Is feminism ruining gender relations in society?

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Luciano700, Oct 31, 2018.

  1. Steve Levicoff

    Steve Levicoff Well-Known Member

    That, I would think, is up to Luciano. :rolleyes:
  2. Luciano700

    Luciano700 Member

  3. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

  4. Luciano700

    Luciano700 Member

    And you realize is more than just the gender politics aspect of the movement that concerns me, right? So you don't care about the debt continuing to rise thanks to the welfare state for instance??? So you don't care now that mass shootings are becoming commonplace?
    Again, you can think all of this is bullocks, but engaging in the manosphere should probably be able to help

    Also, my choice my problem what I choose to engage in, being a red piller, this is one of my few forms of self-empowerment left.

    I suggest giving a shot at my last few citations, but unfortunately not even is that going to happen.

    And since when do degrees determine your intelligence? Degrees these days are becoming increasingly redundant and useless.

    And is also not that I am lazy, rather that the problem is that there's barely any of these studies classes regarding feminism or just gender politics and studies in general.
  5. Luciano700

    Luciano700 Member

  6. Steve Levicoff

    Steve Levicoff Well-Known Member

  7. Luciano700

    Luciano700 Member

    I didn't know there was a variety of emoticons

    Sweet! Time to play with them

  8. Steve Levicoff

    Steve Levicoff Well-Known Member

    Shit - I've unleashed a monster. Well, I hope he has fun in his, um, manosphere. :eek:
  9. Luciano700

    Luciano700 Member

    Well how bout I continue exploring my beliefs to?

    After all there are various patriarchal structures too

    I will continue my research efforts.
  10. Phdtobe

    Phdtobe Well-Known Member

    This thread is surprising becoming funny . There are biological differences men and women, male or female, or whatever is currently the political correct thing to say. To argued about which gender (or whatever the new term is) is superior is futile. How does one go about winning/losing that argument?
    Luciano700 likes this.
  11. Luciano700

    Luciano700 Member

    I agree that philosophically neither gender is superior.
  12. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

  13. Steve Levicoff

    Steve Levicoff Well-Known Member

    So I figured that DI is not the only forum on which Luciano has been posting, and that he was likely posting elsewhere under the same name.

    Sure enough, a Google search on Luciano700 reveals gems ranging from additional details on his background to how many times he shampoos his foreskin each day.

    I kid you not. I could not make up this kind of stuff. :rolleyes:
  14. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

  15. Luciano700

    Luciano700 Member

    Yes because publicly stalking someone then announcing it on a website such as this one is quite a positive outlook :rolleyes:

    Thread should have been kept cripst clean, not have turned argumentative. But with an emotionally-charged topic such as feminism...
  16. Luciano700

    Luciano700 Member

    That's technically an invasion of privacy, but I am not even going to say anything.
  17. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    Public information. What's on the internet stays there forever. Something to remember young lad.
  18. Steve Levicoff

    Steve Levicoff Well-Known Member

    Nice try, Luciano, but you should know that once you have posted something on an open forum (this or any other), it has become public information - there can be no invasion of privacy on something you have made public in the first place.

    There is a message here, of course, for everyone: anything you post anywhere can come back and bite you on the ass. Or the foreskin. :D

    Anyway, there is an idea I've been working on, of which I was reminded from one of Luciano's profiles on another forum. Rather than describing himself as he did here (ADHD, high-functioning ASD), he described himself as having Asperger's (basically the same as the ASD) and MPD. Living in a downtown area these days, I see lots of people with MPD and schizophrenia, often gesturing (sometimes with great animation) and talking to the voices in their heads.

    So it occurs to me that there might be a market for a fake bluetooth - a piece of nonworking plastic that fits in the ear and gives the impression that people with MPD or schizophrenia are actually talking to someone other than their own voices. They could be marketed with fake I-phones that can be held while walking down the street.

    Ah, but I digress . . . :cool:
    Abner likes this.
  19. Phdtobe

    Phdtobe Well-Known Member

    There are laws in Europe to scrub your information from the net. I think it is called the "the right to be forgotten".
  20. Luciano700

    Luciano700 Member

    You still don't just go announcing something like that like all shamelessly.

    I am giving this thread the brake, I will continue to discover and explore myself and continue studying the content that supports my views.

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