Migration policies are failing, migrants are strugling - ‘broken’ national immigration system

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Lerner, Aug 16, 2023.

  1. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    It takes a few rotten apples.

    In the legal immigration process people are being screened, people have to travel back to their country to provide certifications and prove
    of no criminal background etc.
    In asylum situation, when large groups cross the borders, there is no screening or reduced screening. We don't have the same level of control.
    FBI warned about hostile migrants infiltrations.
    MS13 scouts activities on Arizona and other borders are increasing.
  2. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    It's not like the Mara Salvatrucha folks are new in the US, Lerner. There are at least 10,000 of the tattooed freaks here now - so "La Migra" failed big-time in keeping them out, in the first place. Are they gonna do any better now? Don't get your hopes up.

    This is yet another crisis? Aw, crap! ...."Next!" BTW MS-13 was FOUNDED in Los Angeles.

    Last edited: Feb 1, 2024
  3. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    The above article is a good story - shows how US authorities screwed up. They deported many salvadoreños
    and other Central Americans without notifying their local authorities - hence many of them returned to the Northern Triangle countries and the gang ballooned. I think what the US needs here is better administration, more international cooperation and less oratory, fear-mongering and finger-pointing.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2024
  4. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

  5. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    Alleged migrant attack on NYC police sparks political uproar


    "An attack on police officers in New York City's Times Square, allegedly by a group of migrants, most of whom were released on bail, has sparked a US election-year political furore.
    At least 12 suspects were allegedly involved in last weekend's attack. Six have been arrested.
    Five of those were released on bail and the rest remain at large. One remains in jail.
    Immigration is a hot issue ahead of the November 2024 US general election.
    More than 6.3m migrants are recorded to have crossed into the US illegally since 2021, record highs that could affect the re-election chances
    The released migrants took a bus to California."
  6. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    NY helps migrants to survive - humane approach: NY will soon launch a $53 million pilot program to hand out pre-paid credit cards to migrant families housed in hotels, according to a report.
    "The New York Post, citing city records, reported that 500 migrant families at the Roosevelt Hotel will receive pre-paid cards to help them buy food. The program is intended to replace the current food service provided there, the Post reported.

    "Not only will this provide families with the ability to purchase fresh food for their culturally relevant diets and the baby supplies of their choosing, but the pilot program is expected to save New York City more than $600,000 per month, or more than $7.2 million annually," a spokesperson for New York City Mayor leaving the page." "

    told the paper in a statement.
  7. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    The fundamental philosophical difference is whether one considers migrants to be human beings (Democrats) or vermin (MAGA).
  8. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    The migration needs to be done properly. If what is called legal immigrants are screened for infectious diseases and legal background, then other large groups are not screened, then why screen the migrants at all?
    A friend of mine is a security guard for hire, He works in different locations including immigration courts in Denver. One of the courts he works at processes
    about 1K every other day.
    Last Thursday, a woman came with her infant child. The court clerk saw marks on her child face. It was chicken pox. The woman stated that her whole family has chick pox, in their group who came from NYC where they were to report.
    Obviously there is need to provide healthcare and vaccinations, a way to prevent spreading of disease. If I'm not mistaken, in the state of California and some other states
    Healthcare is provided to migrants.

    A compassionate and humane way to handle the process, as it is handled in ports of entries.
    If screened groups of migrants were given work permits, I understand it would encourage migration, but they could get jobs and provide for their families, integrate in to society.
    Maybe states can play a bigger role, even if this is under Federal gov?
    There is a balance and obligation to protect citizens as well.
  9. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    I doubt Governor Stupid's Texas would sign on to that. With or without a war.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2024
  10. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    Here we go again. Do you realize that what you suggest as reasonable, here, is way to the left of the bipartisan Senate deal that Trumpster Fire and Speaker "Pharisee Hypocrite" Johnson are in the process of killing right now (while also stranding much needed help for Ukraine and Taiwan)? Probably to the left of actual Biden platform as well? They don't mean it when they use talking points you are helping them spread. If you want anything done, anything at all, on anything - punish the lying obstructionists and vote Blue across the ballot. This is the only responsible thing to do for anyone with the right to vote.
  11. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    AGAIN with the Pharisee label!:(
  12. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    You need to know that I am not referring to an important group in the intellectual history of Judaism. I'm referring to characters in the Gospels. People our Lord referred to using the stock phrase 'woe be to thee, Pharisees and Scribes, hypocrites". You know, the symbol of sanctimonious, corrupt political and social elites. Exactly like Mike Johnson.
  13. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    "Yeshua was Jewish, but when we disconnect him from the Pharisaic tradition he was clearly part of, we disconnect him from his community and his family, from his ancestors and his place of birth. Yeshua has been Christianized, stripped of his roots.
    At 12 years old, Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem after his parents went home to Nazareth. He spent his time in the temple, and “everyone who heard him was amazed at his understanding and his answers” The Gospels record him and others around him listening, learning and asking questions. Discussing the Torah and how it should be interpreted and lived out was a very common action among the Pharisee, whose practice would eventually become the basis for Rabbinic Judaism.

    He was a Pharisee. Yohanan (John) 1:19 - 28
    And they that were sent were of the Pharisees.
    25 And they asked him, and said unto him, Why baptizest thou then, if thou be not that Messiah, nor Elijah, neither that prophet?
    26 Yohanan (John) answered them, saying, I baptize with water: but there standeth one among you(Pharisees), whom ye know not;

    Some Pharisees were also sent. And among them the Pharisees, one is standing.

    But when Yeshua turned around and saw them following, he asked them, “What are you looking for?”
    They asked him, “Rabbi,” “where are you staying?”

    The Pharisees were the progenitors of modern Judaism, and the maligning of them in the NT is an antisemitic mischaracterization.
    Such expressions among others were evident in pogroms against the Jews of Europe.."

    But the hindsight of 1900 years, most of which were chock-full of Christian antisemitism, we should be able to see NOW that using Pharisee as a slur is bad.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2024
  14. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    You really need to link your sources when posting quotes. What is the full context and agenda of this piece?

    Christianity itself owes a lot of its basic tenets to Pharisee tradition of interpreting Hebrew religious law, through St. Paul, a proud Pharisee (Phil. 3.5, Acts 23.6). Nonetheless, NT says what it does, and word "pharisee" in most European languages has certain connotation that I am not about to censor. It is not a matter of doctrine nor tradition, rather an insight on what politicized organized religion can become. Examples abound, from certain self-described "Evangelicals" to the leadership of russian "orthodox" "church".
  15. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    AGREED! (I've mentioned that multiple times.)
  16. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    The reason I didn't provide source is that I edited and quoted multiple resources, such as online Bible and a couple of articles.
    So basically I used parts of other text to express my opinion. Those articles easily googled.

    I'll simplify it.
    To call a person a Pharisee is a slur. And if one calls a Jew this way, the it's an antisemitic slur.
    And the other point I was making is that the confusion is because Jesus keeps criticizing the other Pharisees, but he was, in fact, a Pharisee himself.
    It is similar to when, say, a political candidate talks about other members of the same party in a way to differentiate him or herself.
    And I sited the biblical verses to support that.
  17. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    Going back to the discussion, I was asking why to screen immigrants background and health if large groups of migrants are not subject to such screening?
    And this is not in order to attack migrants, but actually what CA does to provide them accesses to healthcare.
    But if you're legally applied for immigration visa to the US, you will be subject to a lot of screening, those regulations, rules are in order to protect US population etc.
    Ports of entry should have for asylum migrants referrals to clinics for vaccinations and screening, and if needed temporary quarantining people. I'm sure some of it is in place but read it's barely functioning due to not having resources.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2024
  18. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    No it's not. Certainly no more than calling someone a Puritan or a Jesuit for well-known negative connotations these words have. This is so even given that the SJ, for one, still thrives, its negative reputation is largely due to slander, and its members are doing a bunch of important work, including oh, you know, being the Pope of Rome.
    As for "antisemitic" - no doubt antisemites can make anything slant this way, including words like "international". In fact, I can't even easily think of a situation where it would make sense applying this word to a Jew, except maybe in context of internal Israeli politics or particularly unhinged conspiracy theories. Most people engaging in behaviors associated with this word, nowadays, are Christian. I could think of Johnson, or Orban, or Kirill of Moscow.
    No, he was not a Pharisee in the sense of belonging to that organized faction vying for influence in Judea. If he was, they'd push back against sacrificing one of their own to Pilate. He did, however, make clear that he was on their side regarding specific theologic controversies of the day. Jesus railed against their power-hungry, corrupt ways. And, yes, in all likelihood, Sadduccees and, I don't know, - Zealots were not any better, and singling out Pharisees was precisely BECAUSE they were in the right regarding things like resurrection of the dead or the source of religious law. He was making a [point that the right belief, or even correct worship and ritual practice, or indeed law-keeping - is not enough. Nowadays, for the majority, the word "Pharisee" doesn't mean a member of learned community or a particular sect. It means anyone who is sanctimonious, scheming, and power-hungry. If Mitch McConnell was a bit more outwardly religious he would be it. Enter, if you will, Speaker Johnson. Or Ron DeSanctimonious. Or Ted Cruz. Or any of the number of figures on Religious Right - Jerry Falwell maybe? Actual Jews would not fit the bill, as they do not use their religion to attain secular power - outside fewer swamp conspiracies and maybe the state of Israel.

    ...in fact, I don't even know if it would make sense to call someone not part of your own religious tradition, at least broadly, a "Pharisee" in this sense - and what would it mean in such a case? Speaker Johnson is a fellow Christian, even though not my particular denomination. He is also a devious snake and a member of the corrupt elite. So there.
  19. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    An article from 2019:
    Pope urged by Jews to take care over Pharisees talk

    "Some 400 Jewish and Christian Bible scholars gathered in Rome last week to exchange research notes on the Pharisees, a group about which little is known historically but which came to represent all Jews in Catholic tradition.
    "According to Rabbi David Rosen, director of interfaith affairs at the American Jewish Committee (AJC), merely mentioning the word Pharisaic “does not make somebody an anti-Semite,” but “it is definitely a component of anti-Semitism.”""
    “History has favored negative images of the Pharisees, despite there not being any concrete basis in evangelical narratives,” he said, describing the stereotype as “one of the oldest and most damaging.”

    As to Pharisees - they had like today different fractions some radical, also regular court wouldn't convict Him. They had special court and Sadducee in play here much more than Pharisees.
    He didn't say anything to His defense.
    Paul is a different story all together, and when was arrested he had to invoke his Pharisee background.

  20. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    I get that you don't mean the term in an anti-Semitic way, but when a Jew is giving you side eye over it (not to mention him one of the most even tempered people here), you may want to choose a different hill to die on.

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