No dissertation for Northcentral University International Dept DBA?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by carlosb, Jul 14, 2005.

  1. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Does anyone anywhere regulate how a degree title might be abbreviated? Had they wanted to do so, couldn't MD have been used for: Master of Divinity, Doctor of Music, Doctor of Management, and Master of Dungheapology, as well as Doctor of Medicine (and probably others)?
  2. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

  3. Anthony Pina

    Anthony Pina Active Member

    No, there appears to be no entity that has the authority to regulate degree titles. Perhaps the regionals could get together to determine a strategy, but there is no agreement as to what constitutes a degree (requirements are determined by individual institutions). My research into the Ed.D. versus the Ph.D. in education (I possess virtually every study that has been done on the subject since the early 80s) has come up with no basis for a significant difference between the two degrees. When you take into account that the USDOE/NSF list contains 50 research doctorate titles (all supposedly equivalent to the Ph.D.), including two D.M.s (Doctor of Music and Doctor of Ministry) and that UoP and UMUC offer a D.M. (Doctor of Management), it seems apparent that no kind of degree standardization is occurring.
  4. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Interesting. Do you know of anyone who abbreviates Doctor of Ministry as DM? I've always seen it abbreviated DMin.
  5. bing

    bing New Member

  6. GeneralSnus

    GeneralSnus Member

    Indiana's applied doctorate in music is also the DM.
  7. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

  8. Anthony Pina

    Anthony Pina Active Member

  9. Anthony Pina

    Anthony Pina Active Member

  10. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    So far, we have Case Western Reserve University (EDM), Colorado Technical University (DM), Lawrence Technological University (DM), University of Maryland University College (DM), University of Phoenix (DM), Webster University (DMgt) offering earned Doctor of Management degrees. Can it possibly be that these are the only six institutions offering the degree? Could the degree possibly be so new that the good people who make up the USDOE/NSF list don't know about it yet? Any other reason the Doctor of Management wasn't on the USDOE/NSF list?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2005
  11. Anthony Pina

    Anthony Pina Active Member

    Ted, it is likely that you are correct on both counts.
  12. Friendlyman

    Friendlyman New Member

    If online teaching salaries decrease in US, that is natural and fair. If many people can do the same thing you do for lower prices, more power to them. The world is richer because we now have the same production at a lower cost (so customers or companies have more money to stimulate production of other things). This is clear macroeconomics.

    Of course the substandard DBA is another subject, which I also find disturbing, after being enlightened by this thread.

    As far as I know, Heriot Watt has some of the toughest examinations in the world, including brick and mortar schools.

    I really like their approach. There is no reason to prevent people from entering a course since the costs are almost all variable. To keep quality, they just make the courses really, really hard to pass. I know MBAs from there and they really know their business. I don't know about the perceived quality of the degree, but a graduate from Heriot-Watt studied really hard and knows a lot about the courses.
  13. Shawn Ambrose

    Shawn Ambrose New Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: NCU

    A couple of years ago, I was told at a residency that the wash rate for Capella's PhD programs was approximately 50%. The wash rate happens throughout the program. Some students leave after some classes, some fail the comp exams, and some get stuck in ABD land.

    I formed my committee early at Capella. Had my mentor my first quarter - got her to buy off on my research topic, and went from there. I believe that Andy is correct, better early than later.
  14. BinkWile

    BinkWile New Member

    You know, I'm almost positive that I'll regret this, but let me put my 2 cents in.

    If one will take note, all of these websites are now down, and according to several individuals I've spoken with at NCU, they are investigating this because they have no such programs, and all of their doctoral programs will always require disseertations. They seemed ratehr surprised by all of this, and seemed very enthusiastic about resolving this issue, and kept on trying to assure me that they have only the goal of maintaining their regionaly accreditation.

    Could this all be a giant marketing ploy? yes. Could they really have an international DBA in the worksthat may not require a DBA, which could potentially hurt their image stateside? possible. Could they be plotting to go international and drop their regonal accreditation and become a "diploma mill"? Highly unlikely.

    As I'm commited to NCU and too far in the program to go back, I am quite concerned by this, but I would like to have ALL the facts before jumping to any conclusions.

    The reason why I say that I feel that I will regret my posting is because I have to admit that I rarely post any more due to the runaway conversations and personal attacks, and attacks against other universites, not just NCU, but even UoP, Strayer, Touro, Union, etc.
  15. Shawn Ambrose

    Shawn Ambrose New Member


    Great post - thanks for the update. I would like to believe that when someone chooses a school, especially at the doctoral level, that the person has done their homework and chose the school that is best for them. You chose NCU because it was best for you; I chose Capella because it was best for me. Generally, I take negative posts about other schools with a grain of salt.

    I sincerely hope that NCU continues to offer doctoral programs that meet the rigor of the academy, because Capella, NCU, Touro, etc. ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER, The DL community needs ALL of these schools to produce qualified DBAs and PhDs. :)
  16. BinkWile

    BinkWile New Member

    Thanks Capella. I did research a lot of programs, and I spent 1 qtr at Capella before choosing NCU. I basically was down to Touro and NCU and then chose the latter.

    You know, when I spoke with NCU about this, they listened to my concerns and made it sound like they were completely unaware of such websites, as if someone (HUI or some person) had posted them illegally. I don't think they wanted to say because of legality reasons, but I now see that the sites are down completely.

    I hope that this is not going to turn negative becuase I don't have any recourse. I am willing to believe the administration however, and look forward to seeing what happens next.
  17. jimnagrom

    jimnagrom New Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: NCU

    So do I...and several more who had to pay for one or more "extensions" and keep submitting topic proposals. Profs may decline for several reasons:

    1. Not their area of expertise
    2. Their plate is full at that time.
    3. Student has pissed someone off (one faculty member in particular is the "600-lb gorilla" in terms of influeence.
  18. Alicewalker

    Alicewalker New Member

    Have you taking any graduate stats courses at NCU?

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