So what degree are you chasing?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by b4cz28, Jan 14, 2011.

  1. _T_

    _T_ New Member

    Ph.D. in business administration from Trident (aka: TUI, Touro, Colgate U :) ) 12 weeks and it's time for my comps! Does anyone have any insight as to what I should expect in relation to the comps?
  2. NMTTD

    NMTTD Active Member

    Im currently doing a dual degree at Arizona State University: BA in Political Science and BS in Sociology. Then I plan to go to University of Denver for their Master's in Global Affairs with a specialization in Global Issues. After that, I *may* get a Masters in Diplomacy from Norwich University. :D
  3. SurfDoctor

    SurfDoctor Moderator

    Those are great goals. Best wishes for your success.
  4. Sauron

    Sauron New Member

    I am currently working on the pre-admission courses for the ALB program at HES, and thereafter pursue a Computer Science concentration.
  5. NMTTD

    NMTTD Active Member

    Thanks :) Although after I posted that I found this:

    Maxwell School Executive Education Programs: Master of Social Science (MSSC)

    So I actually think I'd like to do this degree after I finish my bachelor's and then go on to get the other masters I want from University of Denver. But that's where I stop. lol I actually need/want to work once Im done. If left to my own devices I would be a career student. lol
  6. NorCal

    NorCal Active Member

    I am completely undecided on what is next, but here are some things I am considering:

    MBA, TBD.
    JD, Calif. State Bar School.
    Graduate Certificate, University of Michigan.
  7. honesroc

    honesroc Member

    I'm a couple semester's away from a MA in Public Policy at Liberty University. Not sure if I'll continue beyond that, however I do consider a graduate degree in IR from time to time.
  8. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    I read back on my original post in here from early 2011 and I have done nothing since I completed my MBA in June 2011! Boy it feels great...odd but great.
  9. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Just remember: December 21, 2012 is the end of the world.
  10. NMTTD

    NMTTD Active Member

    I have had a few changes since my last post on here. I'm currently going for my BLS at ASU but I'm thinking of changing that, again, so I can actually have something with some utility when I finish. I'm still going on for my masters, but I need to be able to work and make some money while I do it. We'll see what I end up with after I talk with my adviser and Career Services next week.....
  11. michellepinto

    michellepinto New Member

    Done my BSc in Computer Science, now planning on pursuing an MBA. What do you'll think is the best degree to go for after a BSc.? Please don't say MSc as I don't want to get into the technical field. Want to get into management. Any suggestions?
  12. mcjon77

    mcjon77 Active Member

    I'm currently chasing an ALM in IT from Harvard University's Extension School. I took my first course at HES 10 years ago, but didn't apply to the program because I got a new job and a degree in Software Engineering. wasn't really applicable.

    Several years later, they have created a new concentration that fit more with my goals (Information Management Systems), and more importantly, have dramatically expanded their online offerings (I am still going to have to take some classes on campus, though). My game-plan is to finish my final class in the Fall of next year.

    Ironically enough, after finishing this degree, I am seriously considering pursuing a Software Engineering masters from another school too. We'll see how I feel about that after I finish this first masters.
  13. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    I'd offer to bet you a large sum of money on it, but why would you accept when you'd gain nothing for being right and would lose if you're wrong? :smile:
  14. RAM PhD

    RAM PhD Member

    Since I've already chased, caught, tackled and tamed five degrees (one B, two M, two D) (Yes Rich, all legitimately accredited), I thought it only prudent to wait on either the fulfillment or failure of the Mayan prophecy. This is why I'm not chasing a degree at the moment, I'm waiting until after December 21 to make sure I don't lose my registration fee. Few things could be worse than investing a large up-front amount for a degree program, only to have an apocalyptic event of some kind.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 8, 2012
  15. TEKMAN

    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    I am currently chasing Ph.D in Information System at Nova, Ph.D in System Engineering at Colorado State University, and Ph.D in Management at Leceister University.
  16. Boethius

    Boethius Member

    Why do some folks get two doctorates?

    Deciding to go for one doctorate took me years to finally act upon it. It's tough enough to justify going for one doctorate.

  17. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Perhaps the person wants to re-orient his/her career. Perhaps the person wants to do further study or employ new research methods, but wants the structure of a supervised program. Perhaps the person enjoys the learning. Or the pursuit. Who knows?
  18. Boethius

    Boethius Member

    Thanks Rich - I like reading your posts. Yep, now I'm in the process of applying to Valdosta's DPA program. Hope I get accepted. And if I do get accepted, I hope I get through the program. There's a lot of really sharp (and busy!) people on this board. So, reading that some folks here are going for a second doctorate impresses me.

  19. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    They probably want to bolster their odds of getting adjunct teaching positions.

    Ooooooh, just kidding....
  20. RAM PhD

    RAM PhD Member

    Excellent question, Boethius. It's really quite subjective and I'm quite sure the reasons are numerous.

    In my case, I earned the BA, MA, then a professional doctorate. The degrees were earned via three separate regionally accredited US B/M institutions. All were geared toward becoming a practitioner in my field of study.

    Wanting to further my educaiton, I then earned, in the same discipline, a research-oriented masters, followed by the PhD. Both degrees were earned via the same institution, a school that holds the same accreditation as all the major universities within that country. It is a non-US school.

    So, in my case, although I do have two earned doctorates, one is a professional doctorate, the other a research doctorate.

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