Rich, In my previous response I stated "government, the governors and mayors , basically states failed as well." I see a typo in government - that what I meant. This includes the President. But its not like Governors report to the president. President Trump supported the Governors. There was a lot of unknown initially. I don't recall such pandemic in the US since 1918 - 100 years ago. Obama in 2009 didn't have a plan in place for swine flue eider, we were lucky it wasn't Covid 19. As I stated before, Government: Federal, State, City and County all made mistakes and have lessons to learn. But there was a lot of cooperation between Federal and State governments. I support what Biden is saying a about dedicated task team to combat the VIRUS. I hope they are going to take the business in to account and not one fit all solution of lookout but work smart to keep the economy going and infections under control if possible.
Nothing absolves the president. This was his and he purposely abandoned the effort. It is a crime against humanity.
like the captain of the sheep. Ultimately President is responsible. But inflated blaming excluding the other parties responsible is not right. This includes the Governors etc.
Its a good thing. Some speculate different reasons why, some say he was threatened and in fear for his life he changed the tune, others say it was a nice some of money that made him change the mind. Once less thing to worry about. Ex governor of NV stated about 200,000 ballots were not manually checked for signatures is against the law in NV. He says its actually suspects that in other locations another huge quantity. I have no idea about the law in NV. But I saw him on Fox making these allegations. If this is all baseless then shortly Biden will be certified etc. I'm sure that filtering of complaints will continue. Some recounts will happen.
A friend just forwarded this message to me: A person waled in to a church and asked the priest a question. Is there anything out there that is worse then COVID 19? The Priest thought for a short time and replied: Biden 20, and Harris 21.
Trump Endorses McDaniel to Stay RNC Chair; Source Says It May Be Prelude to 2024 Run.
I would have preferred Buttigieg or Booker. Or even Hickenlooper despite some noteworthy disagreements.
Buttigieg, Booker and Hickenlooper. Sounds like a novel ... a three-lawyer office in a sleepy Pennsylvania town, in the 1870s... Suddenly, one of the partners is found dead...
Okay then. Buttigieg, Booker and Hickenlooper. A mysterious, internationally-oriented Hedge Fund - offices in a restored, gracious Manhattan townhouse. It's post-crash 2009 and suddenly, one of the partners is found dead... Any way you want it. We aim to please. (My money's on the Russian oligarch - in the Board Room - with a Swarovski Crystal paperweight.)
Owned by Paul Manafort? Or should we move the whole firm to Trump Tower? And blame the murder on a Russian female lawyer? It's late - me finish Islamic Banking & Finance course now - and then me go nap.
A man calls a lawyer's office. The phone is answered, "Schwartz, Schwartz, Schwartz and Schwartz." The man says, "Let me talk to Mr. Schwartz." "I'm sorry, he's on vacation." "Then let me talk to Mr. Schwartz." "He's on a big case, not available for a week." "Then let me talk to Mr. Schwartz." "He's playing golf today." "Okay, then, let me talk to Mr. Schwartz." "Speaking." -- Henny Youngman
DHS announced that the election was the most secure in history. That is the Trump administration calling it that. I think we’re done, eh?
I think this would be sufficient to many and its a good thing. Chad W serves exactly one year as acting secretary of DHS. He is a Republican. The question is how this will cover, irregularities, glitches, failures to follow the laws and simply human error? As we know in PA it seems like some late votes may not be counted, will this have significant results that can make any changes in outcome? I don't think so. But its important for the Democracy and the integrity of the elections. People signed affidavits of witnessing what they think is irregularities, wrong instructions, etc. They are risking being persecuted but they think they saw others coming forward. Legal teams are involved in trying to address these allegations. I think what is wrong is that Biden is denied security briefings for what ever reason and the transition planning appropriately. I'm speculating that someone thinks that there was major fraud and irregularities and there is still a chance to win ?