Hi, It is important to use the words correctly and accurately here. Warnborough U. has reportedly been certified to have and operate a...
Certifying that educational documents are valid and correct is a requirement in many parts of the world for employment purposes. From my...
Re: Aston is really a top school .... Hi, Check here:- http://www.timesonline.co.uk/section/0,,6734,00.html to see Aston U. listed in...
Hi, Aston U. just came 21st= with Glasgow in the UK Sunday Times listings and was the 2nd placed of the eight UK Colleges of Advanced...
Actually, the printed Times (UK) article referred to the University of Lincoln cooperating with an investigation in which people were holding...
Hi, The University of Derby is a recently-formed UK university from several colleges in the city. Derby is the home of Rolls Royce aero...
Hi, If you are planning to use your existing diploma for entry into a course at a UK educational institution (eg. for a higher degree) you will...
Hello again Bo, Northumbria U at Newcastle tries hard in certain areas - I used to see them a lot out here in the Middle East. I even had...
Hello Bo, I can't speak for Law, but Huddersfield U. has a good reputation in vocationally-related areas arising from its origins as a UK...
Hi, I seem to recall that Frank passed the Bar exam in the state that he was operating in at the time ! So, perhaps he would have some...
Quite. But then some (unscrupulous ?) people may be inclined to suggest that if RA institutes are exempt from BPPVE requirements by virtue of...
Hello John and others, Still looking in from time to time ...... Misguided ? I don't think so - any more than you were in your days of close...
Well spotted, Rich, But then some people do suffer from disorders such as dyslexia or finger trouble when typing. Or maybe you don't...
Hi, Also, thanks to Jonathan - they always make interesting reading ... and analysis. So I can see that my three UK universities make the...
Hi, Having personnel whose work directly affects the quality of the service being provided by the organisaiton concerned properly trained,...
Separate names with a comma.