More tut-tut-ery in Gaza

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by nosborne48, May 17, 2024.

  1. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    It's debatable:
    Even General Mark Milley, the former chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, called the US evacuation from Afghanistan a "strategic failure,"
    Mr. McConnell, then the majority leader, took to the Senate floor to decry Pr. Trump’s planned withdrawal from Afghanistan, warning that a premature exit would be “reminiscent of the humiliating American departure from Saigon.”
    All Russian and other foreign language channels at the time and soon after described the escape of Afghanistan as flight of defeated forces.
    Leaving behind a lot of good, loyal people.
    US troops pulled out after 20 years in Afghanistan, and the final few weeks were deadly and chaotic as the Taliban swept to power.
    I fully understand that US military actions under what were extremely dangerous circumstances.
    The administration allowed Taliban dictate the date that Americans leave. Final days in Afghanistan devolved into a frantic race to get more than 125,000 people out — during which 13 service members were killed in a bombing attack outside the Kabul airport

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