Azteca University - International - Foreign Credential Evaluation

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Garp, Jul 27, 2022.

  1. Messdiener

    Messdiener Active Member

    What an interesting find. I'd never heard of this City University in Phnom Penh.

    I think you're right that education corporations with big money could easily buy or simply establish universities in less developed (or rather, less regulated) nations.

    I would imagine that there are likely dozens or even hundreds of these no name, startup universities offering official and accredited degrees around the globe, for a fraction of the price of similar degrees from North American or Western European universities. Likely, many of them would be happy to take cash from Azteca, UCN, or others to issue degrees. As @RFValve has suggested, someone could even just buy them out, but a simple MOU with some financial incentives may be an easier method.


    As an aside, the Cambodians should pay closer to their webmaster's work. On the department page, all of the departments' links connect to Princeton University.

    I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that City University is not affiliated with Princeton.
  2. Messdiener

    Messdiener Active Member

    Aside #2: City University is accredited in more than just Cambodia:

    They claim governmental accreditation in Nigeria, Liberia, Benin, and Ghana. Having four African accreditations is interesting, but then later emphasizing a Southeast Asian governmental accreditation on top of the other four is a new one on me.
  3. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    There were no serious academic concerns about SCUPS. IIRC, the main concern was its claim to unrecognized accreditation. Also, it came on the scene right as California was dumping its 3-tier system and going to institutional approval, which it did badly.

    SCUPS couldn't get any traction with WASC, so Hecht opened up Northcentral U. across the river in Arizona. The HLC was much more interested in working with them and Northcentral became just the second school ( and first free-standing one) to offer non-residential doctorates.

    Frankly, I thought SCUPS would go away at that point, but I'm not the entrepreneur its owner was. That they persevered to first gain DEAC and later WASC accreditation was something I just would not have predicted.
  4. tadj

    tadj Well-Known Member

    Do you have any evidence (other than their own claims) that City University is really accredited in Cambodia?

    The reason why I would be somewhat skeptical has to do with the fake WHED listing ( vs. address) on the following page; There are entire websites dedicated to exposing the fake WHED directory. See here;
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2023
  5. musasira

    musasira Member

    They don't seem to be accredited in Nigeria either!
    Johann and tadj like this.
  6. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Q: So, I see you have a PhD from...City University in Cambodia? What was that like for an American?
    A: Well, I studied with this school in Mexico, and they had an agreement with this school in Nicaragua, but the degree came from this Cambodian school....

    I'm exaggerating for effect, of course.

    I've recently discussed two very inexpensive doctoral programs--one in New Zealand and one in South Africa. Both are properly recognized by their respective educational qualifications frameworks--institutionally and programmatically. Either can be done at a distance. Either can be workplace-based, allowing the researcher to use his/her own workplace or career or profession as a laboratory. And either can be had for approximately $US15K.

    I'm not suggesting this is an exhaustive list, of course. But why go through all that other, highly questionable, rigmarole when so many other options are available?

    Take a step back from the minutia for a minute and ask the bigger question: what do I want to be associated with--and to represent me--for the rest of my career/life?

    When I went to Union, it was a deep and meaningful experience for me. I am forever connected to the roots of nontraditional higher education not just because of my degree there, but because of the phenomenological experience of being in and of it as it developed. (I first came across Union in 1980 and I enrolled in '86. I was ages 20 and 26, respectively. I'm age 63 now.)

    When I went to Leicester, it was to elevate my game, my place in my profession of human resource development. But it wasn't just my studies. Leicester--both the university and the city--matter to me now. Sure, I had only a half-dozen visits to the campus over the years, but it stays with me. Not only did I transform my professional practice, I became a part of something much bigger.

    If I ever decide to go back to school, I will seek out a new, meaningful experience and relationship, not just a degree with some letters following my name. I would suggest that for anyone over a transactional "getting by" to obtain some questionable (and questioned) credential I'm hoping people won't examine too closely. Think about it.
    Bill Huffman, Johann and tadj like this.
  7. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    OIUCM is a school where NOBODY should go -- ever.
  8. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Note that less economically developed and less regulated are not synonymous. It's fiendishly difficult to set up a recognized university in Nigeria, for example.
    Michael Burgos and tadj like this.
  9. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    SCUPS was thought of, by some, as a "feeder" school for Northcentral's grad. programs. The two were a dynamite combo. How many other accredited universities would take you for a grad. program, if your undergrad degree was from an unaccredited school - SCUPS or otherwise?

    That "feeder" function would certainly keep it useful to Northcentral - and SCUPS was a success on its own. I imagine it would be very hard, if you create two successful schools, (or two successful anythings) to mothball, or dispose of, your first creation -- unless there were really exigent circumstances. And I don't see them here, in the time-frame we're looking at.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2023
  10. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    So it is. And I don't think "less economically developed" applies to Nigeria. At least, not fully. It's rightly known as "the richest country in Africa." The trouble is, the "riches" don't filter down properly to the people who earn them. That's because corruption is omnipresent. The other day, I Googled "How much does a Medical Doctor make in Nigeria?" The averages I got were $5,000 - 6,500 US a year. That's right - a year. The crooks are running their siphons 24/7.

    As far as the education system goes, from early years to the top -- from talking to Nigerians I've met here in Canada -- I'd have to say it must be very, very good indeed. Outstanding wouldn't be too strong a word, as I see it.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2023
  11. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    It's possible our immigration system in Canada is cherry-picking only the best-qualified. But I see and hear what I see and hear.
  12. LearningAddict

    LearningAddict Well-Known Member

    Just like in North America which is also governed in corruption. The only difference is that our crooks have stronger PR and are masters of sociology to keep the shell game going. Plus, we have a large social welfare system, but if that disappeared there would be a speedy collapse, especially now when prices are unreasonable for more people than they have been in quite some time.
  13. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    No it ISN'T "just like in North America." Not saying there isn't corruption, but your problems (US) and mine (Canada's) are a bit different to each other, and in a totally different Universe from Nigeria's. And in neither US nor Canada , do doctors make $5K or $6K a year.

    US is No. 24 on the "least corruption" list. Canada does significantly better, at 14th. Nigeria is 150th. In a tie with Central African Republic, Afghanistan, Cambodia and a couple of other furtive-looking suspects.

    It's OK to rant. .....But there is no comparison. None. Whatsoever.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2023
    Stanislav likes this.
  14. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    It may well be - and if it is, that fact is pretty meaningless. Cambodia is right down near the bottom on the "less corruption" list. It shares 150th place with The Central African Republic, Nigeria, Afghanistan, and some other raffish-looking suspects. (US is 24th, Canada is 14th). You bring in a briefcase stuffed, not with Cambodian riels, but US greenbacks. You hand it to the deputy - he gets the Holy Stamp of Accreditation from the Minister's office - and "thomp, thomp, thomp" with the Stamp, and you're in business. 100% legally.

    Cambodia is an awful place. They have more fraud schemes going than anywhere else. They advertise jobs and young grads from Thailand and other nearby countries take the bait. They go there and find they're captured - and they're told they will go to the "torture room" if they try to escape. They're captives who have to "make quota" every day or they get electric shocks. Here's a sample article from BBC:
  15. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    As much as I like to burst Canadians' bubble... you have a point here. The difference between corruption here and there is stark.

    Having said that, Canada being higher on the CPI index does not mean it has less corruption. It means it's citizens are more delusional. I know firsthand that, for example, school board honchos are way less accountable in Canada than in US. On political level - what would you make of the fact that Trudeau cabinet survived blatant merde like LavScam or Me2We, kept his government, and the public basically shrugged it off? I can't imagine stuff like this having this little impact in US - at least pre-Trump.
    Johann likes this.
  16. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    True - he looks like Sh#! for these two - especially with his wife and his mother getting direct cash benefit totalling $450,000. But I wouldn't want him to resign because of it. WHY NOT? Simply, God forbid any other Party Leader should replace him. Then Canada would go from "PARTIALLY" screwed to "TOTALLY" screwed.

    LavScam - I'm of two minds about that. What happened to Jody Wilson-Raybould was atrocious. Trudeau was desperate, I guess - there was no other way to his objective, which, he SAID was "to save Canadian jobs." I'm not so sure it was the only reason --- not at all.

    Well, indeed it did save some. I'm not sure how many. I think Lavalin would have survived anything but complete closure - and yes, a stiff penalty was in order. So they paid a fine.... I just don't like the way they got to that point.

    I still like Trudeau better than the guy he replaced. He sends me more money. I can use that. I think he does (usually) have the interests of ordinary Canadians at heart -which the Conservatives certainly don't. Until someone better comes along --- and that might be a while --- I'm OK. But yeah - he definitely needs to be watched. That's been proven.
  17. LearningAddict

    LearningAddict Well-Known Member

    Problems are different in every nation. But corruption is common in government all over the world. I don't subscribe to the idea that Nigeria is the most corrupt nation on earth as some claim, I'm not saying that you do or don't believe that but there are people who do. I'm sitting in a nation far more corrupt than Nigeria will ever be.

    Currency exchange rates are key here. $5-$6K US is equal to 2,302,300₦ - 2,762,760₦. The average monthly salary in Nigeria is
    73,951.76 ₦. That's equal to $160 US or $1920 US per year, and people do get by there on it. So if a Nigerian is making the equivalent of $5-6K US a year, they're doing and living much, much better than the average person there, especially since it's about 60% cheaper to live there.

    Lists compiled by people who either don't live in the places they criticize, or have biases, particularly cultural and/or racial, and data collected from citizens who may not be aware of enough of what's going on to make an accurate assessment? I'll pass on taking that as a definitive measure of anything.

    There is a comparison, and I detailed it already in the previous post. The comparison doesn't have to be of exactly equal magnitude to be valid. And I'm not ranting at all. You're doing that with all of the bold text, underlining, and capitalized letters.

    In any case, having a higher standard of living doesn't mean the government of that country isn't as or more corrupt as others, and considering how the west got to and continues to maintain its standard of living in which corruption doesn't even begin to describe it, it would take a lot of revisionist history to overlook that, and those in a position to do so have certainly tried, but luckily it's much harder to do now with the open exchange of information via the internet.

  18. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    then Learning addict reponded,
    Yes you good folks are probably correct. However, this doesn't nullify the CPI index. It is still the best most fair comparison presented.
  19. Messdiener

    Messdiener Active Member

    None whatsoever. Though, given my total lack of Khmer skills, I'm going to wager that I wouldn't be able to find a listing, even if it did exist.
  20. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    I guess they do - somehow... What alternative do they have? Well, they can come here, I guess. And they do.

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