Zimmerman trial - Prosecution finished

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by jam937, Jul 8, 2013.

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  1. AUTiger00

    AUTiger00 New Member

    But it was nice to see Bill imply racism when he didn't know what the word meant.
  2. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    Actually, I'm guessing that most people who kill someone with a gun DO go to jail once they're caught and after a trial.
  3. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    Now don't go to far...Ijust mean it is not always a clear cut - you shot and killed someone = you go to jail regardless of the situation. What if someone was breaking into my house at 3AM with a knife? Now get bad to those errands :)
  4. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    If found guilty...
  5. ryoder

    ryoder New Member

  6. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Oh, I think the issue being argued by a certain few is very, very obvious.

    There's a palpable shift in society right now--who's in charge. And it's just killing people like that. They feel helpless to the change and are lashing out. This, too, shall pass.
  7. 03310151

    03310151 Active Member

    He was carrying two of the three ingredients used to make sizzurp the night he attacked GZ. Bill, they're not my words. I have no idea why it's called that, you'd have to ask someone from that demographic.
  8. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Quite right. Purple drank - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  9. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    And if not, let's please leave him alone.

    I'm in favor of erring on the side of protecting against false positives. I don't want someone found guilty who is actually innocent wherever possible, even if it means a few people who are guilty are acquitted. It should be a high bar.
  10. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    I wanted to try the stuff today, but I looked at the ingredients and HOLY WHAT THE MOTHER OF WOAH!! No respectable human being would ever even experiment with something containing such a dangerous amount of sugar.
  11. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Of course!!!! it is bone chilling frightening to me the number of people that have been proven innocent by DNA testing after being found guilty in court.
  12. 03310151

    03310151 Active Member

    I agree with something both Bill and Rich said?

    Excuse me while I go scratch my eyes out:nana:
  13. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    So you are trying to say that most people who shoot and kill someone are found not guilty of any crime?
  14. rebel100

    rebel100 New Member

    I'm right there with you, I don't understand how they get this concept but fail to understand the implications of bringing Zimmerman to trial...what's the disconnect?

    BTW Rich, your at least partially right about me (it not have been directed at me but I still felt it). I mourn the passing of this once great country. You nailed it, end of the day I miss the country I thought would, in part, be mine...I really do. Thanks for reminding me that the best course is to ignore injustice, and mind my own business...I do forget my priorities from time to time.

    Tomorrow or the next day really do matter for poor George Zimmerman, but the damage to the rest of us has already occurred...

    Collective: 1
    Justice/Freedom: 0
  15. rebel100

    rebel100 New Member

    When it's done in self defense it should be pretty close to 100% of the time..so YES.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 13, 2013
  16. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    Can you name a time when this country was supposedly greater than it is now? Was it greater before women could vote? Before segregation was outlawed? Before child abuse was taken seriously? Before eugenics was put to an end?

    There is a lot that isn't right about the state of the Union, but it could certainly be, and has been, much worse.
  17. 03310151

    03310151 Active Member

    Agree with the bolded portion.
  18. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    I agree that our nation is finer and greater now than ever before. Our problems persist, but our freedoms are growing every day. The struggle continues, unfortunately, with those of us who cannot deal with that change.
  19. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    If Zimmerman is convicted, I will look forward to the substantiation of allegations made here regarding its alleged unfairness. Not interpretations, but hard facts that demonstrate how justice was miscarried. In other words, quit your complaining and back up your accusations.

    If Zimmerman is acquitted, let's be relieved that an innocent man has gone free, but let's not lose sight of the law that permitted it, and ponder if such a law should continue. But the law as it currently stands is what should be applied to Zimmerman.

    It will be interesting.
  20. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    You might be right but the original statement made no mention of self defense.
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