It looks like Kennesaw State University's online AACSB DBA is now a Ph.D. in Business Administration, requires 1 weekend residency per month in Kennesaw, Georgia. The offer specializations include: Accounting Information Systems Management Marketing
Kennesaw? That's the city that requires all heads of households - by law - to own a gun. Georgia now (since 4/12/22) has permit-less carry (concealed or open) State-wide. They won't be seeing me on THAT campus - ever. For anything.
Come on Johann...not everything has to turn political. He made a suggestion to answer a question. I have no qualms with politics being discussed but prefer it be in the part of the forum I never visit.
Point taken, Josh. You're perfectly correct. There's a place for this -- and it's somewhere else. In future, I'll try to keep it there. I just saw "Kennesaw" and everything went red. They've sedated me now...
Anyway, at $100K, KSU is certainly making the most of this program being one of the few options of its type!
Actually no, Chris. Never even thought about it. But don't let that spoil your enjoyment. No buzzkill intended.
Strangely enough, KSU has perfectly reasonable online tuition… excepting that doctorate. Their Ed.D isn’t bad, so it’s purely the business doctorate they treat as a cash cow.
Many KSU DBA grads hold tenured and tenure-track positions in many business schools, including the University of Scranton.
As it happens, I've been to that campus. For a conference, back in 2006 as a grad student. No incident.
Thank you, @JoshD, and all who have contributed to this thread as it helped me in my search. I am in a similar situation and want to mention two other AACSB DBA options with little to no in-person residencies. Florida International University University of South Florida I used EDBAC to help focus my school search. @SteveFoerster, thanks for fixing my account so I can post this.
I love Liberty University School of Business. You will certainly be a Business Administration scholar. You will also be a Champion for Christ. Class of 2018, Graduate Certificate in Management and Leadership
Florida Atlantic University recently made it's executive PhD in business more flexible. It says the residence sessions could be attend in person or live online.
For the FAU program, it's 80K, if that's within your budget, it's an interesting option: Executive Ph.D. Tuition & Financial Aid | FAU Business