Masters Propio (ENEB, etc)

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Garp, Jul 4, 2020.

  1. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    No need to bite me. I take it, you don't like CLEA degrees. Congratulations in your education achievements, very impressive, I wish you well and sorry if I upset you.
  2. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    I never said it does. And some of us - quite a few - know it doesn't. We make the best of what is there. And avoid the worst. The others -- well, I can't, and won't speak for them. They're on their own. G'night.
  3. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    Natural medicine is tricky, you cannot put to jail someone because it recommends you chamomile for insomnia. The main issue here is diagnosis, you can recommend someone to take chamomile for anxiety but you cannot diagnose someone with anxiety disorder.
  4. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    Not you, but most posters here are looking for it. I want to pay 200 dlls, finish it in 2 months, get WES to recognize it as an american RA degree and it would be nice if I can get a tenure track with it or at least an adjunct.
    Companies know this so they open all these universities because the market is there. They go with volume and I am sure ENEB has sold thousands of degrees. The problem comes when people want to get them recognized, WES is not going to shoot themselves in the foot by recognizing a 200 bucks degree and make enemies with all the private US schools that charge 50K for the same.
  5. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Right. And just maybe what the anxious person needs is to be referred to someone who CAN diagnose them, and treat for their specific condition, rather than continuing to ply them with old-fashioned nostrums. A properly-trained person would know when such a referral is necessary. G'night - for the second time.
  6. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    No - that's an exaggeration. "Most" posters are not looking strictly for the bargain basement price tag. It's usually the same few. For the 3rd and last time - G'night. Let Johann sleep. The old geezer gets soooo cranky if you don't.
  7. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    The $200 degree and the $50K degree are NOT the same - in content, rigor, recognition or utility. Not even close.

    Apostilles and oranges. :) 4th G'night. That's it. Johann out. Logging off now....
  8. cacoleman1983

    cacoleman1983 Well-Known Member

    I agree although it is always fun to see these really inexpensive schools like ENEB, Azteca, and UCN get positive foreign credential evaluations. There is a market for these degrees for lifelong learning purposes and to boost a profile. That’s the only reason I took up Azteca/UCN and may enroll in ENEB. Other schools like the private business schools in Switzerland and others that are legitimate but non-accredited do serve a niche with many professionals holding these degrees at the graduate level.

    They are likely not trying to get promoted but are completing these as a hobby or to enhance a side hustle. Getting student loans for a Doctorate online and paying up to the amount of a mortgage is not worth it for most. Many also don’t want to go the in class route of 4 to 6 years of post-graduate studies either.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2023
    RFValve likes this.
  9. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    Everytime someone posts a 200 bucks degree, it generates more than 40 pages of discussions like this one. Yes, I hated to pay 50K for my doctorate and would have liked to pay 6K instead but then I would be stuck with a degree that nobody wants to evaluate and people would be calling me a fake, cheater, etc.
    I agree but from the perspective of those that paid the money, you are cheating the system. The person with an aacsb accredited mocks the person with a RA accredited only degree, the person with a traditional RA degree mocks the person with an online RA degree, the person with an RA online degree mocks the person with a DEAC accredited degree, the person with a DEAC degree mocks the person with a propio foreign degree. This is what i observed in this forum, it shows that accreditations are just perceptions and reflect the ego of the people. Im sure some can do perfectly fine with eneb because they have confidence and believe in themselves while others will donithing with their fully accredited degree.
    NotJoeBiden likes this.
  10. tadj

    tadj Well-Known Member

    But there is a difference between enhancing your professional profile with a Spanish "título propio" Master's-level degree (they are specifically aimed at this sort of professional enhancement in Spain!) and attempting to do the same thing with a Mexican "excellent" PhD, an academic degree meant for researchers and academia aspirants. I wouldn't equate these enhancements. A non-official PhD (one that doesn't connect you to the global academic research community) sounds like an oxymoron, at least to me.
  11. cacoleman1983

    cacoleman1983 Well-Known Member

    I’ll be covered with the UCN diploma because that would make my PhD official. However, you make a good point but usually people want a Doctorate online for their on personal accomplishments as well as to set themselves apart for industry work instead of going into academia or research. They also may just want to do some teaching on the side or consulting. Really, the only way to be competitive for academia or research is to go the long traditional route. Those who pursue Doctorates that are fully accredited and are online still won’t be competitive on the market for academia or research as their traditionalist counterparts.
  12. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    They normally should get a positive evaluation. The first ones to be evaluated get positive, the problem is when WES gets flooded with ENEB or Azteca requests for evaluations. WES then checks and realizes that the reason for hundreds of requests is that these degrees are being sold at a very low price. They then stop evaluating them because they know this will upset their million dollar customers that send them thousands of evaluations for graduate admissions every year.

    About 25 years ago, I started my academic career as a distance learning instructor for few DETC now DEAC accredited schools. At least at the time, the schools would pay me peanuts (1K per course) and most of the work was multiple choice questions with few written assignments for which most instructors would just give As. There is no much difference between this experience and an ENEB experience, I don't know about Azteca but probably should be similar to the ENEB experience. From the ethical perspective, the graduate in my opinion gets a similar experience than those people that completed DEAC degrees, but then there is the business perspective that just conflicts with the interests of those that do not want foreign providers to take their market. WES knows this and plays the game, they don't say that Azteca or UCN are not accredited, they just say that the will not evaluate them to avoid the conflict that it is not the same.

    You did nothing wrong by enrolling in this program, at the time it made sense but you were not aware of the political game of education. Education is business and accreditations play a big role on it. People put too much weight on them and this is the point of them, the accreditations give value to the degrees and people then are willing to pay enough money to make it a business. But now you have ENEB, CLEA, Azteca, San Miguel etc that want to enter in the market with very low cost. If I was getting paid 1K in the US to grade papers, ENEB is probably paying 50 bucks to a PhD in Venezuela to do the same. The result is the ability to offer degrees at 100 bucks, if they automate with AI maybe even lower, the PhD from Venezuela might just run AI on thousands of assignments and grade them in matter of minutes, this makes them dangerous to the American market so do not expect WES to accredit them anytime soon.

    I received an email from Masstercursos, they are telling me that WES used to give positive evaluations to CLEA degrees but no longer the case. They are telling me that they are working to get the positive evaluations reinstated but I don't hope too much about it for the same reasons that I explained before.
    NotJoeBiden likes this.
  13. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    I agree. But many just get them for ego reasons, many executives just want the letters to they can use it in their business cards. Then you have the health care market, like the psychotherapist that wants the PhD just to attract more customers (already holding a license based on previous qualifications).
    There is also the adjunct market, many just want to put PhD in a CV to remain in business.
    People are buying these qualifications otherwise these schools would be out of business. Azteca actually has expanded its business so they seem to be doing fine.
  14. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    If enough people get wind of their and their partner's customer service issues re: diplomas etc - and their extortion tactics, as detailed here at DI, - that'll be the end of that!
  15. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    It is a business, at some point when people cannot longer use these degrees, they will shut down but maybe by then they have enough cash and open a DEAC accredited school in the US.
  16. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Only a marginal possibility of that happening... I think. It's been said (and proven) here at DI that back in the day, DETC (now DEAC) was known to have accredited schools that did terrible things - right up until the day of accreditation. But that was then - this is now. Different folks running the show. But yeah -- you never know for sure. We'll see.
    Rich Douglas, Mac Juli and Dustin like this.
  17. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    Remember University of Atlanta?

    This was a resurrection of Barrington University, a school that makes look Azteca as Harvard. It came back as a DETC accredited school but shut down as they were doing also similar things as Azteca by outsourcing degrees to Chinese and other offshore schools. They printed probably thousands of diplomas before it was shut down. So much for the DETC accreditation.
  18. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Of course I remember. How can I ever forget? What was left of Barrington (known as a degree mill) was sold and re-branded as U, of Atlanta in 2008. It subsequently acquired DETC accreditation and later lost it. I read somewhere - I think from a Middle Eastern source - that after they had lost DETC accreditation, they were linked to Axact (Pakistan) - the fraud operation with over 300 "schools." I gave this school "honourable mention" in the Axact thread as one of three or four US-based schools reported to be on Axact's Rolodex.

    Right - the best thing I can call that accreditation is a colossal, disastrous mistake. It was also accredited at some point by ASIC International, with premier status.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2023
  19. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Despite this, I think overall, DEAC makes pretty good choices these days, e.g. Quantic U. Among recent additions, I particularly like Newlane, Nexford and WorldQuant Universities. Among long-established DEAC schools I think my favourite is Harrison Middleton U.
    Dustin likes this.
  20. tadj

    tadj Well-Known Member

    Exactly. People can do perfectly fine with ENEB, even as a stand-alone degree. I've recently seen a profile of a professor and curriculum developer at Conestoga College (School of Business faculty), a fine Canadian public community college, who has this degree. If you type "Universidad Isabel I" and "Conestoga" in a search engine, you can see the profile of the person. It looks like the $200 degree was a good investment for him.

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