sight. Shortly after that, I turned off my TV permanently. It might soon have a new life as a computer monitor for a Chromebox - but no news.
  20. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Puerto Rico is that only territory that has a population on par with existing states, and sooner or later, I expect they'll become one. (They may want to be more careful what they wish for, but that's another matter.) As for the other territories, this is one of the problems that could be solved by ditching the archaic Electoral College in favor of a national popular vote.

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