Hello..... Geez, these snippets are crazy. Why can't anybody stop criticizing the Democrats before they have an opportunity to fall on thier face, if they do. What are you Republicans afraid of? Are there anything that you want the Democrats to do? I tell you what, why don't somebody (Republicans) list some positive things that the Democrats can do. Now, was that hard????
Jimmy Carter tried to legalize pot...untill some dumba$$ on his cabinet got caught doing coke in his federal office.....Had to change his position in a quick hurry, but it was brave... Thats probably my nicest comment about the real worst president in the history of the world...lol Charlie Rangle SAYS he want to get rid of the guarranteed minimum tax. That is huge, and I will be a fan for a little bit if he goes through with it...
I am the one who'd called Bush a crook. As far as the other crooks both (Democrats and Republicans) I did not includes them because my focus is on Bush. We can go all day comparing crooks but that not what my statement is about. Also, you stated that you like Russ Limbargh and Glenn Beck, wow, that is very, very, very scary
Little typo on the rush point..I "cant" listen, not "can"...apologizes.. But hey...whats wrong with Glenn? Not like he is a nut like Al Fraken, and he has ratings too...lol
Well shower me with some love...I need the energy to do battle...lol Hey, these are good guys who love their country and what they believe it stands for. If not they wouldnt stand here and take abuse from me. Miss guided...yes. Bad guys, no....
Ok well here we go...Integrity at work Click Here So now can i officially critize them as promise breakers???
I'm glad you said that. As a libertarian I end up disagreeing with just about everyone, but I realize that people can honorably disagree about these issues without being commies or Nazis. -=Steve=-
With the developments in Iran and North Korea, why would anyone with half a brain be against this??? Even with the techical challenges, it seems like a worthwhile effort considering the changes we are seeing in the world. I mean for people who want to stay home and mind out own business, why wouldnt they want to make us capable of defending ourselves... Sorry, this is a story about the Ds plans to gut the new Anti-Missle system....Levin...Reminds me of the Penguin from Batman..lol I have never seen this news source before but here goes Click Here
Steve, I'm not sure what's a Libertarian is but I like when you said we should be able to disagree honorably without being label. I do have a question? Since American Companies have been investing in China, Korea, Iran, etc., why are we complaining when we give American dollars to these countries and help them become more powerful?
Typcially, and this has worked, if we make enemies financially depended and more "western" or capitalist in nature they tend to want to blow us up less because they need us. IMHO of course...... If you think about it Democracy and Capitalism in a private market breeds peace. If people pick there leaders, own their stuff, and have a shot at a better life then we face fewer problems because they simply have something to lose... and for your other questions.. Libertarians are traditionally constitutional conseravtive that have a very strict interpetation of the constituion. This tends to piss of both Republicains and Democrats because both side have real issues.... For example.. -The federal govt has no power to regulate illegal drugs, and the current law is an abuse of interstate commerce clause. -There is no right to privacy, and in Roe v. Wade the supreme court overreached and created a right we did not have. If thy can add on then they can remove one. Its up to me and you to modify the constitution not a judge. -There is no constitutional law regarding gay marriage, purely a state issue. Really, marriage as a whole should be banned (lol, hold the jokes) and replaced with a system of civil contract availible to everyone. ( i hear religious conservative moaning) -The bill of right is not debatable, and some right cannot be infringed. They are all equally important, so your right to free speach and assembly are no more important than my right to bear arms. (WHy did washington and jefferson have cannon on their property during their civilian lives?) I think i managed to piss everyone off there..did i leave anyone out... The point is that the constitution really is not a living document except that WE are living and hvae the ability to chage it, not judges, not politiciains, not clergy...me and you... AND, if you are part of a third party, IMHO your free to critize. I think that because both sides undeniably carry BS hypcritical baggage that they have no ground to stand on for just about any issue...If your liberal become a green or socialist. At least your position we be more respected because democrate politicians are full of you kow what....just like the republicains... They only other part of that debate is what happens if libertarians and greens obtained power..would they fall to the same negative influances???
Lou, Well, well, what do you know? You pretty much summed it up. Perhaps, it's time to add another party. Umm, what should we call it? I don't want the Government in my life, I don't want to pay taxes and not have a say on how my taxes is being spent. As far as the political parties that we currently have, I guess I'm a little of all of them. Does this make me confused?
Naaa...Really the politicians on both sides wait for people like me adn you to battle it out before they will make a stand on anything...and then they do a good job of riding the fence.... The only problem with 3rd parties is getting elected. But if you could get 2 or 3 independents in the congress, they could split it up and make it real interesting...
Ok..well this has been dead a bit, so how bout some honest debate....Should someone who fails a High School level World Current Events class be in charge of the House Intelligence(NOT!)? Read CNN Story Here Help me out, but I would think that a person who was in charge of an imporant task as this would have some knowledge about the topic??? As with both sides....Politics plays front seat to substance...
I found the incident quite disturbing. But very few politicians actually know anything about the subject matter relating to the positions to which they are appointed. Scary!
I would be more concerned with whether that individual was subsequently able to pass a college or grad school level class on Modern World Conflicts.
Unfortunatly this is common for them....plus it hard to tell when they are playing stupied... for example... last year the immigration bill in the Senate called for a tax collection effort. The Senate cannot propose new taxes, only the house wieghs and means. Poli Sci 101 stuff...It may have been a poison pill...or they are too dumb to be in office...either is scarey...