Wiki self promotion? Is Concord Law the only school with the Executive JD?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by iquagmire, Jun 22, 2006.

  1. little fauss

    little fauss New Member

    Thanks! I was just being lazy, figured I'd check w/ you first. I'll pull up the UPL statute. Jurisdiction of P, BTW, is SD.

  2. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    Not June; August.

    Senior moment.
  3. little fauss

    little fauss New Member

    You're not a senior yet, you still got a decade and change to go. Though you have, I guess, received the dread AARP letter, haven't you?
  4. Dude

    Dude New Member

    Speaking of dreaded AARP letters. I received mine two years ago (I'm now 27 years old). I assume that must have been some sort of mistake... :confused:
  5. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    Damn and blast the AARP!

    I DO receive (and toss) their endless mailings; thank you, I don't need to be reminded that I'm over 50.
  6. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Is your Dad's name Dude, Sr.?
  7. Dude

    Dude New Member

    Yep. BUT...... The letter was addressed to Dude, Jr. and was sent to an address which was never used by my dad. Also, my dad is already a member. Oh well... Maybe I should apply and see what happens? ;)
  8. Mgarcia

    Mgarcia New Member

    Jd ejd

    Actually, in CA you can use the JD after the name, as this professional degree would legally become part of your name. However, you cannot in any way shape or form use ESQ, Counselor, Attorney, Lawyer after your name or in any header, paper, or business card as that would be putting yourself out there as a lic attorney.

    I hold a BS in Paralegal Studies which took 4 years in school, a Paralegal Certification in Legal Research which took 1.5 years of additional school and now am going to go the Masters in Legal Studies from George Washington University, and will be at the school...

    I do think that a EJD is more of a waist of money, because to really learn how to research etc etc, you need to be part of the real curriculum and doing any school work home really does not work, that is for the Legal Studies and Law School side! Just my opinion!
  9. sideman

    sideman Well Known Member

    This has been an interesting thread to re-read. It was mentioned that NWCU had an LLM program and this thread was back in 2006. I attended NWCU between 2004-2008 and I don't recall them offering this program, but I may be wrong. The poster that said the BSL and the non-bar JD has little to no utility may be right, especially in the realm of the legal profession. But as far as helpful in business, and in my own business, it has been a help.
  10. Delta

    Delta Active Member

    Is the EJD from Concord (Kaplan University) considered a regionally accredited doctorate degree? Can it be used to get a faculty position where a doctorate is required?
  11. CalDog

    CalDog New Member

    Yes. In fact, this degree is specifically listed as one of Kaplan's three accredited doctorates by HLC-NCA, which is Kaplan University's regional accreditation agency:


    No idea. Wouldn't count on it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 22, 2013
  12. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    I know that in the criminal justice field that a JD is becoming less acceptable for positions that require a doctorate.
  13. CalDog

    CalDog New Member

    And if an ABA-accredited, bar-qualifying, "real" JD isn't necessarily acceptable, then where does that leave the unaccredited, non-bar-qualifying "Executive" JD ?

    My guess would be that an Executive JD would be a particularly tough sell outside of California. In most other states, law schools must be ABA-accredited, and the ABA doesn't allow non-bar JD degrees. In most parts of the country, the concept of the non-bar, unaccredited "Executive JD" is completely foreign.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 23, 2013
  14. sideman

    sideman Well Known Member

    This makes sense because the JD is not a PhD (or an SJD in regards to law) but is essentially a terminal degree and can be compared to another bachelors. Before the JD it was an LLB, but the lawyers wanted something more prestigious sounding sooo...what the lawyers want-the lawyers get. I also agree the non-bar JD is foreign to those that don't know about it, and educating the public is time consuming and extremely difficult to do. The ABA's position is probably that they don't want the JD degree to be "watered down". Frankly I feel that there's room for all and as long as you don't hold yourself out as an attorney using Esq. or Attorney at Law then there's room for those of us that have a non-bar JD. And as always I use the disclaimer of non-bar.
  15. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    A PhD in Criminal Justice or Criminology is definitely preferred, but even when there was a dearth of PhD holders and PhD programs in this field, a PhD in Sociology was and still is much more prevalent than a JD at 4-year colleges. A JD would probably still be okay at CCs and non-traditional schools. I don't know if I read it in an old thread here or the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences website, but the argument for the JD's unacceptability is that it's not a research degree and does not focus on the behavioral sciences.
  16. FJD

    FJD Member

    I think you're right on it. Criminal Justice/Criminology is an off-shoot of Sociology focused on the scientific study of criminal behavior. Naturally, you would expect a preference for PhDs in CJ or Sociology for teaching, just like any other field. A JD is not a research degree, but a professional degree designed to prepare the student to be an attorney and not a social scientist. Of course, many JD holders obtain academic or practical experience that qualifies them to teach CJ, but they typically won't qualify based on degree alone in the way the CJ/Sociology PhD would.
  17. sandramack2013

    sandramack2013 New Member

    And if he GRADUATED from NWCU, this school is not even "approved" as no correspondence law schools can have that designation. It is merely "registered."
  18. sideman

    sideman Well Known Member

    NWCU is registered with the CBE (California Bar Examiners) and authorized by the California Bar Association to award the Juris Doctor degree.

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