It is time to clean house, or should I say both houses of Congress. We definately need a change. Time to get out the vote.
Neither party is worthwhile. Gridlock is the best result Americans can reasonably expect. At least it looks like that will happen, at least for the next two years. -=Steve=-
So, what you're saying in essence, that a split congress and senate will be acceptable? I guess we do need some way to curb the Bush/Cheny dictatorships power on the people. After all, we the people are powerless.
To compare ANY US President to a dictator is reprehensible, and an insult to those who have suffered under true dictators. Compare Bush to Saddam Hussein among a group of Kurds, or compare Bush to Hitler among Holocaust survivors, and see the reaction you get.
I believe you may have your history wrong. Any presidents in my book who allowed slavery, put oil for profit over the lives of our soldiers (I'd lost two brothers in Vietnam), lied to the people is guilty of treason. Why are you comparing Bush to these sick people? After all, Bush is in his own company. I could go on all day about the reprehensible things some of our presidents has done. So please, spare me the rhethorics.
I don't think so. Go back and read some history yourself, and when you can prove that any US President committed genocide, then get back to me. Until then, your argument is intellectually bankrupt, and the ranting of an extremist. You want rhetoric? Look in the mirror, my friend. The fact you would even compare Bush to people like Saddam Hussein, Adolph Hitler, and Benito Mussolini just makes you look like a complete jackass. It would be funny, if the subject weren't so serious. Answer me this - Would you stand in front of a group of Kurds and/or Holocaust survivors, and compare President Bush to Hussein or Hitler? It's a "Yes" or "No" question.
You gotta be kidding me. I've never compared Bush to those sick people. Perhaps, you should reread my response. You wouldn't put Slavery in the Genocide category? How about the aids crisis? The syphilis experiment done on the black people in the south. The sterilization experiment done on the Puerto Rican women in Puerto Rico. We're talking no more than 50 years ago. Of course, these atrocities are just a few being mentioned. The only different is the amount of people affected. I 'm not going to have a contest on who killed or maimed the most. To me the amount is not important, what's really important is that these crimes had occurred. Yes, I do look in the mirrow and believe me I like what I see. Ok, now that's out the way, how about King George, Queen Dick and Lord Donald. I almost forgot about the Genocide of the Native Americans.
Bush has limited authority. There are checks that will not allow him to proceed as a dictator. His term ends in two years. Also, developed countries are well armed to defend themselves against a fictional US dictator and government . No missiles are needed. They would simply destroy our economy. Saddam and Hitler can not be compared to our president. These two dictators had absolute power in their country. Hitler wanted to conquer to world and almost did. Saddam was no different. However, he was stopped early and checked before. I am not fond of bush and the ambitions set forth by his administration. However, the man is not a dictator. After bush leaves the white house, he'll probably head to his ranch, drink beer, smoke a cigar, and live the rest of his life in peace. The public will soon forget about bush and focus on the next president.
Really? Then what did you mean when you wrote; It seems pretty clear to me, you think Bush is a dictator, which places him in the company of Hussein, Hitler, and Mussolini. Your words, sport. And, words mean things.
I was just being pretentious. It's funny how you referred to Hussein, Hitler, and Mussolini but none of the Kings that reigned in Europe. Also, I did provided you with some of the crimes committed against humanity and you chose to ignored it. That's ok I understand.
I agreed with you for the most part. But I believe history will show that Bush had violated the constitution and acted in his own self interest.
Geez, lighten up. I believe the reference to a “dictatorship” was a colloquial one. You extended the reference to Hitler et al. by taking it literally. Bush is a sad excuse for a president, but he’s not Hitler.
That's my point....serious allegations like that shouldn't be thrown out as an afterthought. Words mean things.
Hell! I wouldn't shed any tears. They went after Clinton for a Blow Job. I guess they couldn't get him on anything else? I am sure they have not lost any sleep over trying to bring down a man and his family over a personal matter. Thats the Christian way I guess. Abner
Actually, "they" went after Clinton because he committed perjury, which is a major-league felony. Oh, wait.......he only lied about sex, right? Try this one on for size;
Technically, you are correct Bruce. I question the whole motivation that led up that witch hunt, however. And now that the tables are turned, we wouldn't want to investigate possible lies that led is into Iraq? I am not even saying I desire Bush to be impeached. However, if he was (which I doubt), once I again, I would not cry about it. Take care buddy! Just my humble opinion. Abner