UNISA - Doctorate - need your help

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by ichgraduate, Jun 4, 2010.

  1. ichgraduate

    ichgraduate New Member

    Hello everybody!

    First of all, I think this forum is extremely helpful. I spend the last 3-4 hours reading everything about UNISA (that's why I know I need to be specific: UNI of South Africa).

    Now let me have an important question. I am planning to do my PhD studies there. Which of the following do you recommend (let's say that I'm quite flexible in the specialisation). I understand from other threads that the "Doctorate in Business Leadership" is unproportionally challenging.

    Please, give me your advice on which Doctoral program to choose?

    Doctor of Administration in Business Economics
    Doctor of Administration in Business Management
    Doctor of Commerce in Business Management
    Doctor of Philosophy in Operations Research

    By the way, I would like to ask if you know which is the conferred title, it is not PhD, right?

    I'd highly appreciate if some experts could give me more information about the programs in general or specific programs.

    Thank you very much for your advice.
  2. muaranah

    muaranah New Member

    Have you looked into the publications of the UNISA professors in those areas? That, along with your personal reasons for wanting a doctorate should be your primary concerns, IMHO, and secondarily, if you are going to be able to do your research at a distance. You will have to submit your dissertation proposal and if there is no one able to supervise you because you want to research something no one at UNISA has expertise in, you will have what is perhaps an insurmountable problem.

    One other thing- you already have a masters degree, right? Did you write a masters thesis, and if so, what was the topic?
  3. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    Without knowing your background or your career goals no one can give you a good answer to your question. The degrees you've listed are all quite different. What are your interests? What do you want this degree to do for you?
  4. ichgraduate

    ichgraduate New Member

    Thank you for your answer.

    Of course I do have a Masters degree in Economics.
    Thesis was on Consumer Behaviour (Marketing)
  5. ichgraduate

    ichgraduate New Member

    Thank you for your reply.

    You are right.

    I have a BA and a MSc in Economics.
    My interest is rather in in Entrepreneurship, Business Strategy, Management and Marketing than in pure Economics.
  6. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    I would strogly suggest the PhD instead of the other programs if you are going to work in North America. Most Universities only know the DBA or PhD so anything else might raise questions and give you problems when applying for faculty positions.The PhD in Operations research will open you the doors to teach in Business and Engineering faculties so I would go for that program.
  7. b4cz28

    b4cz28 Active Member

    Don't forget about the wait time, I was set to go until I found out. Not for a PhD mind you.
  8. ichgraduate

    ichgraduate New Member

    HI, what do you mean exactly?
    Thank you!
  9. ichgraduate

    ichgraduate New Member

    ok, but do you know what is the difference between

    1) Doctor of Administration and
    2) Doctor of Commerce

    Thank you!
  10. distancedoc2007

    distancedoc2007 New Member

    I wouldn't count out the DBL - it is a terrific program. Very selective, not easy to get into, but very enjoyable. Some people balk at having to make 3-4trips to the school in SA, but for me that has been one of the great highlights. I've really enjoyed meeting the faculty and other students, and getting feedback from the entire faculty almost on a chapter by chapter basis. Good luck on your decision!
  11. jackrussell

    jackrussell Member

    The tough part of the DBL is that the first course comes up to about 2-3 months of residence in Pretoria which I still can't make it. Managed to get in after tearing all my hairs but have not started the DBL.

    I did ask about

    1) Doctor of Administration and
    2) Doctor of Commerce

    etc. I had an MBA but am not Business Bachelors and initially I apply for their Business Doctorate. Their recommendations start off with their basic degree, finished their honors and come back to apply. That will take 4 years! All their programs have very specific requirements.
  12. ichgraduate

    ichgraduate New Member

    Thank you all for your valuable comments.

    Now I definitely have to exclude the DBL bcs of the residence in SA.

    I am sorry it didn't work out for you.
    Can you give me some specific differences between the D of Administradtion and the D of Commerce, please? I really don't get the difference. Thank you.
  13. distancedoc2007

    distancedoc2007 New Member

    The residency thing must be newish, because you used to only have to attend 3-4 colloquia sessions as you were writing the dissertation. Each one involves a 30-60 minute presentation and feedback. You can do the colloquium visits in less than a week if you can stand the jetlag. I really recommend staying longer though, as it's such a beautiful country. Tune into the World Cup this month and you'll get a flavour of the place if you haven't been there.

    Oh, and there's the big first year paper to get through too. I enjoyed that.
  14. jackrussell

    jackrussell Member

    I would love to especially now! World Cup season, problem is the 2-3 months stay is hard for distance education students. Colloquium visits is expected and is ok.
  15. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    It would be useful if you could post a link that shows this residency requirement. I'm asking because this has come up before and every time it's been shown that there really is no residency requirement.
  16. distancedoc2007

    distancedoc2007 New Member

    I hear you. Several months would be tough to manage.
  17. Tireman 44444

    Tireman 44444 Well-Known Member

    I know for the UNISA History PhD program does NOT have a residency requirement. For some others, I cannot speak about.
  18. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    In any case, since the DBL degree program wasn't listed among the programs of interest by the original poster it wouldn't seem to matter if there was a residency requirement or not.
  19. ichgraduate

    ichgraduate New Member

    That's a very good point Kizmet, thank you. :)

    It brings me back to my original question, what do you recommend me? What exactly is the difference between Doctor of Commerce and Doctor of Administration?

    Thank you all in advance.
  20. jackrussell

    jackrussell Member

    This was what I received from them


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