DegreeInfo Success Stories

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Bruce, Oct 12, 2008.

  1. recruiting

    recruiting Member

    Started both the online education path right here at AND at a college the very same time 2004!

    So here it is the last day of 2010 and the results are as follows:

    Coastline Community College, CA: Associate of Arts, Heath Science and Marketing GPA 3.8 (2006)

    New York Institute of Technology, NY: Bachelor of Science, IDS Program Behavioral Science - Social Science - Business GPA 3.95 (2010)
    Inducted into the Golden Key International Honour Society October 15, 2010
    NOTE:(this program was formally "The Ellis College of NYIT" administrative unit of NYIT before Ellis University went it's own way. Those of us deciding to say with NYIT were absorbed 100% by NYIT as students after all was said and done, yay! Our degrees will only show NYIT and no reference to Ellis College, again yay!!)

    However, I do believe that I'm done for a while with the university life, whew! (or am I...)

    A few notes, I would not have done the online thing had I not come here first and saw all the answers to the questions bouncing around in my head. So many of the original members I started with were VERY helpful when I has a new guy asking "dumb" questions.

    This site has been at the center of all my online information and interactions when It came to needing the right answers NOW.

    Am I leaving now that I am done with my primary educational goals, NOPE I have a few certificates I am looking at !!

    Thanks Degree Info.
  2. nvygunz

    nvygunz New Member

    A.A.S. Electronic Studies ~ Thomas Edison State College (online)
    B.S. Liberal Studies/Management ~ Excelsior College (online)
    Grad Cert. Maritime Studies ~ University of Wollongong, Australia (traditional)
    M.Ed. Adult & Organizational Learning ~ Northeastern University (online)
    Ph.D/Ed.D??? (Hoping to get started very soon) ~ Fingers Crossed University ;)

    Newer member of, thought I'd drop one in. Love all the posts!!
    Cheers and Happy New Year!!
  3. mbhenson1945

    mbhenson1945 New Member


    Does Heriot-Watt University have a DL program?

  4. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member



    LLM/Open U Hong Kong

    Just completed my LLM/Chinese Business Laws at Open U of Hong Kong. 100% on-line with a reasonable price tag & can be done within 2 years (taking only 2 courses each term). The program has both Chinese & English version and you can take your exam any where outside H.K. (OUHK will arrange an appropriate venue for oversea students).
  6. mdwolfsong

    mdwolfsong New Member

    I am new to the forum, but here it goes:

    Studied at UC Santa Cruz ('95-'98)
    CTOESL and Advanced CTOESL Certificates- Transworld Schools, San Francisco, CA ('99)
    B.S. Interdisciplinary Studies with Concentrations in English, Humanities and Behavioral Science- NYIT ('06)
    M.S. General Psychology- University of Phoenix ('08)
    Post-Master's Graduate Certificate in Online Teaching (Emphasis in Psychology)- ('10-'11)
    PhD- On the horizon and still considering where to do it.

    It has been a long haul for me. I have had people telling me I would never get anywhere with my degrees. Well, I went from being a cloistered stay-at-home mom to an online adjunct with a full work load. I have significant debt from obtaining my degrees, but I look at it this way: I would never have gotten a job without the degrees. Right now I am doing my best to calm my fears about the finances and believe in myself enough to get the doctorate done. In online education, you pretty much need the doctorate if you want a full time position at one school (and adjunct at 4-5 schools means I never get a day off right now).

    Congrats to everyone who has shared their experiences and accomplished so much. Stay positive!
  7. recruiting

    recruiting Member

    Ok , I lied NOW I am looking for a Masters program.. I just got approved for the post 9/11 GI BILL!!! WOOHOO 36 months worth! And what I do not use I can transfer to my kids.. Getting that notice today from the VA was my spring board to get looking!

  8. nursegirl2001

    nursegirl2001 New Member

    Wow !!! What a super cool story is that?? !!!
  9. globibo12

    globibo12 New Member

    Want information about Masters Degree

    I have completed B-Tch in Information Technology in 2008. Will anyone please suggest higher studies in my own stream???
  10. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Congratulations! :banana::banana::banana::banana:
  11. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    Damn Vinni!!!!! You have a sweet line up of degrees and diplomas.

    Abner :)
  12. imalcolm

    imalcolm New Member

    MS Space Studies, American Military University, 2011.

    "Now the rest is up to us, and there's a future to be won...
    We must turn our faces outward, we will do what must be done.
    For no cradle lasts forever, every bird must learn to fly.
    And we're going to the stars, see our fire in the sky!"
  13. rmm0484

    rmm0484 Member

    Ad astra, imalcom! Congratulations!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 4, 2011
  14. mikesfweb

    mikesfweb New Member

    I did my online diploma last year and i just got job with in few months.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2011
  15. DSX

    DSX New Member

    Just had my thesis approved and final grade submitted. Now, it is just a matter of waiting for the new wall candy.

    APU - MA in Intelligence Studies with a focus on terrorism and counterterrorism.
  16. Jeff Walker

    Jeff Walker New Member

    I've shared this as part of other threads, but here is my story.

    After a very successful high school career, I was being paid to attend the University of Kansas (they cut me a check for $2500 or so each semester after tuition and room and board were paid). It worked for a year, but then a screwed up and "flunked out" (well, messed up a couple semesters and lost the scholarships). After some brick and mortar networking classes through a CC program, I wiggled my way into IT and was making plenty of money in the field. But I always wanted to get my degree. And I thought I might want to teach someday.

    So off to DegreeInfo (in the very early days... I can't really recall how I found the site - probably while searching about non-accredited colleges like Kennedy Western). Given my 80 or so hours of pre-existing credit, the plethora of online graduate programs in CS or Software Engineering, and the lack of reasonable undergraduate options (most would have required me to take 60+ hours through them), it became very clear that a fast and cheap undergraduate in anything + a masters in CS would be cheaper (and potentially faster) than an undergraduate in CS.

    So after considerable reseach, I enrolled in the Excelsior BSCIS program (back when it was a flat fee depending on how many credits you came in with). Finished this in 2 years for a total cost of around $4500 (including tests, test preps, a couple correspondence courses, a couple B&M CC courses, etc).

    Then I decided to apply for the University of Illinois online masters (very highly regarded - at the time, only Carnegie Mellon had a similarly well-regarded online graduate program), with a backup of the relatively inexpensive Kansas State masters in software engineering program (which I still recommend to working programmers). I studied hard for the subject GRE to help my case. I studied for the general GRE. I took a couple pre-req courses at a CC to make sure I didn't give them any excuse to reject me. It worked. I got in and spent 3 years completing the masters. Without employer tuition reimbursement, this was an expensive option (roughly $40,000), but I don't regret it for a second, as I was able to take courses from a couple true master in their fields (4 courses from Ralph Johnson in software engineering and a genetics algorithms course from David Goldberg).

    With a masters in hand, I immediately received a full-time teaching offer from Glenville State College in West Virginia. The pay and working conditions weren't great, but full-time with a DL masters (and a boatload of industry experience) seemed like a good deal, and I was ready for the lifestyle benefits (aka summers off, if I want them off) that teaching provide. After 4 years there, I am on my second full-time teaching job and still with just the DL undergrad and DL masters degrees. I could make more (quite a bit more) programming, but I am very happy with my choices.

    Now the question is whether or not to get a doctorate. The answer is probably "no", but I always keep an eye out for cheap and reasonable options. The top 2 candidates for me right now are the Dakota State D.SC.IS program and the Mississippi State Industrial Engineering Ph.D. programs (applying operations research techniques to IS project management is a fascinating idea for me).
  17. rmm0484

    rmm0484 Member

    John, you are the example of a DL graduate with a fulltime tenured position! Congrats on your accomplishments!
  18. Cyber

    Cyber New Member

    Congrats Jeff. I think your "boatload" (like you put it) of experience was instrumental to your full time teaching job, more than the degrees. In other words, if your master degree was from a third tier school, I still think you would have done great, considering that computer science and programming is a "cut a dry" subject/field; ie: you either know it or you don't; you either know how to program or you do not - no middle of the road anything. Lessons from your success story suggests that in certain fields; especially, in very technical areas like Computer Science, Software programming, math-based engineering, etc., direct experience has more weight than fancy degrees with weak technical skills. Again, congrats; by the way, the PhD in Industrial Engineering from Mississippi State sounds a lot better and it could potentially open even more doors than DSU's Doctor of Science in IS (there's not much that you'd learn in the IS doctorate other than research). Go for it (the PhD In Industrial Engineering), whenever you decide to do the doctorate.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 26, 2011
  19. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    Well, somewhat of a hollow victory but I got my MBA diploma in the mail today from Trident. Good for me...I guess.
  20. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    When will you be adding it to your sig file? :smile:

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