Hypocrisy of UN!

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Lerner, Sep 18, 2024.

  1. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    The UN cornered the market on hypocrisy once again with another anti-lsrael vote during its General Assembly today
    They approved a Palestinian proposal calling for sanctions and an arms embargo against the State of Israel with the support of 124 countries.
    They refuse to call for the release of all Israeli hostages, they refuse to call for the elimination of terrorist organizations, they don't call for the security of the only Jewish state In the world which is the only democracy in the Middle East, and finally they side directly with terrorism. A shame and a disgrace! Much appreciation to the 14 sane countries that remain loyal to truth and justice, in a world soaked in hatred, hypocrisy, and antisemitism!
  2. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    It is sad but unfair, I believe, to label it antisemitism. Perhaps for a few countries but the main issue is the mass destruction in Gaza. Almost all buildings destroyed, the people living like rats, children being blown up and killed. It is horrible to see and really needs to stop. Nothing is being accomplished by continuing the bombing except making Israel look bad in the eyes of the world and recruiting of new future terrorists.
  3. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    No normal person would be indifferent to civilian casualties of war. Israel was pushed multiple times, and each time they stopped the war in Gaza, exactly because of the density of population and Terrorists hiding and shooting at Israeli children among the civilians, and shooting from civilian locations.
    Civilian suffering on all sides.
    Gazans are some voluntary Hamas, others are involuntary hostages of Hamas.

    Things would have been better for Gazans if Israeli hostages were back home and Hamas gone.
    Europe is sold out almost completely, most TV and cable news are anti-Israel, propaganda.
  4. Mac Juli

    Mac Juli Well-Known Member

  5. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    Every one who traveled this summer to Europe, and stayed in hotels, shared what they saw.
    Austria Viena, Prague, Budapest, Paris, if you find English speaking news channel it's El-Jazera or similar. Only one report was that there was CNN.
    That's what I hear, and read.
    The biggest migration of Jews to Israel is from France.
    Soon most Jews will leave(escape) France. French don't have an escape route.
  6. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    How bad it must be for Jews in France, if they escape to Israel, wich is in war time.
  7. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    The anti-Israel protests are sweeping the world and many countries are turning their backs on Israel. Sometimes, it seems like the whole world is against it. But let's sort things out for a moment - look at this anti-lsrael protest in Berlin. I want to give you an assignment: find at least one German among them.. My point is that most of the protests globally, are led by migrants. The problem is that they violently manage to make noise, attract locals, and put pressure on leaders, leading them to act against Israel. Bottom line - it's not that the world is against Israel, the same anti-lsrael migrants who voice loud opposition against Israel, will tomorrow voice their opposition on the European countries and the US. And only then, the world will understand their plight... Then those countries will understand that Israels war against terrorism and the supporters of terrorism, promotes a global interest!


    Last edited: Sep 22, 2024
  8. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    I'm not an immigrant. Now I wouldn't characterize myself as having turned my back on Israel but I've definitely turned my back on Netanyahu and his fellow ruling puppet masters. I am close to turning my back on Israel because I think Israel's government is broken and that the war in Gaza must stop and the remaining hostages need to come home. If our government decided to force this by withholding military supply shipments to Israel then I would support that move. I believe that the current mess in Gaza is hurting Israel in the world and is making Israel look really really bad. The Palestinians in Gaza have had almost all of their homes and buildings destroyed and they are living like rats. The war in Gaza is not a war on terrorism anymore. It is not gaining anything. It is nothing but empty revenge and self serving grasping onto power by Netanyahu.
  9. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    Hamas is determined to kill its own people.
    I think Israel is going to need all the possible support, as the war in the North with Hezbollah who tied themselves to Gaza is escalating to what can be regional war.
    I have no effect on what is being done there, but the Israeli government is the ones who need to make the decisions on how to defend the Israelis.
    It's their primary responsibility to defend their people.

    MSNBC interview with former PM Bennett. Morning Joe” (4/6/24)
  10. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Watching old interviews seems like a complete waste of time to me. It is a much different situation now than 5 months ago.
  11. NotJoeBiden

    NotJoeBiden Active Member

    How many more innocent people need to be killed by the IDF to ensure this unelaborated “security” for Israel? We are at 42,000 as of now. How many more do you want?
  12. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    To be fair, many of the 42,000 are not innocent. The IDF estimates that about 10,000 are Hamas terrorists. Also I'll point out before Lerner has a chance that Hamas mixes with the civilian population to try to hide and protect themselves from the IDF. So higher civilian casualties should be expected.

    Now for the more important info, ;), I assume that you are not an immigrant? I'm just trying to expose Lerner's strange and "silly" statement about primarily it's immigrants (Arab/Palestinian/etc.) that are bothered by Israel's continued bombing and killing in Gaza.
  13. NotJoeBiden

    NotJoeBiden Active Member

    Okay, let’s say Israel is right. That is still 30,000+ murdered innocent civilians within the open-air prison that is Gaza. Mind you, the lack of targeting by the IDF has led to numerous Israeli and American hostage deaths. This indiscriminate bombing is killing the exact people Netanyahu claims he is trying to save!

    As a result, (and I think this ties in to your point) non-immigrant Israeli citizens are furious that their fellow citizens are being murdered by their own government!

    I ask Lerner, how many more people should be murdered in the name of peace?
  14. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    No one is murdered, killed during war, in Gaza, what Hamas did in Israel that was murdering.
    First, Israel is fighting Hamas and other terrorists that been shooting rockets at Israel and, simply, want to kill Israel.
    They, the Hamas and Iran, and Muslim Brotherhood, developed a very good propaganda worldwide to deceive people.
    Infiltrated most Universities and been engaged in harassing Israelis for a very log time, it's a part of their political Jihad.
    Hamas is using Gazan people, their own brothers and sisters, their own cousins and uncles etc., as human shields. So out of 41,000 reported killed, about 25,000( Bill prefers the hamas health ministry #s- ask him why)are Hamas terrorists, and estimated another 10,000 are man of fighting age. The rest are people who got killed in a war that Hamas started and among whom Hamas is hiding, shooting etc, Hamas turned schools, day care centers in to command locations, munition centrs. And built tunnels in last 16 years, that will take years to destroy..
    So the answer to your question is with another question.
    How many more people Hamas wants to be killed in Gaza? IF you think Mexico for example attacked the same way US, there wouldn't be cities leveled in Mexico, think again.
    Noe, if hostages released, and Hamas no longer a military arm that runs Gaza, there wouldn't be any people killed in Gaza.
    Israel continues to fight Hamas as long as Hamas wants to re-take control, re-arm and continue killing Israelis.
    Israel stopped in previous operations, when they could have defeated these terrorists, but this time, they are taking it further, because the monsters that are running Gaza need to be destroyed.
    Security and peace will be answered with security and peace.
    Ask Hamas and their allies how many more people they want to be killed?
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2024
  15. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

  16. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    Bill, most of these protests are led by those "migrants", wake up look at the videos. I looked at the one form Germany and couldn't find anyone who didn't look like someone from Syria or other Islamist country.
    Also, I would like to challenge your #s, what you stated is inaccurate, Israel estimates that 50% are Hamas and other terrorists and another 10,000 are man of fighting age.
    What you mentions is more aligned with Hamas health ministry statements.
    As to Gaza civilians toll, it' hard to prevent, especially when they store munitions and weapons under 10-year-old girl bed. Or convert "school" in to Hamas depot.
  17. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    As I understand it, you are not being rational. You're claiming that some videos you've seen prove that almost all protesters are migrants. That doesn't make sense. You are not a reporter doing research. You are just some fellow that has looked at a few random videos. It doesn't prove anything. You didn't interview people you see in the video and they say that they are migrants. You don't know if the videos you've seen is a good representation of all the protesters. YOU ARE NOT A REPORTER. You are instead a highly biased individual apparently making up stuff on the Internet.

    Many months ago you went on the same unfounded rant about the death toll numbers. Your article to support your false assertions was a completely irrelevant article written soon after October 7. I presented two articles. One by a highly reliable unbiased source that did a detailed analysis of the death toll estimates by the Hamas health ministry. They found the numbers completely credible and concluded that the actual numbers were much higher because the Hamas health ministry didn't count bodies buried in the rubble that hadn't been uncovered. The second article that I presented was a highly biased pro-Israel source that did an analysis of the numbers and their only complaint was about the ratio of men to woman and children. They didn't mention one peep about the overall total estimates. If you want to revisit that question then present something besides just your own unsupported biased already disproven opinion.

    In your response to NotJoeBiden you make comments about Hamas not caring about the IDF killing Palestinians, I say SO WHAT? I think we all agree that Hamas is a horrible terrorist organization. That doesn't mean that it is okay for the IDF to be the same is it?
  18. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    Here is what I stated:

    My point is that most of the protests, globally, are led by migrants.
    Some of the one in Germany were 100% migrant attendees. Other protests also led by migrants and their operatives, but they do succeed to deceive many locals to join.
    I don't need to be a reporter in order to post my opinion, it's solid, and I think I'm on the right side of the truth.
    There are those who need Michigan Islamist votes, who cave to the ones that want to destroy and despise the democracy.
    IN other response, what I'm saying is that Hamas is sacrificing the civilians in Gaza, same as a person who commits a suicide by police.
    They provoke police to fire on them.
    Israel is not targeting civilians, Israel is fighting the monsters Hamas, who sacrifice their own civilians, so people in the world hate Israel, this is their propaganda and it affects many people.
    Same in Lebanon, HEzbollah is shooting misliles and rockets on Israel for 11 months, Israel is retaliating and taking their lounchers and misiles down, the first thing that Israeli Army did was to warn the civilians to evacuate, from areas where rockets and misiles are lounched from.

    Same tactic, the wrold is silent as if hezbollah doesent exist, and propoganda is against Israel.
  19. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

  20. NotJoeBiden

    NotJoeBiden Active Member

    The IDF is killing indiscriminately. You just admitted they killed over 10,000 “men of fighting age”. This is just another way to say innocent people! Since when can you kill a young man for existing?

    They also have killed numerous hostages in their untargeted strikes.

    If the Israeli military does not have the restraint not to kill innocent people then that lies with them, nobody else.

    Israeli citizens are standing up because they see what is happening. At this rate, all the hostages will be killed by the IDF, and then what? What is the goal here?

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