Go Democrats!

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by JamesT, Nov 7, 2006.

  1. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    The big question, however, is why some warped excuse of a lawyer is allowed to ask about whether one has ever had a bj when he's supposed to be investigating a real estate deal that apparently had some sort of financial shenanigans involved.
  2. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Gridlock is the best that any real American should hope for (and, thankfully, that's exactly what we've got now, as of the inauguration of the new Congress)!
  3. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    However, checks and balances tend to work a whole lot better when each of the major parties has control of at least one of the three branches of government. The Repubs still have both the White House and the Supreme Court, and they have had control of Congress for the first six years of Bush2.
  4. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    Exactly my point. Oh well, they had their fun. Past history I suppose.

    Abner :)
  5. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    It goes to credibility, Ted. If you'll perjure yourself about getting a blowjob, it's reasonable to assume you'll perjure yourself about anything else, especially serious crimes.

    During a domestic violence case, a defense lawyer once asked me if I ever used cocaine. That had nothing whatsoever to do with the case, but the judge allowed it.

    And no, I never have. :cool:
  6. wannabeit

    wannabeit New Member

    really got to ask you this. It seemed you are a Bush fan. Do you honestly believe that Bush had never lied to the American people? Please, please enlighten us. Now here is my 2 cents. Yes, perjury is a crime. Everyone that I know had lied about cheating on thier wife. (I have never cheated on my wife)

    Some people would argued that it would be better not to admit adultery to keep from hurting your love one. But to compared the lies committed by Clinton over a BJ to Bush continous lies affecting our constitution seemed absurd. I know you are going to ask me what lies your buddy has committed and if you do, I will know where you're coming from. Remember, you compared my statement to the 2 H and M. Talking about extremist, spare me.
  7. wannabeit

    wannabeit New Member

    As much as I want this dirtbag to be impeach. I honestly don't believe the Democrat has the gut to do it. As we already know, the Democrat are painted as the wimp party.
  8. wannabeit

    wannabeit New Member

    I've done cocaine and I'm happy to say that I am a very happy recovery addict who'd been clean for 19 years. Now that's honesty.
  9. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    The Democrats don't have the votes to successfully impeach and convict. Now, in the House, they have 228 votes, ten votes more than the 218 votes they need for articles of impeachment (charges) to be brought, given that for that one would only need a simple majority of 218-217. However, in the Senate, they would need a two-thirds majority, or 67-33, to convict, whereas the Dems only have 51 Senators. Where do you find 16 Republicans willing to bolt from their party in order to cannibalize Bush? Remember, too, if Bush gets impeached and convicted, we would then have (gasp!) President Cheney (unless, of course, Cheney has the stupidity to go hunting with someone equally as incompetent as himself). :rolleyes:
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2006
  10. wannabeit

    wannabeit New Member

    Ted, I'm inclined to agree with you. I've never expected Bush to be convicted because of the republican reluctant to do the right thing. But here's a scary thought. Conduct an investigation and find out how much money Bush, Cheney, friends and families made off of the deceitful lies told to the American people. Talking about serious conflict of interest. Now in my imaginary world, what would happen if Cheney is proved to be a crook and a liar. If both Bush and Cheney are convicted and impeach, who do you think is next in line for the presidency? I can almost assure you Hillary will be pissed because she would be denied being the first woman president. Nah, I don't think Nancy would do anything to piss Hillary off.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2006
  11. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    Where did you get that idea? I voted for Alan Keyes in the 2000 primary. I did vote for Bush in the 2000 & 2004 general elections, simply because the alternatives were frightening. I'm not a big fan of George W. Bush.

    I believe EVERY US President has lied to the American people. It comes with the territory. Committing perjury brings things to a completely different level.

    It's not only a crime, it's a major felony. One of the few crimes where you can expect to do serious prison time for a first offense. Look no further than the case of Boston Police Officer Kenny Conley, convicted of perjury in Federal court because the jury thought he saw something he didn't. He was facing 34 months in Federal prison before his conviction was overturned, and he's now back on the police department;


    Simply lying is a moral conundrum. Lying while under oath is a serious crime.

    If you really want to get into that, how about the aspirin factory that Bubba blew-up to distract attention from his perjury "over a BJ"??
  12. wannabeit

    wannabeit New Member

    Bruce, you know I can never win an argument with you. But I do appreciates you engaging in a debate of different issues and allowing us to disagree without being disagreeable. I would like to add however, that I believe history will show how some people had gotten away with lying and ripping the american people off. But what do I know, I'm just an angry boy who couldn't get invited to the good old boy network and capturalized on making some of that money.
  13. lspahn

    lspahn New Member

    Clinton wasnt in trouble over a BJ..it was the perjuiry..no reasonable person is against BJs (me included), but at the time he lied there were 47 other people in jail for the exact same thing. Equal protection right???

    It amazes me the amount of misunderstanding that people have on the americain political system. There are free materials availible for the basic Americain Govt for all those who dont have a clue.... Understand the system before you critize those in it. The most insanly mad i have been in years is when the Senate set up a tax structure for the immigration bill. THEY CAN COLLECT MONEY, only the house. So its not just people here, its the clowns in DC too...

    As for the election...The Republcains lost because they acted like democrates and spent money like drunken sailors. The Dems won because they claimed to be conseravtive enough for middle america. The beauty of allof this is it is time to put up or shut up. They can no longer blame everyone else and cry like school children. I pray the tell us what they think It will be a long two years, but people will open there eyes...

    IMHO of course....
  14. wannabeit

    wannabeit New Member

    That's funny! Republicans in sheep (Democrat) clothing. Here's a tibbit, if the democrat tried to make good on thier promises to the middle class while the Republican fillobuster, caused gridlocks and Bush stonewalled with his veto, who do you think the American people will blame?

    By the way, I'm taking the "American Government" clep tommorrow. Wish me luck.
  15. MrLazy

    MrLazy New Member

    Good luck on your test.

    It works both ways. There have been plenty of times in the past where the republicans have tried to make good on various promises but were filibustered, had to deal with walkouts and a democrat President stonewalled with his veto.

    Both sides have a history of blaming the other party for what was really their fault.
  16. lspahn

    lspahn New Member

    Good luck on your test...know your major precident setting cases. ESCPECIALLY JUDICAL REVIEW 1787.

    I agree...if the republcain behave the way the democrates have for the past 6 years and it is covered by the press as simply antagonistic and progress blocking it wont fly. But the democrates did get away with it for the past 6 years rather well....

    and i am part of that middle class of two parents W/kids and under 70K. Tell me one thing they will do for me??? NOTHING. The average family making 50k a year will pay 1800 more a year in fed taxes up from 1500 to 3300 a year. Thats great..thanks. There is nothing in there agenda for me...well actually there is nothing in there agenda except the usual...higher minimum wage, hurts me, social medicine, hurts me, international butt kissin, hurts me.....Help me out brother, i would love to be more optomistic but i cant..
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 13, 2006
  17. lspahn

    lspahn New Member

    1 more thing...

    Did anyone notice the international celebration???? Lets see

    Socialist Parties in France, Germany, and Spain hailed the dems victory

    Leaders in Hamas, and Hezbo also trumpieted the victory

    Even Al-Sadr's press flunky in Iraq CALLED THEM BROTHERS!!!!

    The Irainian Ayatollah was celebrating!!

    Did you guys get invited to that party, or was it strickly for the mass murderer branch of support?? Just a joke, nut jeez...The only villians left are Hitler, Stalin, and Polpot...

    Just a though, but should be take pause and consider who is happy about this outside the US. Even if you think Bush it a total putz, should you consider that they guy who wants to cut your head off is happy that Bush has less power??? I think the quote is "there will now be less America in the world..."

    How does this escape people? I the opposition here are not murders and terrorist, but if your opinion is support by the vilest people in the world you may want to reconsider or re-examine..

    IMHO of course..
  18. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    World opinion has been decidedly irrelevant to the Bush administration and its Congressional lapdogs. Why should it suddenly matter now?

    Besides, be realistic. It's not like President Clinton will be inviting Moqtada al-Sadr to a state dinner at the White House come 2009. (Afternoon tea, maybe, but that's all.)

  19. lspahn

    lspahn New Member

    The actions and words of cowards and spectators is irrelevant (such as france), but the statements of our enemies shoudl warrent attention..

    You have the same tea party nightmare as me??? Does she have the horns or the tail in your dream??
  20. wannabeit

    wannabeit New Member

    You guys are something else. (LOL)

    I'm not going to pretend that I'm very happy, the truth of the matter I'm not. While the Republican are bragging about the Economy (stock market) who do you really think benefits from it? Yes, the one percenters and they made some serious money but for the rest us I doubted it. The only thing that I ask is give them donkeys a chance and see what happen. Even if the Democrat came true on some of thier promises, the republican will never vote for Hillary. Why is it that white men are afraid of white women with power? Would it made any different if the women were black or hispanic. What is it going to take to have a change in the gender? But I will say this, the next few years will be very interesting because some history will be made. No matter what the democrat do that's postive, the one percenters and thier wannabes will distort the truth and cleverly find a way to get the powers back.

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