Robbie, you left one thing out of your argument. White people were slave since the beginning of time. Why did you leave that out?
The word slave is derived from the word for Slav....just a little historic fact..Not alot of nubian people with slavic backgrounds.... An political correctness is a curtain that evil people use as an effective tool. If you think about it, there is alot of good to say here. What WE (us all as a whole) are saying is that we want to get along, and will try to pay mind to the differences between us and respect them. The "bad guys" use Political correctness as a tool to take advantage of the populus and their good will. Good intentions, just poor results..I think it should be illegal to ask for your sex, race, or age. It doesnt happen because people wont be happy with the results.... The funny thing is the similarities with so called moderate muslims....Where is the outcry. When a person uses a PC issue like race as a BS excuse, or to instigate nonsense like in Duke Rape Case or even OJ, the left should be jumping up and down screaming. Like it the rape case, it underminds the credibility of the arguement. When a Jesse Jackson do something that is crap, libs should be calling him on it. Like when he extorts money out of businesss or gets his son their own franchises... Why is there never any outcry on the left about unfair and disingenuius use of politicial correctness. As for the whole slavery rant..i dunno dude...Id take a deep breath first. Second, set the example. I find solice in the fact that my conservative ideals and practices have help me improve my life on sevral fronts, and that hopefully will serve as an example to people close to me. Liberal, entitlement mentallity will never produce good results. You are recruiting from the bottom of the barrel. Yeah, I said it. But that bottom has no color. When you impelement some govt control like AA then you undermine the whole process, and therefor prioritize the wrong factors. That will always produce one thing. Crap...regardless of the shade.... and while we are on this uncomfortable rant..why doesnt affermative action look out for the poor white guy who goes to the ghetto school and get the same crap education a poor black guy gets? And at the same time, some rich guy like Jesse Jacksons children, who happen to be black as well as rich and went ot private school, get speciall status? Help me out my here liberal friends. Seems like a smart *** might suggest that the policy implies all minorities are and will always be poor... Just a though....
As far as I'm concerned, it doesn't matter what your color is. Poverty affects us all. Every country that you go to, you will see all races in the poverty line. Now, I'm not a bleeding liberal but when the rich get richer and new laws are enacted to curtailed the growth of income among the middle class then I feel that I'm going to get mine by all means neccessary.
U.S. Debt Thank god the change in Congress is coming soon. The U.S. debt is going to make all of us poor if it is not brought under control.
And why would you expect different from them? I mean the last time the CLAIMED to balance the budget they were using tax revenue from the Internet boom which anyone with a quater of a brain knew was completely bogus.. They are all intellectually dishonest with people. Dont expect any better out of them.
Bush President Bush has spent more than all previous Presidents combined and I'm sure their is hidden debt that goes well beyond what is reported. He also has locked us in a war that has no end in site. We will continue paying for his policies in both lives and capital.
Laser, were exactly did you get that figure from???? Im not saying it isnt true, but combined? You are saying the we have spend more in the last 6 than in the previous 20 or even 200? Im digging through snopps now and dont see it. You may be right, I dont know for sure but war is pretty much did it cost to be thrown out of iraq by saddam now that we look back on it? As for no end in sight, we will have to agree to disagree. The probably end for the path you proposing is Burkas and beheadings. No peace without victory. Why would you think that they will play nice if we leave? Please site examples. Good l uck... Thanks
Re: Re: Bush Some genius huh... I'm willing to bet that both Bush and Cheney will go down in history as the biggest crooks that fooled the American people not once, not twice, but many times over.
As long as you include that last crooks in the bunch that statement is fine... The problem isnt that you hate bush, Im fine with that. I just have an issue with the moral and ehtical inconsitancies of Clinton and other that is conveniently overlooked by people. A spade is a spade you know.... And you are right, only history will tell...But the alternative is that we was 100% correct in confronting terrorist. Remember Kerry and the whining back in the 80s that Reagan was too confrontational with the Soviets, and he appears to have been dead wrong on that one.
I'm only dealing with the President in power now. Yes, I am not fond of Bush nor Cheney. As far as Clinton and the previous presidents, thier times has come and gone. It would be a waste of my time criticizing them. What's at stake now is my concern. Since some of the people here don't seemed to care what happens to the next generation future, someone has to speak up. Remember, if it doesn't affects them why bother?
Couldn't have said better myself! Bush and Tricky dick chenney will go in history as utter failures. I suppose they will try to shift the conversation back to clinton some how, give me a break. Take care brother, Abner
Im just asking for the same standard for corruption thats all. Although you may not be one of them, it seems many people who are critical of Bush didnt set the same bar for Clinton. A vice-versa by the way, Generally Bush people wouldnt have cut Bill a break for anything. I have just as many issues with bush as clinton, i just want consistancy.... As for not affecting me. Im an Americain just like you, so it effects me all the same. Are you suggesting that it matters little to conservatives for some other outside reason? I have kids too. I dont want my daughters wearing burkas or doing bomb shelter drills cause a bunch of wimps in the 2000s didnt have a set and wouldnt stand up to the bad guys. This happened in 1938 when a bunch of cowards wanted to talk to the villians and that barley worked out for the best. All Americains, and most of the world (since we carry them), should and do care....
I appreciates your honesty. After all, we all are American dispite our political affiliation. There's an old saying that I'd pick up at a NA meeting (19 years and proud) "People are always complaining about yesterday and worrying about tomorrow never giving today a chance" Another word "Yesterday is history and tomorrow is a mystery, why don't we try keeping the focus on today."
Lou: Since you insist on going back to Clinton. What the heck are you talking about? Don't you remember Clinton's daughter being called a dog? Don't you remember his wife being called a Dike? Even the family cat was maligned! What a bunch of P####s Say what you want, but the Dems have not sunk that low. And you and I know, the bush daughters are no saints! Lets not be revisionists, as you and your folk are so fond of saying. As far a you calling yourself a Libertarian, humm! Just call yourself a Republican for godsakes! Take care my friend! Abner P.S. Since you love Bush so much and are so afraid, I would suggest your prepare your daughters for Iraq!
Appartently you didnt read my post..I think i said " And vice-versa by the way, Generally Bush people wouldnt have cut Bill a break for anything." Vice-versa mean both ways in case you dont know... I have never called Hillary a dike, or Chel a dog(that was liberal SNL by the way). YOU are the ones calling Bush a crook and YOU started with the name calling not me. But when you really have nothingn name calling is what liberals do. Racist or sexist is usually it, but Ill personally take Republicain it it helps you. You guys have mastered that with the Hollywood slime, so dont even try to own the "we dont pick on people" crowd. Remeber the NYT and Condi Rice being drawn with giants lips??? Or the convient pictures of Bush falling on his face? Weak, very weak. Once again Abner, were is the consitancy. I dont think i have defended Bushs ethics, just challenge you and other liberals to be consistant with you application of "crook". I have no illusions about who is running the country, but you seem to think that Ms. "Clean up the congress" Pelosi is clean? Come on....Who has she stood behind so far? Murtha and Hastings. How bout Reed in the Senate? All the Dirt with Hillary and Bill? How bout Rep.Jefferson and his freezer full of cash? Thats the typical liberal constitancy as far as I can see. Just be honest and say that the Dem are as big as crooks as the other. Without that you are not even standing on firm ground to make a argument from.
I find your response quite ridiculous, and not even worthy of response! Take care my Republican friend. Enough of the Rush Limbaugh snippets. Good evening! Abner
Because you dont have one. Everyting i just state is fact and that is a dead end for people who are consumed with hate for a person, in this case the President or President Clinton in the past....Zealots Riddle me this Batman... Did you call him a crook yes or no? That would be yes. Do you think the same standard should be applied to democrate politicials yes or no? Well it seems no, but that for you to answer and i dont want to put words in your mouth. Does Hollywood contribute to people degrading other based on appearance? Yes or no? That would be also yes. Are all those democrate politicians involved in those things? Well i encourage you to check snopps and, but you may not want to know the truth. They are good to check on Republicain corruption too.... How is that ridiculous? And for the record, I can stand Rush for the same reason im argueing with you. He makes excuses for Republicains based on the letter beside there name....Make mine Micheal Savage because he doesnt cut anyone a break...Glenn Beck is good too, got me watchin CNN for the first time in 10 years. When you are ready to return to resonable and rash debate please do, but just because there is no emotional arguement that supports your position of inconsistant application of defining corruption. Even as ridiculous as it may be.....sorry dude....