Yea, I thought so, based on some of your other posts. The question was really for anyone on here who feels the air marshalls acted inappropriately.
Since we disagreed so strongly before, I thought I'd remark that we mostly agree on these things. But there are some things that wealthy countries can do, like ending agricultural subsidies to agribusiness so that farmers in developing countries can compete. (Hopefully that's not too Stalinist of me. ) -=Steve=-
Well, that really depends on how exactly it is done. If you just give 'em free money and tell 'em "go develop your economy," they'll be reduced to a culture of dependency and they'll start expecting a handout. But ... what if it is done as an arm's length free market transaction? Every economy needs four things to make it go: labor, land, capital, and entrepreneurial skills. Every economy has so many people and hence so much labor power. Do their laborers have the skills their economy needs? If not, can we either (a) provide foreign experts or (b) for an appropriate fee, help educate and train their people in the fields needed? Well, every nation has so much land. We probably can't do too much there. As for capital, that can be provided. And the owners of capital can decide whether they wish to invest equity or debt in these foreign economies. As far as entrepreneurial skills, I'm sure some of their own homegrowns have entrepreneurial skills, but, if need be, we could provide entrepreneurial consultants as well.
Welcome to the club. Don't worry, bipolar disorder is only a side effect of a very high I.Q.. (159 in my case, eat your hearts out mentally non-bipolars out there.)
I've learned on FreeRepublic that Marx was for free trade. Go figure. I wonder if the UCLA dudes did their own research or cribbed a little of Rothbard.
Well, Hong Kong did well enough without the land. And Japan has done better since being denied appropriated lands they thought they needed.
Actually, neither Hong Kong nor Japan is totally without land. And no economy could do without land, as you need some place upon which to engage in your productive activity, whatever that is. What could be said is that Hong Kong and Japan have made do with relatively little land, and they have done so by adaptation: they have learned to build up, as in by building scyscrapers.
Hey, my mom tells me I once scored a 165 on a first-grade IQ test years and years ago. Unfortunately, the best I could do on an adult IQ test was a 131 on a test that was spammed to me by tickle newsletter. I feel so inadequate now that I'm not a genius anymore!
Doing very well. I think she is leary from that time when you made me bust up and beer sprayed on her! Ha! How are your cats? Doing well I hope. Take care my friend! Hope you had a good weekend. Abner
It is the job of the air marshal to protect the life of the passengers on the jet, even if deadly force is required to do so. Everyone who carries a gun in such a capacity is trained to know when to use deadly force. So, to answer your question: If I were ever to accept such a responsibility (such a job), and the protocol was met per my inevitable training -- I would have shot the person claiming to have a bomb and making an immediate threatening action -- even if I knew the person had a mental illness diagnosis. Knowing or not knowing the diagnosis of the fellow would not have mitigated the risk to lives -- and in such a situation, deciding if the fellow is on a manic climb or depressive dive is not the job of anyone but God. Knowing whether there was a bomb in the bag or not would have mitigated the need for such force. Absent knowledge of the contents -- all such threats must be taken as valid in such a situation. All that bipolar stuff is moot. Any person + bomb claim + threatening action = immediate response. That said -- as I do not wish to ever be in a position where I have to decide between the life and death of another human being -- I would not accept such a role in the first place. I am a pacifist except under extreme circumstances (to protect lives in immediate danger). Putting myself in a role where I would, as part of that role, be at constant risk of being under that extreme circumstance would burn me to a crisp -- fast. Those who take this role know what they are doing and are trained to respond. When society faults them for protecting them ... well, no comment on that.... If life were about sugar, spice, and everything nice, candy cane dreams, sugar plums ... anyway ... it isn't. Judging those who take that role is a great mental exercise for the overly bored.
Stormy, my little black kitty, died Sept. 30th. She had autoimmune disease. She was four years old. Snowflake, the then one-year-old white kitty who showed up on my doorstep a year ago and dropped three little kittens on me, is doing well. I gave away two of the kittens to a cousin. The kitten that I kept is named Vashti. Travis, a one-year-old orange kitty, has been recently acquired from a female friend. He's a loveable cat and requires lots of attention. Nikki, another white kitty, is a bit jealous of all these new kitties. She is five years old and likes being senior kitty.
Sorry to hear this. I know what it's like. Our dog, Molly, had to be put to sleep last year. She was very kind, gentle, and lovable. About four month's ago, Chester, our rabbit, died. He was nearly 10 year's old and a wonderful bunny. He and Molly and our cat, Moses, still with us, used to play with one another. We were so amazed at how well they got along. Moses is a real character. He's Manx and loves to talk on the phone, climb unto high places, and has learned to push my key board underneath my desk so I will pay attention to him. Pets are wonderful. Humans can learn much from them in terms of love, trust, and harmony with one another. May God continue to bless and comfort you on your loss.
The only time I've cried in the last twenty years was over putting down my tuxedo cat Sniglet after she was hit by a car. Very shortly before, my wife's orange tabby got out and drank the neighbor's antifreeze. We now have a cat proof fencing (yes, there is such a thing) in our back yard. I will NEVER lose a cat to accident again, not if I can help it. The fencing is a pain to install and it ain't cheap but thus far I think it's been a good investment.