If men, white or otherwise, were that terrified of women with power, white or otherwise, Nancy Pelosi wouldn't be the Speaker-in-waiting of the House, Ann Richards would never have been governor of Texas, and Condi Rice would never have been Secretary of State. I referred to Hillary Clinton not because she is female, but because she is the presumptive front runner for the Democratic nomination for the 2008 presidential cycle, and thus the ideal foil for Lou. -=Steve=-
I've meanst no disrepect toward any race. In the last 10-15 years, women has been making a breakthrough to occuppied higher offices, in fact, Ceo's images has been changing. Slowly but surely changes are happing. I was watching Glen Beck the other day (I don't like the dude) and a caller call in and stated that the women place are in the kitchen and with the children. This caller went on to say that he was a christian and it was against G** law. Wow, I said to myself, are we in America or the middle east. By the way, don't let those appointments by the Presidents fool you. That was a great opportunity to get thier name in history claiming they were the first. Nancy senority gave her the opportunity.
If we impeach and convict Cheney first, Bush appoints a new VP, subject to the advice and consent of the Senate. If we impeach and convict Bush first, Pres Cheney appoints a new VP, subject to the advice and consent of the Senate. Either way, a Repub fills out the current term.
The trick is to force Dick Cheney out with the threat of impeachment and investigation. Bush will select a VP who will pardon Bush if convicted and maybe Cheney. I do believe Bush will be impeached but convicted, that's a hard one. What do you think?
and fair game for sure...i have no problem with that. the fact that she is a women doesnt faze me at all..the fact that she hold leftest views does...but thats fair game too...and some people want to give her a pass because she is a gal is the definition of sexist.... Impeach for???They need a real case, and misleading about the war wont work. Even if he did know saddam wasnt holdin, and i dont think he did, they had clear evidence form multiple sources so theya re at worst wrong...i think the grand delay people insisted on gave saddam ample time to move whatever he had...and let not forget that we found canisters that would have contained gas at the time of the war..
Yeah. Let's wait and see. I think a lot of facts will come out on there own. Especially many of the misdeeds that led this country into war. Certain memos come to mind. The Dems have much more power to subpoena/investigate now. Before, they were often times relegated to meeting in the basement of the Whitehouse! So far, we have only been able to see what the media exposes, or what the Prez decided he wanted us to see. Here are my two cents. Investigate, expose, then let the American people decide what they want. If they want impeachment, they will say so! I think the best thing to do is let the facts hang this Adminstration on their own. Then if they question the Baby Bush, they can inject a few unrelated questions, just for the fun of it. Of course, I do not think they will have to resort to those tactics in this case. Above all, they should not push it, let the people demand it! Having said that, many Americans realized what the Gengrich era Republicans did to Clinton. Rove tactics were employed by Baby bush, and the people have finally expressed their discontent. Proof of this is Baby Bush's desire to revert to consult with his Fathers advisors, duh!! Dont whine to hard my fellow Republicans and libertarians! God bless America!!!! Abner
Hey lou, I just reread steve post and it stated "she is the presumptive front runner for the Democratic nomination for the 2008 presidential cycle, and thus the ideal foil for Lou". Is that statement for you? Whoeee, nah, (LOL) it look like we're going to have fun over the next two years. You're right everything is fair game. By the way, I start studying for the ICCP courses next month. I would appreciates all the help I can get. Thanks!
I think you're a loon. Have you not noticed that radical Islam is cheering the Democrat's victory? Doesn't that tell you something?
Steve did make me feel special!!! Good luck on the ICCP...Man the credit benefits are incredible. I took some of the demo tests, and they were not too touch. It really depends on the vendors style of testing...
Hey..you guys have the majority of whine stock..not all, but most .sorry but its true..how many repulicains do you see on the street corner wasting peoples time???? Conservatives are usually at work...lol... cant disagree with last statment...we need all the divine intervention we can get....
Well, thank you very much sir. Time will tell. As for the exuberant, perhaps, the family of lost members are happy. Again, time will tell.
As far as I can see, libertarians and the Republican Party no longer have anything in common. I remember in 1994 when the Gingrich revolution was seen by libertarians as a victory. Since then, Republican warmongering, incontinent spending, and outright hostility for civil liberties has made a Democrat takeover of Congress seem like a libertarian respite. Anyway, at least now we'll have gridlock. As far as impeachment, I don't think so, even though the Administration lied like dogs about the reason to invade Iraq. Bush's punishment will more likely just be to be remembered along with Buchanan, Grant, and Harding as one of the worst presidents in history. And Rice isn't Secretary of State because she's a token. She's in that position because she's genuinely part of the Bush cabal and has been for a long time.
Libertarians as a whole are not happy with the current crowd. We are genuinely conservative constitutionalist...so you are right on there..and the spending has turned alot of people off. Also the increase in intelletigence is always scarey to those who dont trust them... As for impeachment..I would encourage people really want this and think its good for the country to hold their breath....Even if you hate his guts, and many do, the best thing is to let it ride out and he will be gone in 2 years...You cant argue about intelligence that is classified in court so it is all moot anyway because if the did lie, and im not admiting that htey did, then they will hid behind the fact that it is secret...good luck... As for token minorities...i think if you analyze it republicains are much kinder to blacks as a whole. IF you want successful hardworking people who have conservative values. How many minorities did Clinot have in his Cabinet?? Thats what i thought. Now is she part of the "cabal"...maybe but isnt everyone in the cabinet always a presdential flunky regardless of who teh pres is?? Just because most of his cabinet are not inditeted or dead like ole' Bills dont pick on them...heheheh How many were inditited..like 14 or 15?
In case you guy had missed it. Daddy Bush was being interviewed by Larry kings a while back. Larry looked into Daddy eye and stated "I understand there's a rumor that you didn't want Ms Rice to be Secty of State." Guess what Daddy answer was? Clinton did have minorities in his cabinet. A midget, blacks and women. Read Abner post. He hit it right on the button. Conduct normal investigations, find out what need to be found out and let the american people decides. There are bloggers, forums all across the country requesting inquiries and impeachment. Frauds are very prevalents in the defense area. Let see who know whats? There are missing weapons, who has them? Mercenaries are running amok? I could go on all day. Somebody is going down....
Couldn't agree more. I got out and voted for the least detestable candidates of my choice. Was excited to see that a bunch of power-hungry, out of touch millionaire politicians got replaced by a different bunch of power-hungry, out of touch millionaire politicians.
i was listening to a certain conservative, but non republicain, radio host and he most graciously pointed out that we live in an alogarchy (spell), or ruled by the rich..It was more than a little funny to see ole' nancy scream about corruption and appoint the corrupt....anyone who thinks its any different has really lost perspective...and the funny think is, right or wrong (or is it left? grin) pretty much everyone here agrees that they are all crooked and not worth another breath... Its is nice to have common ground...
I expect he said oligarchy, although as that article points out rule specifically by the rich would be plutocracy. Or, as a friend of mine put it, the biggest pieces float to the top. -=Steve=-
Not trying to offend anyone I hate political correctness...that is why we are in the situation we are in today. People need to take ownership of the direction of their own lives and stop blaming others. Living in the past is being a "slave" to things we have no control over and cannot change. I get sick of hearing about "that the Americans", espcially the white Americans started slavery. No President in the USA ever started this human slave trade and holding slaves. I am not an expert on the matter, but history shows that slavery was started in Africa and the Middle East. The Egyptians were slave owners and and so too African societies captured and held other African people as slaves and traded them for gold, food, etc. So go back to the roots of slavery to cast blame. Slavery still exists in Africa today. It is fortunate that the "White Americans" after many years begin to see all humans as equals and not property and stopped this practice. Besides, the majority of whites did not own slaves. Whites were ignorant in believing Africans were not equals, but that was part of culture back then. When Chiefs of African tribes had other Africans caught and enslaved and sold them for trinkets, jewelery, liquor, gold, silver, then how would you expect people from other countries to perceive the situation. If you don't know any better, how can you cast blame. Enlightenment and coming to know others over time helped us overcome the culture of slavery here. There will always be racist on all sides. But this is not the majority of people thank goodness. I rather accept someone than just tolerate. Differences are wonderful with the exceptions of Muslims. It is clear from their teachings that if you ain't Muslim then you should be dead. When a culture has that mentality, then I will not accept or tolerate such a culture. And, maybe things happen for a reason. If it was not for slavery being brought to the USA, many Blacks who benefited from early education here would not have been here to invent things or to discover things that have made life better for the world. They could have continued to live in the desserts of Africa. I refer you to George Washington Carver as a case in point. Think of the things we would be without if it were not for him and his research. He was an OUTSTANDING man.