Republicans still believe Trump's election loss was the result of a rigged election

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Bill Huffman, Apr 12, 2021.

  1. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    You mean Dem's in 2016 and a the next 4 years after.
    I remember how Russians stole the elections in 2016 and Trump a Russian spy etc .
    Countless attempts to unseat president Trump started immediately after the Hilary's loss. Complains about security of voting machines and many more issues related t 2016.
    2020 took it even further, a level higher because it was a serious victory to ChiComs.
  2. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    While this is absolutely true, I would just like to add that the gullibility of the Republicans is not because of intelligence or anything like that. It is because the vast majority of Republicans get their news from mediocre accuracy media. Fox News is rated Mixed accuracy by This means they report a mixture of true, false, and incomplete statements. Just listen to a presentation by Carl Tuckerson on COVID19 vaccines for an instruction on how to put together a series of incomplete statements and leading questions into what essentially ends up being a completely unscientific misleading rant. But, that will likely pass any fact check.
  3. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Sorry Lerner, the left did not say that Russia stole the 2016 elections. Clinton's loss was attributed to other things not that. That was Fox News weaving their lies about the left. This false claim of yours has already been debunked on this forum so I won't bother doing it again. Your source for news is mediocre accuracy and should not be trusted.

    The twice impeached Trump was unfit to be President.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2021
  4. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    That's not true. No leading Democrat said any such thing.

    You remember inaccurately. What the Democrats alleged, and what the Mueller Report proved, is that the Trump campaign colluded with Russian officials (and people connected to them). Democrats also pointed to evidence that Russia interfered with the election with propaganda. No one alleged anything close to the baseless claims of Trump and his minions--all of which have been disproved.

    Please point to specific examples of people with the power to "unseat" Trump attempted to do so. Or lawsuits filed to overturn election results. We'll wait....

    Trump was already setting up an effort to claim the 2016 election was rigged before he unexpectedly won it. Then, amazingly, he continued to claim election fraud in an election he won!


    Your attempts at both-sides-do-it are weak because you cannot support them. Ever. Doesn't that get old?
  5. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Lerner is just parroting what he heard on Fox News. He has made this false claim previously on this forum. I linked to a high accuracy media source that had a printed article stating it was not true. That the Democrats commonly attributed Clinton's loss to not pushing aggressively enough at the end, not campaigning in the swing states, and the silly Comey debacle at the end. Lerner, IIRC, then linked to some silly Fox News discussion between political pundits ranting about how stupid the left is to believe that Russia stole the election to support his false claim.
    Rich Douglas likes this.
  6. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    I would add that she wasn't very popular to begin with. (I blame that on Republicans demonizing the Clintons to no end.) Oh, and she's a woman, which absolutely doesn't help in many parts of the country.
    Bill Huffman likes this.
  7. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    Remember how the Democrats blocked Republican bills aimed at improving election security? No?

    Oh right, it was the other way around. Trump trash-talked all such attempts, and McConnel killed the bills. The way the GOP now suddenly takes up the cybersecurity angle rivals and exceeds Goebbels' work in audacity. And that's just a subordinate Big Lie on the Right.
    Rich Douglas likes this.
  8. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    Yes. Unfortunately, a lot of Democrats joined in the demonizing (hi Bernie!).
    Bill Huffman likes this.
  9. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    I'm not speculating. It is quite clear that Putin deploys Special Measures to undermine the West, using right-wing figures and rhetoric, mainly. One just have to listen to that Russia-educated "reporter" at OANN. And he had hit the paydirt: when was the last time half of the Americans doubted legitimacy of their own democracy or the majority of a major party (including all the stars, including state Governors) actively working against their own nations' response to a pandemic? Stunning success; I did not know a mediocre KGP spy like Putin had it in him to achieve all that. I guess they make up for the lack of skill with their advanced sociopathy.

    America's neo-Nazi terrorists have a powerful new patron: Vladimir Putin - U.S. News -
    Republicans siding with Putin over Biden are showing their ‘adoration’ for a ‘murderous autocrat’: journalist -
    With Friends Like These: The Kremlin’s Far-Right and Populist Connections in Italy and Austria - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

    Now, a speculation: are you sure the whole Lost Cause tradition of glorifying Confederate traitors was a giant Soviet Active Measure? Or just the modern "hybrid" take on it, where a bunch of people woke up one day and realized they care deeply about preserving "history" in the form of monuments to said traitors? What can be the bigger cultural suppression than worshipping one's own nation's most dangerous domestic foes?
    Rich Douglas and Bill Huffman like this.
  10. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    For fun I looked up the discussion that I refer to above. Rereading that exchange it seems obvious that Lerner was not really reading my posts. Just posting multiple Fox News political pundit rants repeating this lie about the left as if that somehow proved his statement true.

    The article I linked to debunking the lie was printed in The New Yorker. The New Yorker is rated as High accuracy by

    Democrats, for the most part, have avoided attributing Hillary Clinton’s defeat directly to Russian machinations. They have more readily blamed James Comey, the former F.B.I. director, for reversing Clinton’s thin lead in the final days of the campaign by reopening a criminal investigation into her mishandling of classified e-mails. Many have also expressed frustration with Clinton’s weak performance as a candidate, and with her campaign’s tactical errors. Instead of investigating whether Russia tipped the electoral scales on its own, they’ve focussed on the possibility that Trump colluded with Russia, and that this, along with other crimes, might be exposed by the probe being conducted by the special counsel, Robert Mueller.
  11. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    Basically they are reaping what they planted 30 to 40 years ago. So many generations that hate America.
    Not waking up but brainwashed by communists and Marxists in the liberal colleges and universities. Not that there were no serious issues along the way of formation of the USA.
    Yet they keep planting and its not only Russia but ChiComs as well and other dictatorships.
    They don't care who the "useful idiots" are as long as they are useful.
    They want us fragmented fighting each other.

    According to the biased, nonfactual, alternate news the AZ report to be made public next Friday.
    They think this will start the decertification.
  12. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    I posted in the past YouTube videos from CNN and other less then wonderful so called media were President Trump is being called Russian spy late 2016 early 2017..
  13. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

  14. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Irrelevant nonsense clips mostly taken out of context. The last five minutes just clips of Democrats saying the word "fight". What is this nonsense supposed to even mean? Is it supposed to be funny? It makes no sense to me.

    Russian spy was not the discussion.

    In our earlier discussion in the thread "Trump is the perfect sore loser" you first repeated this lie.

    "Yet the left for four years been telling that the 1. last election was fake and that 2. Donald Trump really wasn’t elected."

    To try to prove your lie true you posted links to Hannity and Josh Hayley repeating those lies. When I stated the left did not say those things you stated they said it many thousands of times and you told ME to do a Google search. You actually tried to put it on me to prove your stupid lies as true. Eventually after many pages you changed your lie about what the left was saying to saying instead that the left claimed Russia stole the election.

    This discussion about you repeating lies about what the left was saying starting with the above quote and morphing into the "Russia stole the election" lie started on a page somewhere before 38 and went on for many pages of that thread. I'm making no claim that you made up these lies yourself. You are just repeating the lies that the right was telling about what the left was saying.
  15. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Just woke up. Biden was elected president and remains so. Zero progress by Republicans wishing to dispute that--which is almost 100% of them.
  16. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Just as a reminder, this latest discussion started off with this flat out true statement of yours.

    Lerner responded with his false assertion that Democrats participated in similar activates and supported this assertion by putting forth the lie that Democrats stated that Russia stole the 2016 election during the four years of Trump's reign as wannabe autocrat. This lie about the Democrats has been debunked again leaving Lerner with the opportunity to come up with a different argument against your assertion that it is just one party, Republicans, that are destroying our democracy.
  17. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    When Republicans introduce legislation that improves access to the ballot for eligible voters, I'll listen. Until then, they're just destroyers of democracy.
  18. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Looks like there were more cops and media than there were protesters at the rally in DC today.

    Lame snowflakes. It's one thing to attack a peaceful government building. It's quite another to do it when they know you're coming.

    This White supremacist movement might be on the wane.
  19. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    I wish. That was my thought when after Charlottesville they didn't really have any follow up rallies. I mean they tried a few times but more counter protestors showed up than white supremacists. But they seemed well represented at the January 6 insurrection.
  20. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    Clinton blamed Russia and the FBI director for her loss. In other words blamed Russia (stole the elections from her). Her words "I would be your President"..
    Intelligence community and governments officials support the facts that Russians were involved in negative campaign, and investigated the Russians role to support Trump and Bernie, yet hurt Hilary elections chances.
    Hilary blamed her loss, in part, on "some unprecedented factors" — namely Russian hacking and the letter about the investigation into her email server released by FBI Director James Comey days before the election.
    "Vladimir Putin himself directed the covert cyberattacks against our electoral system, against our democracy, apparently because he has a personal beef against me," Clinton said, per audio obtained by The New York Times.
    Major media outlets have reported that Russia (RAI) used misinformation to influence the American voters in 2016.
    Regarding the 2016 election, major U.S. media outlets reported that Russian operatives used online misinformation to alter American voter’s perception of each candidate, as part of an influence campaign ordered by the Kremlin.
    But in her book she listed 16 reasons of what went wrong, Russia is only one of them.
    Yet thematically, the Russian interference tactics were consistent with the reasons Clinton lost.- paraphrase Russians cost elections lost.

    And we have this blast from the past:
    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Democratic Party sued the Russian government, U.S. President Donald Trump’s campaign and WikiLeaks on Friday, charging that they carried out a wide-ranging conspiracy to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

    Russia, Russia, Russia
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2021

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