Here's the link to CNN: Doubtless the anti-vaxxers will just scream that it's fake news and that CNN is lying to serve the Deep State. At some point, reality takes over though. Anti-vaxxers, their families, and their children are getting sick and dying.
I have a suspicion that some elected Republicans and Fox News media pundits are encouraging the Republicans to not get vaccinated and to not wear masks just to keep the pandemic going in the hopes that it helps them in the 2022 midterms. Which if true is evil. So I'd say that the downplaying of Covid19 on the right is either irresponsible or evil.
If so, the irony is that in a highly polarized, evenly divided country, losing 0.2% of people who are apparently significantly more likely to vote for Republicans, just might mean the margin of victory in swing states.
First, you once again do not give the date of the clips. Very important for proper context. Because next point wasn't known until more recently. Second, Milley testified to congress that he informed Meadows of the call Third, Fox News is Mixed accuracy. That means true, false and incomplete statements on their broadcasts.
I thought the date is listed under the video, I will check, you are making valid points. I thought it listed Sep 28, 2021. When I see such interview, be it Fox, CNN etc after the interview I do my own checking.. Basically letting readers sort out the truth is what I have in mind when I share interviews. This tread is called Fox news, so I posted an interview by Fox news.
There is wisdom in what you are saying. For me since the tread named Fox News I share interesting interview by them. Even if the intent of this tread was not to friendly toward Fox. This interview with NIkki Haley, any GOP supporter would be interested in what she has to say as she maybe running for the high office in 2024. She is active with the the PAC and “laser-focused on the 2022 midterms,” I didn't see CNN or others provide her an opportunity to be interviewed. Maybe they did?
Here, let me translate: "I want to get nominated in 2024, so I have to do a lot of political favors in 2022."
Actually, Niki Haley would be a decent candidate, I think, for the 2024 Republican nomination. Far better than Trump or any of the governors currently being talked about. At least in this Democrat's opinion. I mean she seems more likely to follow the science than any of the other contenders.
When government ignores science, the consequences can be fatal. Science gets manipulated and politicized as well. For example when it's used for over-regulation or deregulation. We have to make sure that even as we disagree about policy, that the science isn't influenced by such pressures.
I don't think it was a Democrat vs. Republican comment. Just simply that her focus on the 2022 midterms was not really an altruistic endeavor.
While people can be manipulated and politicized even scientists, scientific conclusions are not influenced by politics. By definition if a scientific conclusion is influenced by such things then it wasn't a scientific conclusion in the first place.
There have to be checks that this is not happening. That science can correct it self when more data becomes available. For example Politics can influence the direction and quality of research. People ask whether science can ever be part of the political narrative without compromising its values. When governments provide funding for science. The public expects to get something back from the science they support like better health. The politicization of science is aided by the participation of some scientists in it.
It's too bad that the current Republican party seems to be anti-science. Republicans reject Covid19 measures like masking and vaccines. Republicans reject climate change as a human caused problem because of the burring of fossil fuels.
Indeed there is resistance among GOP leaders and voters to restrictions aimed at containing a virus they feel poses minimal personal threat. GOP is tapping into growing frustration and confusion over ever shifting rules and guidance. I don't support blocking preventative measures, making it harder to tame virus outbreaks. I don't understand it that and see skepticism and vaccine hesitancy. As always I recommend to follow CDC. CDC cited troubling research that found that fully vaccinated people can spread the delta variant just like the unvaccinated, putting those who haven’t received the shots or who have compromised immune systems at heightened risk.