Perhaps it is not a problem. The Right likes to zip right past that, demanding we accept at face value that it is. But, except for some vague and unsupported claims about jobs and Replacement Theory embraced by so many on the Right, I don't see the problem. In fact, with this country quickly headed towards zero population growth, we might even need more.
The truth is somewhere in the middle. One one hand as a sovereign country we have to protect our borders. On another hand the Immigration system can be reformed toward friendlier more accommodating and more focused toward how the immigrant work force can improve the economy. For example agriculture, Mexican and central and south American migrants are major force in some states. If there are states that are short on agricultural workers then this can be an opportunity to help all sides. Military - people wanting to serve our country can be acknowledged for the service by earning appropriate status. And as it exists essential workers as long as employers are not abusing the practice.
Right and left media is similar. We've discussed this a bit before about whether or not the 24 hour news stations are worth watching. basically says no. They are all rated Mixed accuracy or below. That is Fox, CNN, and MSNBC along with the even worse stuff on the right like Newsmax and OAN. There are plenty examples where your concept of reality is incorrect by this getting your news from mediocre accuracy sites exclusively. The CRT discussion being the most recent. Note that watching these 24 hour news stations a little bit for the entertainment for the "affirmation" shouldn't be too bad if more accurate news is used for most news consumption and it's kept in mind that one is watching for the entertainment value rather than getting the news. Anyway I came across an excellent example yesterday on CNN. In Bush's speech he referenced domestic extremists being from the same evil cloth as Al Qaeda. On CNN and MSNBC it was reported that Bush referenced the January 6 rioters in his speech. This is not true. He did not except in a general sense. I also note that the CNN printed article on Bush's speech did not repeat this false statement. showing that the printed CNN articles are better than the live shows for accuracy.
MSNBC has almost no news and doesn't purport to. It is 24 hours of opinions. Now, whether or not those opinions are based on fact could be argued, I guess.
They are not similar. Only one side opposes democracy and favors continuing COVID-19 pandemic. Both right and left media may be biased, but it is, sort of, important what they are biased FOR.
I agree that those two issues are extremely important and are making a big impact on us at this moment. I attribute the two issues you mention more to Trump than the right media itself though. My previous statements were meant more in the larger context of accuracy ratings. Which rates Fox, CNN and MSNBC the same, a low Mixed accuracy rating. I think we can quibble a bit with on this. I think that there is a slight general difference. The right media will just parrot what their audience wants to hear. Which is how it works on the left as well. While I do agree that there currently is a difference in accuracy between right and left media, it is attributed to two primary things, in my mind anyway. First, the political leader on the right is a pathological liar. He paints a whole canvas of lies that the right media then parrots since that is what their base wants to hear. Second, the politically left audience has a much bigger percentage of that audience watching "mainstream" media, CBS, ABC and NBC. These media sources have a High accuracy rating. This keeps CNN and MSNBC generally more anchored in reality because their base is more anchored in reality by High accuracy media sources.
Of course that is true. I would say that both things are true. Trump made it politically because of right wing media and their lack of truthful reporting. But what the right wing media spreads now that he has established himself as the GOP leader is driven primarily by what he says. I think what you are focused on more is the differences between what the right and left are trying to accomplish. I wasn't focused on that. Of course I'm left of center and believe that getting the pandemic under control is important and that the right is corrupting our democracy which could have horrible consequences if they keep it up. Which would be the case if Trump ran again in 2024. The GOP is driven by a narcissistic pathological liar and so is going to have problems. A sad story I heard the other day is that Mary Trump now thinks Trump very well could run again. This Big Lie is working out much better for him than she ever imagined and he very could see an opening for himself in 2024. The GOP will hopefully become sane again when Trump is no longer the party leader. But they will remain firmly in crazy land while Trump is at the helm.
The GOP. He has been elevated to their spiritual leader. Trump turned loose the likes of the Tea Party and now all Republicans must alter their perspectives and values accordingly if they want any chance at winning a primary election.
Noooo.....I think the Tea Party turned Trump loose. Trump is a symptom not the cause. Anyway, you didn't mean the helm at the White House.
I didn't use the term "helm." Someone else did. My point is that he's in charge of the party, irrespective of any formal role. As for the chicken-and-egg argument, my point there is similar to yours. Yes, the sentiments were already in place. But Trump gave voice to them like no other. The likes of Bush and Atwater leveraged them, but did not acknowledge they were doing it. But Trump came along and said the really bad stuff out loud. Everyone thought it would sink his candidacy, but he only grew more powerful and popular. Trump has always been Trump.
Yes, the political climate usually does bring out spokespeople. That's how democracy works I'm afraid.
1 in 500 Americans is now dead due to Covid. Each day--still!--1,500 Americans die of Covid. This is equivalent to 10 737s crashing--each and every day. If 10 planes full of people were crashing daily, there would be no passenger air service. But some political leaders--aided by disinformation from sources like Fox News--continue to put people in direct danger of dying from this pandemic. People have become enured to it. "The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic." – (attributed to Josef Stalin; he didn't actually say it) It's sick.
It's so odd. 95% of the current crop of COVID19 hospitalizations and deaths are from the unvaccinated portion of the population. CNN named no less than FIVE conservative radio show hosts, a couple of them actual preachers, who spoke out against the vaccines and mask mandates. They have since all died of COVID19. Public health isn't a political matter friends. The science is the science and science enforces her own decrees.