U of Phoenix stuck it to me

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by armywife, May 4, 2004.

  1. armywife

    armywife New Member

    Excellent info. I was able to find some of these individuals contact info. I found a contact for Craig Swenson who I think is VP and I also wrote Martha LaRue and Brian Mueller. Mueller was out of office but Amy Dubose, Executive Administrator, forwarded it to Robert Infante, Student Services Manager, as well
    Robert Johnson, Director of Academic Affairs. I also heard from Swenson this morning who said he would forward it too Lee Finkel, another person in affairs I think. I have a lot of various names floating aorund at this point as I emailed everyone under the sun who I could find associated with Apollo Group or UOP. As suggested I left out the profanity (hee hee...) That was just for you guys!! I promise I was all sweetness and light even with my academic counselor who has been giving me the brush off since this started. Anyway, I hope some progress will be made. I at least have a glimmer of hope. I wrote it and sent it out to, like I said, anyone and everyone I could find an email address for. I figure I have nothing to lose so I might as well write as many people as humanly possible. The mere thought of having to go back through and write another 80 page 5 chapter thesis is making my hair fall out. If this doesn't get resolved I may be bald by tomorrow..if any of you are religious people PRAY FOR ME please! Thanks!
  2. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Since your professor is backing you up, you will prevail sooner or later! Good luck I hope for sooner rather than later.
  3. aic712

    aic712 Member

    good luck

    Good luck, and congratulations on your masters! I am sure you worked very hard for it, display your diploma with pride! :)
  4. duff

    duff New Member

    I just said a prayer for you. Be persistent, diplomatic, and document everything. (dates, times, emails, conversations, etc.) Putting time into getting a resolution is worth the effort vs. taking this class over.

  5. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    When UoP resolves this, I look forward to your account of that, too.

    UoP has more than 200,000 students and 18,000 faculty members. If we assumed a normally qualified staff, we would also expect--because of its size--to hear more complaints about UoP than any other school. Even if they're staffs and systems are superior, they'd still lead the league in complaints, again because of their sheer size.

    GUNSMOKE New Member


    This is really a horror story! That "counselor" has to go, be sure to mention thier name in ALL your correspondence.

    Taking the earlier suggestion to "make all the noise you can" has put you on the right track. I'll repeat the other earlier suggestion to try to get the military to make a little noise with you!

    Isn't UoP publicly held? If it is, I'll bet they have an investor relations office. If they do, and THEY hear ALL the noise, I'm willing to bet they won't have any trouble or trepidation about making sure the decision makers hear the story BEFORE the investors do!

    Congratulations on your Master's, YOU DID GOOD!


    Last edited by a moderator: May 4, 2004
  7. kevingaily

    kevingaily New Member

    Good luck with this. I got upset just reading how abrasive and arrogant that academic adviser treated you. :mad:
  8. armywife

    armywife New Member


    Well I'm staying home today in hopes to get this resolved today. The longer I let it go on the less chance of having it resolved. So far I have heard from almost all of the people I emailed yesterday. So far ALL of them have written me back saying they are deeply sorry for my inconvenience but that they don't deal with these issues and they'll forward them on to so-and so. One email after another with a "good luck and I'll forward this on to so and so" I fear I may be in the level of hell with the rest of those individuals who have been on hold with the doctor's office or the repair man or the phone company and the rest of the poor folks who have had the buck passed on and on to whoever that magic person is that is supposedly in charge. Let's hope that this doesn't just get continually forwarded until it ends right back in the lap of the very person whose made it her life goal to give me the shaft.
  9. -kevin-

    -kevin- Resident Redneck

  10. atraxler

    atraxler New Member

    Perhaps you should focus your efforts on speaking with Dr. La Rue (Dean, College of Education). I would expect her to either fix the problem for you or tell you how to fix it (i.e. file a grievance, appeal, etc.)
  11. DaveHayden

    DaveHayden New Member

    That is why I would take it to the President's Office or the legal team. Corporate bureacracy are built around ignoring problems. You need to find an effective way to get their attention, AND get them motivated to solve the problem.
  12. duff

    duff New Member

    One way to continue to hold him or her accountable is to email every person they are forwarding your concern to. So if you email person A and they tell you they are forwarding it to person B, I would then email person B with a follow up explaining that you are following up with them and make sure they got the forwarded email from person A.

    Hope that makes since. If person A did not give you person B’s email but told you that they forwarded on, I would email person A back and ask for person B's email so you can follow up.

    Continue to hold them (each person in the change) accountable. Keep us updated.

  13. armywife

    armywife New Member


    Update on my situation for those interested. I received this today

    Ms. Rose:

    Thank you for your message. My role with the Office of Dispute management
    is to ensure specific concerns from students or other sources are addressed
    in a formal manner. I will enlist the assistance of campus representative
    to help review your issue and coordinate a reply. Your issue has been
    processed and I would anticipate a reply within 48-72 hours. If you have
    additional questions, please feel free to contact me at any time.

    Best Regards,


    So it's a waiting game. The sound of this letter was pretty neutral and I'm not too encouraged. I'm really afraid this is not going to go in my favor b/c I have heard from no one else today. Unfortunately the last time this happened they merely requested that tech support send them the computer printout logging my number of posts. It took them "48-72 hours" to get that printout from tech support and as soon as they got it they said "this report says you did not log in so therefore you repeat the class". I am afraid that we once again are waiting for tech report to send them yet another computer printout saying that their computer did not log my attendance. I never realized that everything at UOP hangs on what the computers say. It's almost as if the human beings have no control at all. They won't even question the computer. As if the computer could never make an error or fail to log my posts etc. etc. I think I'm in the matrix--the machines have taken over. Will post again when I hear back
  14. armywife

    armywife New Member

    Tried to contact her. No luck yet. Waiting for a reply....grrr
  15. cogent

    cogent New Member

    The Professor Has Nothing to do...?

    I had an overly aggressive student threaten me about a grade. When it got down to it, I told the Dean that they could change his grade if they wished but it would be my last day. They backed me up. This was at the University of Phoenix. Soooo, if this happened to me... IF THEY TOLD ME I had nothing to do with a student grade... I would resign instantly. I'm dead serious.

    Good luck....

  16. armywife

    armywife New Member

    Re: The Professor Has Nothing to do...?

    Well I completely agree. THe fact that for the last 8 days my professor has been trying to get this situation fixed shows what very little respect, if any, he is being given. I think that a lot of college instructors have a hard enough time feeling legitimately valued with their counterparts who are teaching in traditional schools, without having the school itself treat them like a piece of garbage.
  17. Chip

    Chip Administrator

    And this sort of service from UoP, friends, is one of the reasons that UoP is the ONLY RA school (as far as we know) that is not listed in DegreeInfo's DegreeFinder database.

    Here's what I would do if you don't get a satisfactory response:

    1. Find the name of either the president of UoP and/or Apollo Group or the VP of public relations (or whatever they have that's close.) A Google search or digging on the "stockholders" portion of the site should provide this info.

    2. Go to knowx.com and pay $5 and get his or her home address.

    3. Prepare a letter to said individual. Point out that you're about to file a formal complaint with the North Central Association, and provide a copy to the Chronicle of Higher Education, as well as to DegreeInfo. (They apparently know who we are, they were trying to get us to take them on, and offered an interview with their president.)

    4. FedEx the letter to said individual's home address.

    I can all but guarantee that you'll get a response near immediately, and most likely, people will be falling all over themselves to make the situation right.

    It's a shame that people should have to go to such lengths to get even basic service, but that's the way most of corporate america works.

    Please keep us informed.
  18. Myoptimism

    Myoptimism New Member

    I don't think that Columbia College, George Meany Center for Labor Studies, or Salt Lake Community College are in the database.
    Just FYI.

  19. atraxler

    atraxler New Member

    Here's another one that is not on your database:

    University of Texas Telecampus (http://www.telecampus.utsystem.edu/)
    offering MBA's thru UT Arlington, UT Dallas, UT El Paso, UT Pan American, UT San Antonio, and UT Tyler (all AACSB accredited).

    My search criteria was:
    Degree Level: Master
    Field of Study: Business & Management
    Residency: No Preferences
    Location: Texas

    Oh well, I guess it's just another school with that sort of service, right?:rolleyes:

    The reality of the situation here is that Holly did not, for whatever reason, posted the minimum required by the college. During my time with UoP, the school made very clear what is the difference between attendance (2 posts per week, on 2 different days) and participation (at least one meaningful post, 5 days a week). In her case, I really hope the university shows some flexibility, since apparently the facilitator is at fault.

    A simple "Hello, I am here" twice per week takes care of attendance. Participation, as I understand it, is between the instructor and the students. I had some instructors that expected a lot more than the minimum "5 posts per week."
  20. armywife

    armywife New Member

    Under normal circumstances yes this is the case if you are in an online "classroom" situation. And all my classes have always been classroom situations. People post, you respond. This was my first direct study class though. I was told BY MY ACADEMIC COUNSELOR I might add, that I was to maintain WEEKLY contact with my professor b/c this is not a classroom situation. It is just me and the professor one on one. So in other words, he knows whether I am doing the work or not. Not only that I was told BY HER that this contact can be either telephone, verbal, written, email whatever. The bottom line is the professor is going to be the one noting whether or not you have been doing the work. So you are talking about the "classroom" rules of attendance. Now the tricky issue here is that after the fact my academic counselor changed her story. The only reason I even hit a week where I was not posting a lot was because I was ill and my husband deployed. I first made a request for an extension. I was told this was not possible but just stay in some sort of weekly contact with your professor and work out modifications with him. So that is what we did. My professor modified the assingments (extending some deadlines) etc. etc. We also had an issue where he posted the same lecture/questions twice and it took awhile for that to get straightened out. The ridiculous thing is that the academic "counselor" if we can really call her such a thing was aware of the situation. We talked via phone and email. She was in contact with BOTH myself AND the teacher. She said that as long as we maintained some sort of weekly contact and we both knew what was going on everything was fine. The problem is that now she has decided to change her story and interestingly enough has now gone undercover and refuses to even return any of my emails or phone calls. It seems to me that if she was in the wrong about this, FINE. However I went off of the information I had. Only what we have here is an academic counselor who refuses to stand up and take responsibility for anything. Needless to say, no matter what transpires after this, I will not be keeping her as my "counselor".

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