DegreeInfo Success Stories

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Bruce, Oct 12, 2008.

  1. KKA

    KKA Member

    Reply to Sidney

    Hi Sidney, et al.

    The DEd program that I undertook was entirely by research. It was based on a research proposal that was approved by NMMU Faculty of Education, followed by work on the project, then culminating in a report on the research in the form of a doctoral thesis, which was ultimately reviewed by four scholars, two local and two international scholar in a "double-blind" examination process.

    I am sorry in replying and I hope the information helps others who might be interested in the same information.

  2. rmm0484

    rmm0484 Member

    As a result of DegreeInfo, the following occurred:
    (a) I dropped a CCU PhD program and finished out at the MBA level. I am still a big CCU fan.
    (b) I enrolled in NCU -PhD Business with a concentration in e-business. I am on the next to last course before the Dissertation.
    (c) I have referred a number of military people to the "Big Three" for degree completion.
    (d) I found a whole world of colorful characters, some of which have moved on to more Elysian pastures.
  3. pradeepw

    pradeepw New Member

  4. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

  5. Jodokk

    Jodokk Member

    hmmm...success eh...

    Well, I have muddled through several programs whilst on this here web discussin' thingy.

    But, they are in my

    ...see below.
  6. le_vietlong@yahoo.

    le_vietlong@yahoo. New Member

    Dear all,
    I am happy to inform you that I finished my MBA program offered by Columbia Southern University at the begining of this August. I am now teaching some tourism courses for Vietnamese American Training College in Hochiminh city, and also teaching English at some language schools.
    However, the degree will be given to us in the graduation ceremony in Oct in Vietnam (or I can choose to go to join such a ceremony in the US if I have money).
  7. -kevin-

    -kevin- Resident Redneck

    Congratulations! If you will post a separate thread with your completion I'm sure others will chime in. Enjoy your graduation ceremony.
  8. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    Way to go!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats. They have a grad ceremony in Vietnam? That's cool. Thinking of Vietnam, I think I am going to go treat myself to some pho and a banh mi. Delicious!

    You have inspired me to work go take my MBA final. Maybe I will go take it next month.

    Take care,

    Abner :)
  9. le_vietlong@yahoo.

    le_vietlong@yahoo. New Member

    The grad ceremony in Ha Noi will be on Oct 25, 2009; the one in Ho Chi Minh city is on Oct 30, 2009.
    Pls, go to to see pictures of my classroom and a grad ceremony in Vietnam.
    Is there any body thinking of Indian Phd? PM me to discuss, pls!
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2009
  10. DeterminedAdjunct

    DeterminedAdjunct New Member

    Beyond my Master's degree I recently (this summer) finished 30 additional graduate level hours in Education from a combination of Walden University and Peru State University. I have also earned a Master's degree from Walden University in Curriculum and Instruction in 2005.
  11. -kevin-

    -kevin- Resident Redneck

    Belated Congratulations....
  12. David H

    David H Member

  13. imalcolm

    imalcolm New Member


    I posted earlier in this thread... I have now finished my Bachelor of Electronic Engineering Technology degree from Cleveland Institute of Electronics / World College (DETC accredited).

    I had originally hoped to complete the progarm in July, but due to a couple of situations (mainly buying a house and moving) it took a while longer to complete my last course, the senior design project. My project was a radio controlled robot with a wireless IP camera which can be operated from across the Internet. I had a lot of fun with it.

    Today I applied to American Military University for their MS in Space Studies. If all goes well, I'll be starting there in November!

    I'm also hoping for a raise at my current job, once the salary freeze is over...
  14. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    Good job! CIE/World College has a VERY reasonable tuition rate and payment plan. nice.

    Abner :)
  15. djbrown

    djbrown Guest


    thanks the post..I would be interested about it..
  16. Cymba

    Cymba New Member

    This is long overdue, but thank you!

    Okay, this is loooooong overdue. However, a few years back I was often a "Lurker" on this site for a very long time when I was deciding which school to attend. Now, I never posted before (which may sound odd), but every question I ever had was answered. Everyone on this site was amazing and inspiring to read about.

    Well, I am back now, posting this. I am a proud success story of I came to this site as a then-current college student who was looking for a 100% online program to finish my bachelors. I just received my Associate's at that time. I learned soooo much from this site and it really opened my eyes quite a bit about education. I learned all about regional/national accreditation, the gmat/gre, the always interesting diploma mills, and of course the countless online programs out there.

    The school that I ended up choosing was SUNY Empire State (which seems to never get talked about that much btw, this site included), and I graduated and got that elusive bachelors degree. If it wasn't for this site, I would have never found out about SUNY Empire State, and it was an AWESOME experience to go to school there. Best decision I've made.
  17. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

  18. Cymba

    Cymba New Member

    Thanks! Yeah I encourage everyone to check out the programs over. It's a great place to go to school. The classes was amazing. Plus, it's a SUNY school and everyone pays in-state tuition, at $207 per credit which is quite a bargain if you ask me.
  19. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    Way to go Cymba!!!!!!

    Abner :)
  20. stacey

    stacey New Member

    You've done all of that?coming from one University to another? Very impressive. Keep it up..

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