So what degree are you chasing?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by b4cz28, Jan 14, 2011.

  1. cookderosa

    cookderosa Resident Chef

    LOL I did'nt, I'm just not on the schedule this term- I'm a sub. I've taken a healt care job to be sure I want to go to nursing school.
  2. japhy4529

    japhy4529 House Bassist


    I agree! Life would be great if work would just stop getting in the way! :)

    Anyway, best of luck. I know you will excel in whatever career path you decide to take.
  3. vincee101

    vincee101 New Member

    LOL!Absolutely too funny.
  4. emissary

    emissary New Member

    Well, today I start my final semester of undergrad. I will graduate from UTEP with my BMS (multidisciplinary studies) with concentrations in Biology, Composite Science, and Liberal Arts. I'm also in the process of applying to alternative teacher certification programs. I will be enrolled in one of those beginning August, which is when I should start teaching. One year of that and I will have earned my full Texas high school composite science teaching certificate. On the short horizon (1-5 year) I can see an MEd, MAT, MSEd, or some similar degree. From there, who knows? But for now, I'm just letting myself enjoy the fact that I'm 4 months from completing something that I started almost 10 years ago.
  5. Joe2

    Joe2 New Member

    Looking for a good Masters program. Really want an MBA, but am up in the air right now.
  6. kcscout

    kcscout New Member

    Masters of Science in Finance, starting Fall 2011

    High-end option: Kelley Direct (Indiana)
    Middle-of-the-road online/classroom hybrid: Webster University
    Low-end option: College for Financial Planning

    I created cost projections based on historical tuition rate rises at these institutions. The Webster MSF would set me back about $8k in additional money that wouldn't be provided by my employer. The IUKD program would be quite a bit more (and more than I want to spend, honestly). The CfFP program looks rigorous, but I am hesitant regarding for-profit status.
  7. airtorn

    airtorn Moderator

    Where are the Webster classrooms in relation to Lees Summit?
  8. rmm0484

    rmm0484 Member

    I am still pursuing a PhD in Business Admin from NCU. I recently resigned from the school in order to take the time to do a decent review of the literature (3-6 months is estimated). I will return to NCU when I have the Doctoral Proposal (DP) pretty much ready to hand in.
  9. kcscout

    kcscout New Member

    The Kansas City campus is about 10 miles to the west.

    Lee's SUmmit, MO - Google Maps
  10. apageor2

    apageor2 Member

    I have determined to go on the journey for a Doctorate of Business in Global Leadership. It is very customized to fit exactly what I have been doing the past 20 years in business and technology. Fortunately, I only have four more classes until I can become A.B.D. Destination = graduation date - March 2012.
  11. hammergirl

    hammergirl New Member

    Like many on this board I LOVE school too ... what I have are:

    BA in Humanities - McMaster University '92 (part-time at a B&M school took 10 years coz I lost a year when I transferred)
    MBA General - McMaster University '01 (part-time at a B&M school)
    Human Resources Certificate - Mohawk College '05 (part-time B&M school)
    Adult Ed Certificate - St. Francis Xavier '06 (modular residential program)
    M.Ed. - Brock University '10 (part-time B&M school)

    And I'm waiting to hear about admission to Indiana Tech for their PhD in Global Leadership.

    Hey agageor2 ... what schools are you looking at? Indiana Tech's program sounds FABULOUS!!! DL with small residency requirement

  12. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

  13. AUTiger00

    AUTiger00 New Member

    Hey Tekman, I came across something this weekend and thought about you. George Washington University offers their PhD in business via part-time study (not via distance). I figured you live in DC because you're at Georgetown. Did you ever consider the GWU program instead of Capella? Unless my math is off, the two programs would be nearly equal in cost. Just curious.
  14. CallDon

    CallDon New Member

    I am new to this board but not new to Dr. Bear or distant learning. I had problems in school, it got in the way of my career and social life. But I never stopped learning. Then about ten years ago, I received a diagnosis or <shock> A.D.D. which explained most of my life issues. At least, now I know why I do things the way I do. A couple of weeks ago, a friend who knows all my past said "I've got a plan for you..." Next she told me I should take some time and finish my degree (which I wanted to do anyway) then move on to...(other stuff).

    So I got on this board and began asking questions. At least, now I have some more answers and have started making plans for a B.A. (probably) or B.S. maybe in humanities or something just to get the Bachelors out of the way. Of course, I always wanted a PhD so I could make people call me "Doctor Don." The ego is sometimes a wonderful thing if you can work it into the act! :laugh:
  15. TEKMAN

    TEKMAN Semper Fi!


    I actually looked at that program before. If am not mistaken, the program requires GMAT or GRE score. I am not smart enough to get high score in standard exams. I was looking at GWU's Ph.D in Engineering Management/System Engineering; but the required 2 courses in Calculus. Which I don't have that... Capella University has accepted 40.5 credits from transferring so far. And I am about going to transfer 7.5 credits in December once I am done with Georgetown University. In fact, I am changing major to Ph.D in Information Technology. Therefore, I can take 3 courses at the time because I have extensive experience in the field.

    Besides about GWU, I want to move to Denver in Summer 2012. So I am not be able to finish there.
  16. TEKMAN

    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    I am interested in Colorado Technical University's Doctor of Computer Science because I want to be a Reverse Engineer later. However, they don't offer classes at Denver campus.
  17. PatsGirl1

    PatsGirl1 New Member

    I'm working on my MBA from Ashford (should finish Dec 2011) at the same time as I'm working on completing a BSBA in Accounting (probably from Columbia College) and taking one course at a time on the M.A. in Theological Studies from Southwestern College.

    And THEN after that I am going to take the LSAT and re-evaluate. I am thinking of doing estate planning/being a tax attorney, but I may also do Global Corporate Law as in-house counsel. Not sure yet :)
  18. apageor2

    apageor2 Member

    Doctorate of Business in Global Leadership with emphasis in Technology
  19. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    Well, I still haven't decided between that and the BA (Bachelor of Anything)
  20. Tireman 44444

    Tireman 44444 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, Dennis was doing this too before it got too expensive for him. By all accounts, he was enjoying it a ton.

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