ALL elections have those. This was, according to DHS, the most secure election ever. The issues are not with the election, nor with the law. The only issues are a president who will not accept that he was defeated, a Republican Party too afraid to tell him so, and a country racked with a deadly pandemic not being served by either one.
And all Die-hard Trumpers can do is try in vain to suppress Rich's accurate statement and play their fantasy version of the blame game.
What do you expect after 4 years of Democrats undermining the Presidency of Donald Trump? I'm not surprised by Trumps reaction at all.
The point is that I would not even be surprised if he would declare martial law to keep law and order (and to stay in office as guarantor for this law and order) or even to push the red button. There is little more dangerous than a cornered narcissist, and if this narcissist has the nuclear football, I can't say that I am really cool and relaxed these days! If I would not have some basic trust in the US military...
When asked in 2019 why so many judicial positions remained unfilled under Obama, Mitch McConnell said, "“I’ll tell you why,” he said. “I was in charge of what we did the last two years of the Obama administration.” When asked in 2008 what his first priority was with Obama becoming president he said, "The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president." Glass houses and all that....
Not surprised at all. The forces should unite as in United States. Imagine how match they can achieve if they didn't fight. "A house divided against itself, cannot stand." Lincoln.
Oh no? Senator Graham apparently pressured the Georgia Secretary State to throw out legally cast ballots. Not only is that tyranny, it's a crime under federal and state law. No, the Trumpistas aren't really worried about "being sure". They know Biden won. They just want to keep Trump in the White House despite there being no evidence of widespread fraud. If doing so means massive voter disenfranchisement, so be it.
Georgia's Secretary of State Brad Mr Raffensperger - a Republican - said that "numbers don't lie" during a press conference announcing the certification. "Close elections sow distrust; people feel their side was cheated,". "We saw this from the Democrats in 2018. We see this from Republicans today." -------------------- Indeed there is a dark winter approaching, with Covid 19 infections surging with a vengeance. Hope the vaccines are here fast.
Hope doesn't seem to be doing any good here. Two major urban areas (Toronto and Mississauga) near me are now in their second full lockdown. Where I live is one step away and could be called any time. Vaccines? For us, late next year, so I hear. Yep -- gonna be a long winter. Hope I get to be 78. Our health system is so good that many old people get to beat cancer, heart disease etc. -- and then some crap like this finishes them off... sucks.
I think the ball was dropped decades back, why there is no vaccine for a flue? Why there are no medication for flue? Many medical professional know how better treat the Covid infections now. So survival appears to be better then it was when it began. But it's lethal dangerous virus that needs to be killed ASAP. Hope we will have many discussions in years to come. Stay save and healthy.
There is one, here, Lerner. For the last few decades, we're all urged to get (free) flu shots every year. Particularly those 65 and over. Don't you guys have them? The flu vaccine is reformulated every year, as viruses that cause flu mutate and new ones appear often. That's part of the reason the vaccine is never 100% effective - and likely never will be. But it does prevent a large number of cases and is worth having - for the elderly, especially. My doctor explained it this way - flu itself doesn't usually kill, but if the elderly get flu, that weakens them and the big danger, then, is pneumonia - and that's the usual killer. COVID-19? Yep - that kills. No help needed. This year, I read, Canadian flu incidence is much lower than usual -so far.. Probably due to social distancing, lockdowns etc for COVID-19. You stay safe and healthy too, Lerner.
What I meant is once you get the flue there is no cure for it yet for AIDS there are med's that destroy the HIV virus. As to flue shuts I get these every year for some time now, I didn't use to but they are somewhat effective I'm told.
There is no cure for AIDS - there is control. Medicines reduce the virus - they do not eliminate it. You get over the flu - and it's gone. Not forever, maybe - but that instance is over. You may, of course, catch it again down the line. There are so many varieties... You don't "get over" AIDS - even with the best treatment - but proper treatment can minimize the harm and you can now recover from AIDS- related infections and complications - and live a long time - with AIDS. It's never "gone" though. One big difference - for most of us - pretty easy to minimize risk of getting HIV-AIDS. A BIT Harder to reduce your risk of Flu - you might want that shot, etc. And harder still to reduce your risk of COVID-19.