Here's a few stories I ran through while surfing.,8816,1837918,00.html[email protected][email protected] My prediction (I'm not often right) is that Palin "resigns" as the VP nominee.
I am kind of torn in this situation of the VPs 17 y/o daughter being with child and unmarried. If they win, then we will have the excuse already in place for other teenagers who get pregnant. "Well mom, the VP's daughter had sex when she was teenager and even had a baby." Personally, I think this is sending a wrong message to the teenagers. My background in public health issues is having a stroke on this one. NOW we have a poster child for such things. I know that all families are not the fairytale ones, but danged, for such a high profile and suppose to be a model family for the nation, this is messed up. I am doubtful I will vote for them now. If you can't keep your own house in order, then how to do you plan on keeping the white house in order? DISSAPPOINTED big TIME in MC CAIN's choice.
"The media gravitates to excitement, and there is real excitement around Obama. He gives a lot of voters hope for something different. McCain as a maverick is a joke. There's nothing new there. We will continue to spend $10 billion a month on the Iraq War, and let the Republicans ransack the economy with rampant borrowing." Did they pay you to say that? I could have sworn I heard the Obama camp say something like that recently. Charisma isn't everything. Jim Jones had charisma, people were excited about him and that didn't turn out too well. Seriously though. I think America knows that McCain is an independent thinker and that he'll do what he genuinely believes is best for America. They can look at his history both in the senate and in the military service to validate/justify their trust. I'm not willing to take a risk on an unknown like Obama, it makes no sense to me. If I needed a motivational speaker, I might trust Obama for that and I would even be so kind as to supply him with a teleprompter because I've listened to him without one and...he needs it. "Trust me because I have a funny sounding name and I don't look like the guys on the money." <<--That doesn't do it for me. I need someone I can trust based on their history not a series of speeches. The fact that the left is making such a big deal about Palin's daughter is absurd. All it proves is that she's a regular person. Any family can experience that. This makes them (the left) seem extremely desperate. Her pending investigation and the "bridge to nowhere" are fair game but to go after her daughter? It'll come back to haunt them. I'm hoping they say she's inexperienced because then she can pit her resume against BHO's. Anyone hear from Rev. Wright lately? "This ordinary boy [Obama] just might be the first president in the history of the United States to have a black woman sleeping at 1600 Pennsylvania legally," Wright said, referring to Michelle Obama, in a sermon at the Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church in Houston. " "Superior judgment?" If he's elected president, since that will be the time that "the earth will begin to cool" and "the oceans will begin to rise", I wonder if that will be the time that he will finally get Rev. Wright to be quiet. I'll be glad when this election is over.
Oh and Robbie, was she supposed to chain her daughter to her bed to make sure she didn't affect her mom's political career? Her daughter's actions do not reflect on how she (Mrs. Palin) will govern. As a parent of teenage daughters, I can attest that teenage girls act like crack heads. No, not literally but....Any good parent will sit down with their daughter (as I have with both of mine) and explained to them that actions have consequences that can affect people in ways that they probably hadn't considered. It was a good conversation and although they can't vote yet, they think the world of Palin. The sky isn't falling because Palin's daughter is pregnant.
You can't blame Barack for the 17 year old daughter thing. He angrily told reporters to back off. I saw this story aired on rt and lf media outlets. A story is a story. It is not about the the daughter being pregnant, it is about her mother touting abstinence only. Obviously, it doesn't work. That is a legitimate question. I am sorry, but Palin seems to preach backwards policies including creationism in schools, and no abortions even in the case of rape and incest? Backwards, backwards, backwards. Sorry. As far as the other investigations, don't worry, they will continue. The red meat crowd of the RNC will stand up for Palin in front of the cameras, but the truth is, the are not happy with the way things are going. Propping up any woman is not going to make women magically vote for her. McCain's move stinks of tokenism in an effort to portray himself as an agent of change, as I have said previously. In watching his talking heads, he also uses her as a shield to invoke the sexism card. If you question her experience, McCain talking heads quickly retort "How dare you! You are being sexist!". Deflection only works so many times. The constant referrence to Obama as a Messiah? I find this peculiar. W was voted in as a Messiah constantly reciting empty bible quotes. It turned out he was a false Messiah. I think the Republicans like to project. I will take Obama over W, McCain or Palin any day. And yes, I know W is not running again, thank God. This will be an exciting election. I wish you the best in your Presidential and VP pick! Abner
Abner, Obama is the leader of the Democratic party, right? Officially, the media doesn't work for him but...they're in love with him so they might as well work for him. So are you part of that far left that imply that Palin brought it on herself because she preaches abstinence only? <--That's an interesting theory. What do you say to those that buy condoms etc; etc; for their kids and then their kids still wind up with an unplanned pregnancy? What do you criticize then? Wasn't it Clinton that insisted on abstinence only programs while he was the president? What you're really saying is that her daughter's actions somehow reflect on her (Palin). As a parent, I know that's not true and I think there are many parents out there that would disagree with you. As much as we hate to admit it, kids have minds of their owns and during the teenage years, they do some really dumb things: that's what I attribute her daughter's pregnancy to because realistically, that's probably all it is. As an African American man, I'm offended that the Democrats label anyone who doesn't agree with Obama as racist. So if you think the GOP is going to play the "sexist" game/card, P.U.M.A.'s (Democrats) played it first. What if John McCain picked her because he thought she would energize conservatives (which she has), shake things up (which she has), and make history (which she will)? What if he really thinks she is the best choice? He couldn't pick Mitt because the primaries were too bitter but...Conservatives wouldn't have been happy about Guilliani, Liebermann, or Ridge. Huckabee would have been interesting and I like Fred Thompson, too but what if he decided that America is tired of looking at two white guys in the #1 and #2 spot? It's a risk's his to take. Like I said before, I work with quite a bit of Democrats and their perception is that Obama is going to "save" the U.S. You don't understand why I keep alluding to him being the Messiah but the other half of the country knows where I'm coming from. To be so smart, Obama has said some pretty egotistical things (which open him up for attacks such as mine). This is probably going to be a Democrat year and it probably won't have anything to do with the candidates (it'll be all about frustration from the past 7 years) and that'll work to Obama's advantage because if it was based on experience (like it has been before), he wouldn't be where he is now: it would be Hillary. 143 days in Congress and is a presidential nominee? Oh, I forgot about his 2 books. <<---That's insane to me!! Maybe I should run for President? I've written sermons and speeches, organized charitable events, and I was a Youth Pastor (all of this without the use of a teleprompter). Am I qualified? By today's standards, I might be. lol I wish you well in this election as well, Abner.
As I said Rich, show me one example where I've banned someone or otherwise used my admin powers to benefit myself or a personal position I hold. HINT: You can't. The same as I hold opinions of certain schools and express them, so too do I hold political views which I also express. As long as Chip has to recruit from the human race, that's going to happen. Why do you automatically assume I'm part of the right-to-life crowd? If stupid decisions by your children were a crime, both my parents would have died in prison; Palin's daughter's poor judgment has nothing to do with her qualifications to be VP. Here's the thing Tom; I deal in reality, you deal in theory and whatever you're fed in books, magazines, and newspapers. If I thought it would do anything to change your mind I could go on and on and on about the blatant abuse and fraud I see every single day, but I'm not going to waste my time. As for politics, I have no interest in a job where I'd be punished for speaking the inconvenient truth.
I am sure he is very upset by this whole situation. If you do not think he has his people working this issue behind the scenes, have another drink of the Kool-Aid.
I'm just curious why it was a wonderful event when 16 year-old Jamie Lynn Spears got pregnant, worthy of fawning news stories and outrageous bidding wars for the first baby pics, while 17 year-old Briston Palin's pregnancy is now apparently a threat to civilization as we know it.
Look. I know what it is and I know what it isn't. Regardless of what you or I might think of it, it represents the perspective of an important segment of the voting public. Influencing the perceptions of the (voting) American public is the nature of all political campaigns. Reality frequently suffers. It's all show business.
Oh gosh, I'm sorry, I did not know you were a mind reader. Perhaps I did not want to expend the energy for a lengthy repsonse? Perhaps I did not think it was worth it? Abner
Here this Degreeinfo, from our moderator, Bruce: He deals in reality (oooohhhh!). He knows that everyone on welfare is a fraud (yaaaaay!). He also knows that I get all my information from books and magazines (booooooh!). I guess we can infer that Bruce thinks I deal in fantasy (yaaaaay!). Of course, Bruce doesn't know a thing about me. Both of his assertions are equally absurd. He's made two sweeping statements. The first based on his narrow exposure as a cop. The second based on nothing. There's plenty of fraud in the welfare system. Most of us can balance that reality with the idea that there are others who can benefit, legitimately, from welfare, and that the system can serve the purpose for which it was designed. Bruce, I know you're capable of a little better critical thought what you've displayed here. Show it.
Please.....enlighten me as to what your experiences have been in the real world that you can make such proclamations. Anyone can say anyone else is wrong; I want to hear what makes you qualified to say so about me. Specifics, please. I won't hold my breath.......
I just watched Palin's speech. She did a fantastic job. I think the left is afraid. I can hardly wait to see/hear her debate with Biden. Giving a speech is quite a bit different than debating but if she can pull it off....I'm really proud of her.
I'm not sure what proclamations you're referring to. You made the bold (unfounded) proclamations. But since you asked....High school math teacher at a large, coed and diverse Catholic school in the SF Bay Area. Applied mathematician in the corporate world for many years before that. Two kids 14 and 12; married; taxpayer; I live in Oakland, which has a lot of crime and a high murder rate. It also has a lot of culture, diversity and energy and things to recommend it. I know all of the urban problems quite well, and I've certainly seen a version of the SS office that you spoke of before. Your opinion is not wrong. However, you make sweeping statements based on nothing more than what you see as a cop. I respect what you've experienced, and I fully acknowledge that you see a very real segment of the population. My problem is that you write off everything based on that experience, and you don't seem to know or care that you're basing it on a small, unrepresentative sample (sorry I teach AP stats). Everyone on welfare is not a fraud. Perhaps everyone Bruce sees on welfare is a fraud. They aren't the same thing. Let your breath out now.
I have a grandmother who collects social security. She gives that money to my father to help pay for her care. That money is pumped back to the United States economy in the form of taxes and cash flow, not shipped overseas to another country. A cousin of mine was on welfare for a short period of time when released from prison. My father persuaded a judge to release her. With our help, she cleaned up and found a full time job in the field of information technology.