So what degree are you chasing?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by b4cz28, Jan 14, 2011.

  1. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    I started the EdD in Higher Education through the University of Memphis yesterday. So far so good -- one day down, one thousand four hundred sixty to go....

  2. airtorn

    airtorn Moderator

    I will have another A.A.S (Air and Space Operations Technology) coming my way this summer.

    I'm sure that it will look nice on the wall next to the plethora of other equivalent (2) and higher level (3) degrees that I have.
  3. cdhale

    cdhale Member

    Well, I did my BA back before I knew about DL options (and really before there were many online classes). I did my MAT fully online at the University of West Alabama, graduating in 2007. I also earned 18 grad hours (before the MAT) from Abilene Christian Univ. in religion - all online. In between the ACU courses and the MAT at UWA, I worked on the Sheffield-Hallam DL masters in History: Imperialism and Culture. I stopped that program to do the MAT, but did earn a PgCert from it.

    I haven't taken any classes since then, and have focused on getting teaching gigs. I am now full time at a community college, and teach online for several other schools, so that is going well.

    For the past year or so, I have contemplated going on for a PhD. I recently applied to Texas A&M's English Dept to begin my PhD there. It is not DL, so I don't know if it fits the bill for our conversation. However, I am limited to Texas Public Universities for any PhD studies (because of financial concerns), and Texas Tech is the only school with a DL English PhD - and I didn't really like the fit there.

    So I am waiting to hear back from A&M. I wouldn't have been able to pursue this option if it weren't for my DL studies.
  4. nanoose

    nanoose New Member

    'due to financial concerns'...wouldn't the SA distance PhD's be even less expen$ive than a TPU?
  5. cdhale

    cdhale Member

    Not when one qualifies for the Hazlewood act, which gives tuition/free-free education. 6 grad hours at Texas A&M will cost me about $90 per semester, not counting books.
  6. lawrenceq

    lawrenceq Member

    See my sig.

    Maybe I will actually stick with this one.

    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    I am working Master of Professional in Technology Management with concentration in Information Assurance at Georgetown University. Also working on Ph.D in Organization and Management at Capella University. I plan to complete MPS at Georgetown in December 2011, and Ph.D at Capella University in December 2012 or March 2013.
  8. mark74

    mark74 New Member


    Didn't you just start the Ph.D? You are going to finish a Ph.D in just over two years while working full time and also completing a Master's degree at another school during the first year?
  9. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    A PhD in 2 years. That is pretty aggressive.
  10. TEKMAN

    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    Well, this is my plan on my Ph.D. The Ph.D in Organization and Management requires 120 quarter credits. Which 48 credits can be transferred previous or current master level. I am taking 2 courses (8 credits) at Capella University per term, and 4 terms per year. By the end of this year, I would have completed 32 credits plus 48 transferred credits. That means I have complete 2/3 of the the program, and plan to take 4 courses in Winter 2012, and comprehensive exam in Spring 2012. Then 20 credits (4 courses) of Dissertation, I plan to complete in 2 terms or 3 terms.

    Right now, I am having full-time job as a Network Engineer, doing day trading, 2 courses at Georgetown and 2 courses at Capella. I am trying to have my VA to pay for my degrees.
  11. mark74

    mark74 New Member

    Wow, you have a lot going on. I feel pretty lazy now! :)
  12. wannabeit

    wannabeit New Member

    I'm still researching for a Master program in Computer Science. After a little setback, I'm still determine to get into a Tier 1 college.
  13. lawrenceq

    lawrenceq Member

    I'm walking in place compared to TEKMAN.
  14. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    I've been chasing a master's in history off and on for the last twenty years or so. If I ever complete that I guess I'll chase doctorates in history and business.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2011
  15. 1MP4Life

    1MP4Life New Member

    I am working on my MFS (Forensic Science) at National University and should be finished by the end of March, provided I finish the thesis by then. After that I have considered the DA from Harrison-Middleton, but this thesis has been challenging, I can't really imagine a dissertation right now.
  16. b4cz28

    b4cz28 Active Member

    Wow everyones got so much going on.

    There's not one I thought at HM?
  17. cookderosa

    cookderosa Resident Chef

    sigh.....who knows. I have 2 partial degrees (an undergrad and a masters) that are hanging in limbo. I already have 2 associates and 1 bachelors. I enjoy school. It occurred to me the other day, in 1988 I graduated high school and took my first college class....not a single year has passed that I have not been an enrolled student at a college or a teacher at a college - sometimes both, since 2006 mostly both. I just enjoy the Utopian work place fantasy- where you study perfection; and the indulgent immersion that you can only do in a classroom. Frankly, I think working kinda sucks. I like studying and discussing the perfect sauce technique, I hate slinging hash and throwing together a sauce as is the case on the job. There are 4 degrees I'd like to chase right now....none of which are the degree I've signed up to start in August. I've never been so unhappy until lately, and I think it's because I'm trying to career-prepare with my education. I'd rather just study for me.
  18. b4cz28

    b4cz28 Active Member

    Sorry your unhappy......I ave to ask why you left your job teaching if you liked it?
  19. Koolcypher

    Koolcypher Member

    I'm currently working on my MA in Professional Writing from Chatham University, I'll be done in August 2011. I have not made a decision yet as to what I will do next, however I'm analyzing my options. I have been accepted into the following programs, I'm on a deferred basis with all of them until I make a final decision:

    Auburn University's Executive MBA program.
    Eastern New Mexico University's MBA program.
    Clarion University online MA in Journalism
    Quinnipiac Univiersity's online MS in Interactive Communications
    Minnesota State University-Mankato online MS English-Technical Communications

    I'm trying to see if my Yellow Ribbon GI bill covers the entire cost of Auburn's MBA program, if it does, I will likely enroll in Auburn's MBA program.
  20. AUTiger00

    AUTiger00 New Member

    Good choice. War Eagle!

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