Course Requirements of K-WU

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by OracleGuy, Sep 15, 2002.

  1. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    Re: Exams

    Again RJT is the master of deception, of course exams are not published. Here we are talking about "PAST EXAM PAPERS" for studying purposes.
    Here is an example with USQ.

    K-W is a scam and is within the interest of people involved in the business of DL to expose this fraudulent operation for the benefit of all of us and the public in general.

    This forum has been very effective in the exposure of many degree mills for the benefit of the potential DL students. If you notice, MIGS is one of the best examples. Thanks to effort of many people here this degree mill was exposed and closed down. Many goverment officials monitors this forum with the purpose to evaluate degree mills.

    I also felt for a diploma mill like Oracle guy and I wish I had a forum like this to had avoid it.

    We are fighting for the public acceptance of DL degrees and defenetely universities like K-W don't help in the process.

    How about you RJT? What is your excuse to defend your alma mater? I don't buy the story of you being a student given the amount of inside information that you seem to know.
  2. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Re: Exams

    It has been stated on the K-W forum that all K-W classes follow a 3 credit format. The graduation requirement is reportedly 5-7 classes. A normal Bachelor's degree would be 40 classes (at 3 units each). So even accepting the rash assertion that each K-W class is academic rigorous (which is not proven since it's not accredited), it is still just a small fraction of the work that is standard.

    K-W is a joke. They don't apparently really do any life experience evaluation. That is just part of the marketing claims. You are not told what classes the life experience satisfies nor even the number units of life experience awarded. There does not seem to be any method to the K-W life experience evaluation process. It is just marketing hype.

    RJT, if you are really the director of recruiting for two business units of Unisys (like you've apparently claimed), please explain why you thought that a company that rejects applicants based on the worth of their degree were practicing an unfair hiring practice. This position is totally ridiculous. I find it impossible to believe that anyone that has done any recruiting could possibly believe this.
  3. Re: Re: Wrong

    I believe that this statement is incorrect. USQ is not RA and is thus not a good model.
  4. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Wrong

    I apologize for this, I should had say that some canadian and australian universities follow this model. I'm not very familiar with US education so I assumed it was the same way. At McGill University, I used to buy past exams for studying purposes in the library. This is an excellent policy because that way you force the professors to change their exams every term.

    In any case, posting two or three questions from K-W's exams shoudn't be considered illegal or unethical in any way. But some people like RJT seem to be very scared of this for some reason.

  5. labrat

    labrat New Member

    KW actually told me which part of my work experience I was given credit for and how much credit I was given. BTW, this lady with the 137 IQ managed to get C's on 2 of those easy exams that are worthy of a 7 year old!
  6. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    An interesting claim, why were you different from the others that have posted in the K-W forum? What are the details?

    Bill Huffman
  7. OracleGuy

    OracleGuy New Member

    The key to acing the K-W exams is to study the text's index pages. That way, you can look-up all of answers well within the alloted time. Hope that helps.
  8. labrat

    labrat New Member

    Unfortunately, my professors re-worded the questions so that the key words weren't even in the index! I also used all available time writing answers to the essay questions just from what I learned so the book next to me was of no great help. Perhaps I should mention these were Master's level courses. My 4-yr undergrad degree from a state university had 1 or 2 open book tests and I dreaded them then as well. Never had the luxury of "multiple guess" tests as a grad student.
  9. OracleGuy

    OracleGuy New Member

    I hear you. Essay exams are tough. I had this one High School teacher that could formuate a doozie! Me, I'd never had an open-book exam till I entered K-W.

    In my opinion, and in the opinion of far more knowledgeable posters than I, K-W is a Degree Mill. Mills change States like most people change socks. K-W, guilty. Mills are often forbidden to accept students from select States. K-W, guilty. Mills often require a *modest* amount of work to give the appearance of legitimacy. K-W guilty. Mills don’t publish graduation requirements, K-W guilty. Mills infest States that have few or no standards for D/L. K-W, guilty. Do I need to go on?

    If your ego is stroked claiming “Grad Student” status from a Mill (IMHO), then shout it from the rooftops. But be sure to include the whole story on K-W’s sordid past with your “credential” OK? In all fairness to any future employer, your resume should include the following disclaimer under the “Education” heading

    Graduate, Kennedy-Western University*

    *Bounced out of three states, illegal in two, most of my Masters credit has come from life experience, although this varies from student to student. K-W operates out of a basement in Wyoming, a known haven for Degree Mills. K-W is non-accredited, and forbidden to enroll students from California. Please note however that I found their courses rewarding and challenging.

    The earth is flat, the earth is flat, the earth…..

  10. RJT

    RJT New Member


    FYI. K-W did communicate to me how much Academic and Experiential Credit I received, in addition to the awardation of credits from obtaining my AA Degree, on my Offical Transcript. A student can request this anytime. I was actually disappointed at the minimal life credit I was given, considering I had 40 credits above the AA. However, this just reinforces in my mind, that K-W requires real work for a degree. Also, although I finished all reqirements, my graduation is staved, until fufillment of the one year minimal enrollment period. Where's the mill behavior here? Not.
  11. labrat

    labrat New Member

    " If your ego is stroked claiming “Grad Student” status from a Mill (IMHO), then shout it from the rooftops. But be sure to include the whole story on K-W’s sordid past with your “credential” OK? In all fairness to any future employer, your resume should include the following disclaimer under the “Education” heading

    Graduate, Kennedy-Western University*"

    No ego stroking necessary, but thanks for the offer. I actually did include the "disclaimer" on my resume to my future employer. I start my new job in 3 weeks.

    In all fairness to you, I did not include the sordid pasts of K-W or Virginia Tech because : a) let them do their own research; and b) the pasts of these 2 schools has nothing to do with my level of expertise after attending.
  12. OracleGuy

    OracleGuy New Member

    Must be one of RJT's endeavors. Although, your writing style bears a striking resemblance...

    Good luck regardless. Tick, tick...
  13. labrat

    labrat New Member

    Thanks for the good wishes (albeit sarcastic). Don't know who RJT really is, but unlike everyone else I don't really care. I don't blame you for being so bitter about K-W. You had your heart set on working in Oregon and you got screwed. I'd be bitter, too. I'd never recommend K-W to anyone for undergraduate work, or any other D-L program; classwork is too essential. And I'd sure love to have been back in the classroom during the last 2 grad courses. Too hard on my own, but couldn't schedule night school.

    Anyway, Oracle Guy, please don't be angry with me because it happened to work out in my favor. I asked ahead of time what degree to get, and what places to choose from (from my HR mgr). After that, the choices were all mine - good or bad.
  14. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Dear Sirs,

    You've claimed that K-W told you what your life experience worked out to be in at least credits. If you can't provide any details then there's absolutely no way to check on the veracity of these claims. Also, do you have any idea why you might have been given this information when apparently others were not?

    Thank you,
    Bill Huffman
  15. OracleGuy

    OracleGuy New Member

    Angry? Naw, not even the slightest.

    My fully accredited D/L degree is going to take longer to obtain, but I’ll never again have to defend or justify my choice. I’ll never again have to worry about the ticking sound coming from my resume, or the resumption of an FBI task force to shut the Mills down. (K-W has no where else to go, ‘cept off shore). I can work for anyone, anywhere without restriction insofar as my credential is concerned. It’s a liberating feeling to be honest. Based on his or her degree, no K-W student can truthfully make that statement. Be it a Government job, transfer of credits, academic tenure, or one of thousands of private business that don’t recognize non-accredited schools, a K-W diploma makes no sense in today’s legitimate, fully recognized D/L climate.

  16. labrat

    labrat New Member


    You may be right.

  17. labrat

    labrat New Member

    Dear Mr. Huffman,

    Since you will never be a prospective employer, who are you to ask me for references? Even the IRS gives me the benefit of the doubt. And why should I care what info anyone else got? If ya wanna know, ya gotta ask - I did just that. So for your sick curiousity's sake, without a moment's hesitation they told me I could skip 6 credits of management classes due to my management experience 4 jobs ago with Hook-SuperX, Inc. out of Cincinnati, which was subsequently bought by Revco, which was subsequently bought by CVS, Inc. who currently holds my retirement fund. Happy checking, Bozo!
  18. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Dear Sir,

    Okay if I understood your post correctly, K-W applied 6 credits to your transcript for life experience. How were these 6 credits used? What graduation requirement was satisfied with these six credits? What is the overall graduation requirement that was reduced by 6?

    Thank you,
    Bill Huffman
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 19, 2002
  19. labrat

    labrat New Member

    Sorry Bill, I'm too busy with my own research to spell out yours for you. It wouldn't help you understand posts any better, since you missed the part a few posts back about me being a lady. I'm afraid you're destined for my ignore list. Oracle Guy is alot more fun and has scruples. I admire that.

    Ciao, Bella
  20. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    But plenty of time to post here multiple times regarding Kennedy-Western.

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