No dissertation for Northcentral University International Dept DBA?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by carlosb, Jul 14, 2005.

  1. JNelson467

    JNelson467 New Member

    The Plot Thickens....I knew there was a reason I like popping in on these topics.

    This is a much interesting discussion and although I do not feel I have enough knowledge of the relationship between the Hanoi Tech. and NCU, it also concerns me with the DBA program and it being shown to require no dissertation, yet appears to be awarded through NCU.

    I am still in consideration of a DBA program and this makes it even more interesting.

    Looking forward to seeing more discussion on this and possibly valuable input from a NCU staff, students etc.
  2. bing

    bing New Member

    We aren't likely to get any answers soon. There is probably quite a meeting going on today at NCU discussing this topic. do they answer and what their next step will be. Hopefully, NCA will follow-up with this. I'm just glad I did not sign up for a class at this point.

    This is an excellent topic to remember. I think all of students looking at newly accredited schools might want to keep this topic on boookmark. However, NCU has a more tough reputation being owned by the same people who own SCUPS.

    To me, if I look at the next 3+ years in doctoral study I see the following...a lot of money spent, family time lost, some very late nights, and loss of sleep in general. This is too much to give up when looking at the future with a school that might go the way of the wind with accreditation.

    We'll have to see what they respond with. The fact that the website points back to Whipple St seems damning. Meanwhile, I am re-considering other admission offers so as to be ready for the worst case. Can't be too patient, though. I wanted to start by September.

  3. Ike

    Ike New Member

    A little correction....

    It is six or seven years and usually a minimum of six years plus 1 year internship. At OAU (formally Unife), it's seven years plus 1 year internship. It has always been like that.
  4. raristud

    raristud Member

    How about the NCU DBA without dissertation offered to students in vietnam? How many years does it take to complete? :D
  5. Anthony Pina

    Anthony Pina Active Member

    Hi kharman (if you are Keith Harman of the NCU faculty, then Hi Dr. Harman):

    Please quote the "inaccurate discussions" and "unfounded hyperbole" in which I have been accused of contributing. Also, demonstrate specifically where I have been "inaccurate" and "unfounded". If I am proven wrong, I will happily admit it.

    I await your response...
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2005
  6. Anthony Pina

    Anthony Pina Active Member

    If kharman is, in fact, Keith Harman of NCU, then he is listed as a business professor and department chair. He would be in the best position to clarify this issue.

    Is that you, Dr. Harman?
  7. bing

    bing New Member

    I sent a message to NCU about this HUI/NCU alliance. Got a "will be out of the office until July 28th" back.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2005
  8. raristud

    raristud Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2005
  9. bing

    bing New Member

  10. bing

    bing New Member


    How did you catch this? Just browsing the net for NCU stuff? I want to learn from you.

    By the way, this was an EXCELLENT find!


  11. carlosb

    carlosb New Member

    Very Interesting:

    NCU is not the only one working with HUT.

    An AACSB school (University of Houston) is working with HUT:

    Emphasis is mine.

    No mention of a DBA anywhere!!
  12. Ike

    Ike New Member

    I don't work for NCU, so I don't know how long it takes. But..Umm... The whole is issue is disturbing. Like JoAnn and Andy have implied in the past, it appears that many people are looking for easy degrees. NCU degrees are the most popular degrees here at
    Was NCU over-marketed here? Is somebody shilling for NCU? I don't know the answers but I do know that some posters rushed to judgment to equate NCU with other longstanding DL schools.
  13. carlosb

    carlosb New Member

    Re: Re: No dissertation for Northcentral University International Dept DBA?

    I like to research stuff on the Internet as a diversion to working!

    I use Google and Boolean logic to narrow things down. In this case I started with "Northcentral University" MBA to see if there were any news articles or discusssions on the 'net. By page three of the search results I noticed something about NCU and Hanoi. Modified my search to "Northcentral University" MBA Hanoi and started to find stuff like:

    At the bottom of the page was [email protected]. Changed that to and viola!

    I just hope we don't rush to judgement until we know all the facts.
  14. bing

    bing New Member

    I don't know that I would go that far, Ike. I think many looked at NCU in light of cost and RA factors. Afterall, it is a regionally accredited school. I rely on RA to be the "bible" informing which schools have standards in place in order for me to complete a degree.

    NCU provided many facets that other DL schools just did not offer...concentrations in numerous subjects(DBAEdD, and PhD) and a seemingly cut and dry systematic approach to the dissertation.

    I live near the NCAA HQ and lunch with some managers there. I even heard them mention NCU's sports program and it's affiliation with some sports group I have long forgotten. I know one guy over there who is in NCU's program and I guess that affiliation was the deciding factor for him.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2005
  15. JNelson467

    JNelson467 New Member

    Re: Re: Re: No dissertation for Northcentral University International Dept DBA?

    Precisely. Without the facts, it would be speculatory. NCU I feel is still a good option and one I am still considering for a DBA program. We all have our ideas and views on what schools have to offer. Many would definitely disagree in my possible choices etc. as well. I accept that thought and always appreciate the constructive views.
  16. raristud

    raristud Member

    I hope it is a misunderstanding. NCU has interesting programs and potential. They need to do some serious policy reform and revamp their business practices. However, I am looking into other academic alternatives.

  17. bing

    bing New Member

    Official Response from NCU

    "XXXXX, on behalf of Northcentral University we would like to thank you
    for bringing this web site to our attention. The information is indeed
    incorrect. Northcentral University (NCU) has contacted the responsible
    parties to remove their site immediately as all marketing materials must
    be approved through NCU.

    NCU established a joint venture program in Vietnam between Hanoi
    University of Technology (HUT) and Northcentral University(NCU) to
    provide graduate and undergraduate education and NCU degrees for
    Vietnamese learners and foreign citizens working in Vietnam.

    The program provided by this joint-venture project will be the SAME
    quality as the NCU programs in the US. Students will be taught in
    English and the textbooks will be English (the same textbooks that are
    used in the US schools). However, the tuition fees will be lower to
    provide an opportunity for Vietnamese learners who cannot afford to go
    to the US to study, so they can study at home and receive the SAME
    quality education that is offered in the US and earn an American degree.

    To date we only have an agreement for the BBA and MBA at Hanoi
    University of Technology. But I can assure you if and when we do begin
    any doctoral programs Learners will be of the same academic standards,
    policies, curriculum and course content.

    Doctor of Business Administration: The DBA serves as preparation for
    advanced positions of leadership in all organizations: including
    business, private, government, military, philanthropy, and public. The
    DBA emphasizes applied and practical research as a means to understand
    and solve real organizational problems.
    The DBA dissertation is original research intended to establish a
    learner's competence through the analysis, presentation and solution of
    a practical business problem. It may involve case study methodology,
    documentary analysis, qualitative research design, or "mixed methods"
    research design. An oral defense of the DBA dissertation is not

    Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration: The PhD traditionally
    focuses on a more rigorous application of research required for those
    usually seeking careers in academic research, publications, and
    university teaching. PhD learners gain the skills to meet that need
    through rigorous reflection on their professional experiences, in-depth
    exposure to the insights offered by leading proponents, review of
    classic and cutting edge theory and research, and mastery of methods and
    techniques to identify, assess, understand and communicate strategically
    critical knowledge. As stewards of the discipline of Business
    Administration, PhD learners focus upon the creation of new knowledge in
    Business Administration.

    Again, I would like to personally thank you for reporting to
    Northcentral University your concerns.

    Warmest regards,

    Kim Vince, International Admissions
    Community Relations
    Northcentral University
    505 W. Whipple
    Prescott, AZ 86301
    Phone (928) 541-7777 x 8077 Fax (928) 541-7817"
  18. raristud

    raristud Member

    “HUT has established a partnership with Northcentral University (NCU) in the United States to provide American bachelors, masters and doctoral degrees in business and technology management to HUT students” (

    “To date we only have an agreement for the BBA and MBA at Hanoi University of Technology. But I can assure you if and when we do begin any doctoral programs Learners will be of the same academic standards, policies, curriculum and course content”

    -- These two paragraphs written by NCU representatives are conflicting

    “The DBA dissertation is original research intended to establish a learner's competence through the analysis, presentation and solution of a practical business problem. It may involve case study methodology, documentary analysis, qualitative research design, or "mixed methods"
    research design. An oral defense of the DBA dissertation is not

    “DBA is only a continuation of the MBA: DBA students will not need to write a dissertation. Therefore it only requires about 2-3 years of study after the MBA even though they students who finish either the DBA or Ph.D. bear the title of Doctor “ (

    --- What information is indeed incorrect? Why are the web pages still active?

    --- Is the “DBA students will not need to write a dissertation” incorrect?

    --- Is the website a fabrication?

    --- Who are the responsible parties then? The domain is redirected to . ncuinternational has a registered addressed identical to Northcentral University.

    Can a NCU staff member elaborate on the above?
    Thank you.
  19. bing

    bing New Member

    I agree with all you have commented on. Their statements seem conflicting and the evidence is that THEIR(NCU) site says DOCTORATES in the HUT area. I think they got caught and called on it thanks to carlosb.

    If I were an NCU MBA student I would be upset about the cheap tuition that they are getting at HUT, though. That one seems hard to take. 10K is nothing to sneeze at.

    Given that they already made mention in the site that DBAs don't need dissertations I will jump to the conclusion that likely the MBA's, and possibly the doctorates, issued there at HUT by NCU, are of less quality/work. Guess what happens next? Those same people will be coming here competing against you and holding the same credential. However, they won't have the same work behind it. This waters yours down.

  20. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    My dad is a Vietnam vet and is currently an international consultant and businessman. He said that the Vietnamese still have a great deal of distrust of the Americans and, additionally, their culture is vastly different from ours, so it is possible to be rude to them (without knowing it) and, thus, the deal is off.

    There are many new ventures opening up in Vietnam. The doors started to open at the begining of the 21st Century. If the Vietnamese do business with you, then it means they have a great deal of respect for you, which may not mean a lot in the Western culture, but it is everything in their culture. In the west, it is common for people to jump right into business relationships; but in Vietnam, trust is earned over time and, subsequently, people don't jump right into business relationships. In the Vietnamese culture, trust must be earned; it isn't simply given. Thus, it is more difficult to engage in business dealings with the Vietnamese and one must have more tenacity (the time/trust factor) while exercising cultural finesse.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2005

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