University of Azteca

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Migara, Feb 22, 2010.

  1. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    From Wikipedia:

    "In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion."
  2. Delta

    Delta Active Member

    If I'm a "troll", why do you folks keep asking me questions? These are my opinions and if people get emotional about it, all I can say is get a life!
  3. bazonkers

    bazonkers New Member

    Kizmet, since you agree he's a troll, can't you kick him from the boards? His contributions are worthless anyways.
  4. BillDayson

    BillDayson New Member

    Here's an interesting summary of how the Mexican higher education system works.

    Some relevant passages:

    That last is very important, since I'm guessing that it is what we are witnessing here with Universidad Azteca's Indian doctoral programs.

    It also illustrates a fundamental weakness in the whole 'GAAP' concept when it's applied to universities in places like Mexico and Costa Rica where individual degree programs are typically what are being accredited, and not entire universities.
  5. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    If you check back, I never said that Delta was a troll. Delta said that she didn't know what the term "troll" meant and I simply provided a definition. However, Delta has been pretty obnoxious in this thread and so I think she might need a small vacation. Let's say a month.
  6. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    How about, "Let's say: as administrators, we don't talk publicly about what actions we do or do not take with other posters." Try that instead.

    Saying publicly what action you'll take just smacks of showing your power to please yourself. Just deal with the problem and don't turn it into a sideshow, please.
  7. bazonkers

    bazonkers New Member

    I re-read what you wrote and you are right. Sorry, my mistake!
  8. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    Thanks for the suggestion. I'll consider it.
  9. BillDayson

    BillDayson New Member

    I think that it was an injustice that Delta was banned and my sense of integrity demands that I express support for him/her.

    Delta has been posting here for a long time. He/she has made many very good posts, particularly about DL in medical-related subjects. I value Delta's contributions and consider him/her a Degreeinfo friend. (Like most of you.) I'm not happy losing a friend.

    A remark was made that probably was just intended as an offhand bit of ironic cynicism. I strongly disagreed with it and explained the reasons for my disagreement. Anyone else on the board who felt strongly could have done exactly the same thing. Some people (like Caldog) did.

    Unfortunately, we also got child-like insults: "troll!", "racist!", That was like pouring gasoline onto a fire. It meant that the original remark couldn't be softened or qualified since doing so would mean defeat and humiliation in what had turned into a battle of egos. So everyone's backs came up and another promising topic was abandoned in favor of posing.

    Delta might have been guilty of saying something dumb. But it was something that does have an element of truth and could easily be defended.

    Employers most likely are going to be skeptical of mystery schools operating from out of foreign countries where academic standards are unknown or suspect. That's not really an unreasonable position for them to take. At the very least, they are going to require additional credible information about unknown programs. If the structure of the degree-granting arrangement and of its accreditation is highly unusual and totally opaque, as it seems to be in this Azteca case (what's a Mexican degree program doing in India?), doubt is going to be just that much greater.

    Call me "racist" or "ethnocentrist" or a "troll", but that's the truth and all of you know it.

    Banning Delta for saying it hyperbolically and inelegantly, and not banning those who flamed him/her for refusing to back down and grovel when personally flamed, will only harm this board and cast a dark shadow over all of our discussions. Everyone will have to self-censor everything that they write to make sure that some unstated code of something isn't being violated. I'm not comfortable doing that.

    Delta may have been guilty of some trivial offense, writing something that other people considered stupid perhaps. The people who challenged Delta in aggressive ways without contributing anything substantial to the subject and who turned a promising thread into another asinine Degreeinfo ego-struggle were equally to blame for hijacking the thread and equally stupid and offensive in my opinion.
  10. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    The same NCU is doing in Vietnam and other countries (Business!). It is easy to trash schools just because they are in developing nations but when people trash virtual for profit schools in the US then we get a war. I think if people want respect then should give respect.

    Think about it, if a Mexican school wants to sell a degree program outside of its country, are they going to sell it to Americans? (Obviously not just judging by the remarks made in this board), so it is obvious that they would want to partner with countries like India.
  11. bazonkers

    bazonkers New Member

    I think part of your message was intended for me so I'll take the time to respond. Yes, you are probably correct, things got a little heated in this discussion and people's emotions (including mine) got a little heated. I have no issue with the fact that Delta had their opinion, even though I didn't agree with it. I don't think they should have gotten a vacation for simply having an opinion that I didn't agree with. That said, Delta fully admitted to stirring the pot simply for the heck of it. He/She seemed to purposely try to get under peoples skin with his/her words. Delta fully succeeded on that front. That is where I feel they crossed the line for me. Want to have a spirited discussion here? Great! Want to present ideas that aren't the majority opinion? Fine! Want to do it in a way that is inflammatory with the with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response? That seems wrong. I had NO issue with the what, it was the how.

    If Delta never said this, all would have been fine in my book. "Condesceding yes, ethnocentric maybe, more of a stir the pot get under your skin type for the heck of it."
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 27, 2010
  12. bazonkers

    bazonkers New Member

    I also just wanted to apologize to everyone for helping contribute to the problem instead of walking away and ignoring the comments. I'll try not to let posts like that get under my skin in the future.
  13. I disagree. Its good to know that the admins are active. Also, it should help keep others in check if they really feel they want to add to this board.

    I have noticed lately that Kizmet hasn't actually been throwing her power around. Rather, most people she has disciplined lately, no matter how belligerent or obnoxious have been banned for a month rather than permanently.

  14. I think that you probably didn't read my post carefully enough. I did not call Delta anything, I urged him to clarify. I invited Delta to prove to me that his comments were based on actual information before I determined for a certainty what his motives were. He responded by admitting that his comments were both ethnocentric and with the sole intention of getting on our nerves (ie a troll).

    I did not disagree about the acceptance of foreign degrees. I flatly agreed with that. You called my response knee-jerk political correctness, but it was neither knee-jerk nor politically correct. I think if you reread my original post and gave it the same patience and consideration that you gave Delta, your opinion of what I wrote would be drastically different.

    One note: I saw someone here wrote that this thread got "heated." I just didn't feel that. No anger nor malice nor frustration were expressed by me, at least not deliberately. Please, when reading my comments, imagine them being said in a happy, peaceful tone, because that is who I am and how I talk to people. :D

  15. drs2323

    drs2323 New Member

    Dear Sir,
    Recently I have seen some comments about our research organization in your esteemed site.I believe I have to explain some points with regard to this the posting thread was started by an SEO company with whom we have entrusted with the work of site optimization and the thread posting was made with out our knowledge, we regret for the mistake that has happened.
    In India institutions are permitted to have foreign affiliations with the permission of AICTE.We entered in to an MOU with the University of Azteca for all their programs after verifying their status with the Association of Universities in India.We are also an authorized learning center for Asia e University.Malaysia which is duly recognized by all authorities in India and the programs are offered through IBDL( which is our parent institution.

    Green Valley is a not for profit organization and as such only not for profit organizations can run educational institutions in India.They are strictly monitored by the government and registration with the government is compulsory.The website which offers the programs are also verified about the genuineness by the government.Green Valley Research Organization is inaugurated by Shri.A.Raja the Union Minister for Communications and IT Government of India.We do conduct personal contact programs and traditional examinations and we are having excellent infrastructure and campus.As for PhD programs an entrance examination is compulsory and the programs are conducted as per UGC guidelines.
    I request you to publish this in your site for the information of your users.We are prepared to give any other clarification in case your readers need.
    Green Valley Research Foundation.
    [email protected]
    Guinness World Record Holder In Online Teaching.
    National Record Holder in India for Continuous Teaching for 61 hrs 35 mts.

  16. Chip

    Chip Administrator

    The ban isn't permanent. Its a month long ban. Managing the quality of posts at DegreeInfo isn't easy and on the whole I think the moderators do an outstanding job.

    One of the recent happenings is that I have asked all of the moderators to keep a much closer eye on inappropriate postings (flames, baiting, trolling, etc) and to more quickly intervene to stop them. The problem is that, although we've had language in our TOS for years that's made such behavior unacceptable, ensuring compliance has been somewhat uneven. Now that we're trying to get more consistent compliance, some people who have routinely run afoul without consequence are finding that we are being serious.

    The goal is to make DegreeInfo a more pleasant place, so that new posters can feel comfortable to post without getting flamed, made fun of, and the like. The goal is not to stifle speech, to discourage discussion, or to promote any particular view. It's a process and as such it will take us some time to get it right consistently. I ask that all of our community contribute, by reporting inappropriate posts, and, as in this case, let us know how we're doing. (Though I'd rather see private messages than public postings. )
  17. U.Azteca

    U.Azteca New Member

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    First of all, let me reply to this point, the first demonstration of high level of education is RESPECT … doubtless is not shown at this comment, I will preserve more comments about this.
  18. U.Azteca

    U.Azteca New Member

    Dear Sir,

    According the Mexican constitution and higher education laws Universidad Azteca de Chalco is authorized to award degrees with RVOE (Reconocimiento de Validez Oficial de Estudios) and also own academic degrees of the university (grados propios). The study areas with RVOE are listed below:

    2. Architecture : ARQUITECTURA – INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA (ACUERDO N° 2004321, 2004-07-14)
    3. Education Sciences : CIENCIAS DE LA EDUCACIÓN – EDUCACIÓN Y HUMANIDADES (Registro de Validez Oficial ante S.E.P: Acuerdo No. 20091224 de fecha 24 de Noviembre de 2009)
    6. Law (general, specialisations in fiscal and penal codes) : DERECHO (ACUERDO N° 20032007, 2003-01-13; 972418, 1997-11-10) CON MENCIÓN EN DERECHO FISCAL (Registro de Validez Oficial ante S.E.P: Acuerdo No. 20091226 de fecha 24 de Noviembre de 2009) Y PENAL (Registro de Validez Oficial ante S.E.P: Acuerdo No. 20081553 de fecha 30 de Junio de 2008) – CIENCIAS SOCIALES Y ADMINISTRATIVAS
    7. Administration Informatics : INFORMATICA ADMINISTRATIVA – INGENIERÍA Y TECNOLOGÍA (ACUERDO N° 972419, 1997-11-10)
    8. Pedagogics : PEDAGOGÍA – EDUCACIÓN Y HUMANIDADES (Registro de Validez Oficial ante S.E.P: Acuerdo No. 20091342 de fecha 18 de Diciembre de 2009)
    9. Psychology : PSICOLOGÍA – CIENCIAS DE LA SALUD (ACUERDO N° 982010, 1998-02-10)

    Correspondence of Mexican degrees with the Bologna system applied by Universidad Azteca:
    Tecnico Superior Universitario (3years!)
    Bachelors degree
    Bologna-level 1

    Licenciado: Masters degree
    (5 years, M2 level)
    Bologna-level 2

    Maestria: postgraduate degree at level of professional (rigorous) doctorate
    (6-7 years, D1-D2 level)
    Bologna-level 2/3 PG

    Doctor: PhD
    (8 years, D3 level)
    Bologna-level 3

    Higher education institutions can be classified in the following subsets:
    Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos
    Art. 3 fracción VI – los particulares podrán impartir educación en todos sus tipos y modalidades. En los términos que establezca la ley, el Estado otorgará y retirará el reconocimiento de validez oficial a los estudios que se realizan en planteles particulares.
    Ley Federal de Educación
    ARTÍCULO 18.-El tipo superior está compuesto por la licenciatura y los grados académicos de maestría y doctorado. En este tipo podrán introducirse opciones terminales previas a la conclusión de la licenciatura. En el tipo superior queda comprendida la educación normal en todos sus grados y especialidades.
    ARTÍCULO 32.-Los particulares podrán impartir educación de cualquier tipo y modalidad. Para que los estudios realizados tengan validez oficial deberán obtener el reconocimiento del Estado y sujetarse a las disposiciones de esta ley.
    ARTÍCULO 41.-Los particulares que impartan estudios con reconocimiento de validez oficial, deberán mencionar en la documentación que expidan y publicidad que hagan, la fecha y número del acuerdo por el que se les otorgó dicho reconocimiento. Los particulares que impartan estudios sin reconocimiento de validez oficial deberán mencionar esta circunstancia en su correspondiente documentación y publicidad y registrarse en la Secretaría de Educación Pública.
    ARTICULO 42.-Para impartir educación por correspondencia, prensa, radio, fonografía, televisión, cinematografía o cualquier otro medio de comunicación, los interesados deberán cumplir previamente los requisitos establecidos para el tipo educativo que impartan así como las leyes y reglamentos relativos al medio de comunicación que utilicen.
    ARTICULO 44.-El proceso educativo se basará en los principios de libertad ...
    ARTÍCULO 60.-Los estudios realizados dentro del sistema educativo nacional tendrán validez en toda la República.
    ARTÍCULO 61.-Revalidación de estudios es la validez oficial que se otorga a los realizados en planteles que no forman parte del sistema educativo nacional.
    ARTÍCULO 3.- El tipo educativo superior es el que se imparte después del bachillerato o de su equivalente. Comprende la educación normal, la tecnológica y la universitaria e incluye carreras profesionales cortas y estudios encaminados a obtener los grados de licenciatura, maestría y doctorado, así como cursos de actualización y especialización.
  19. U.Azteca

    U.Azteca New Member


    Making a judgment before proper clarification is sometimes considered IGNORANCE, I regret …. I also think if people want respect then should give respect, (as expressed by RFValve)

    I agree with BillDayson when he said “mystery schools need to be approached with a bit of initial skepticism”, however, I am sure that Mexico and India are not mystery unknown countries, we are proud of our countries, with ancient culture, and archeology richness. We run our institution under strict educational standards at national level, with real campus, real faculty and real onsite and DL students.

    What is wrong by establishing a cooperation agreement between Universidad Azteca de Chalco (Mexico) and Green Valley Research Foundation (India)?, What is our sin? … perhaps our sin is using English as our bridge for communication, instead of using Indi, Spanish or Náhuatl…. perhaps our sin is being less privileged countries?, or may be not being MIT in USA?

    By the way, BillDayson also said “(Nobody worries about Oxford, despite its being foreign.)” … then, I am sure you do not worry or doubt a bit about UK NARIC the National Agency responsible for providing information and advice about vocational, academic and professional skills and qualifications from all over the world, who made a thorough and meticulous evaluation on our Azteca Doctoral Degree Program with the following result:

    NARIC Reference Number: 1941906681

    Country of Qualification: Mexico
    Title of Award: Doctor en Filosofía en Administración (Management)
    Awarding Institution: Universidad Azteca de Chalco
    Assessment: Is considered comparable to British Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) standard.
    (copy of the complete document would be available if requested in writing)

    Additionally, our cooperation agreement is involving both governments via diplomatic procedures through respective Embassies, moreover, each and every single degree issued by Universidad Azteca is attested by our federal government.

    Our interest since the beginning is to establish an intercultural exchange, learn from each other, involving scholars from both countries, … INNOVATION and THINKING OUT OF THE BOX, conceivably this is estrange, well, then we are estrange!, we are glad to be different !!!!! , but If someone claim we are doing fraud, it has to be proved, and attain the consequences.

    Once again, we are proud of our inheritance and cultural legacy, we represent it with honor, Aztec (Azteca)is the name of ethnic groups of central Mexico, particularly those groups who spoke the Nahuatl language and who dominated large parts of Mesoamerica in the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries, a period referred to as the late post-classic period in Mesoamerican chronology before colonization.

    Is anything else to be said?, well, here we are, … we at Universidad Azteca de Chalco and Green Valley Research Foundation are prepared to give any other clarification if needed at anytime.

    I personally thank you for the opportunity to clarify this unusual cooperation, and let us remember that progress and innovation is initiated by doing thing different although in a proper manner,

    My best wishes and great respect for you, your institutions and nations,

    Universidad Azteca
    Director International Programs
    [email protected]
  20. karate

    karate New Member

    The MOE of Mexico would need to specifically validate distance learning as one of the methods for delivery.

    Interesting how AZTECA was unheard of a few years ago and now seems to have an impressive list of "PhD's"..............that have graduated from their programs.

    Link removed by moderator
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2010

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