Woman Who Laughed At Jeff Sessions Could Face Jail Time This Week

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Abner, Jul 10, 2017.

  1. FTFaculty

    FTFaculty Well-Known Member

    Sure, she probably was trying to provoke the officers and make a heroine of herself among her followers: "Poor scrawny middle-aged lady dragged off by jackbooted thugs". I was just saying the perfect cop is one who can very well take care of himself or herself--yet goes about their business without passion and is not easily provoked (because some cops, just like anyone else, are hotheads and probably escalate more than they defuse). The First Amendment doesn't protect the right to incite a riot, which is what you're getting at, so agreed, even laughing might on certain peculiar occasions fall within that category. We don't want a brawl in a House of Congress. Nothing here would rise to that level, though, she was just being a pain in the arse.

    While I think the lady's probably a loonie, still, this is political speech, so the government should move very cautiously. Would rather err on the side of the senator from the Great State of Alabama having to purse his lips and be annoyed for 30 seconds rather than on the side of squelching political protest. Again, not saying her speech was necessarily protected in this particular case.
  2. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    That's just "Proud Boys." Here's a bit on them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proud_Boys

    As I said, they don't represent Christianity (to me, anyway) any more than the illicit gang of so-called "Sharia Police" represents Islam. You don't have to be an Imam to figure that out.
    Interestingly, five Canadian "Proud Boys" recently disturbed a peaceful Native protest in Halifax. All five were military members - now on suspension, as their PB ethos doesn't go over well in the Canadian Forces. I'm hoping they will be discharged with "bad paper." I think they deserve that, at least.

    Please don't refer me to any more hate sites.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 11, 2017
  3. b4cz28

    b4cz28 Active Member

    I'm just sick of the dishonesty of people on the left. First off the title of the story on Slate is a flat out lie. She was only being asked to leave correct? She reused and made a scene. That's what she was arrested for. That mic was on the podium, from what I have read she was much more distracting and louder than it appears from across the room.

    One of the most dishonest articles I've read in awhile. This is the reason Americans don't trust the news.
  4. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    The Sharia law sect doesn't represent their faith anymore than the "Christian Identity" movement represents the Christian faith. Bad examples, I can't believe people still bring up the sharia law argument. Bunch of bullshite. Sounds like old Sarah Palin sound bytes.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 11, 2017
  5. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Extremists and so-called "Muslim fundamentalists" bring it up all the time. They use it as a weapon - bully, torture and (certainly) kill people over it -Muslims and others. Those who write anti_Muslim propaganda bring it up, as well. Me-again was citing an article on "Jihadwatch" about a self-appointed so-called 'Sharia Police" gang in Germany. Many aspects of Shari'a are still important - e.g. those governing Islamic financial transactions, but not this crazy stuff. Going down the entire road (oops - I almost wrote "whole hog") would be like Christians reverting to burning people at the stake, as they did less than 500 years ago.

    And right, Abner, certainly the extremists' use of Shari'a does not represent the faith of well over a billion Muslims, who are as interested in living peacefully as we, their neighbours, are.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 11, 2017
  6. b4cz28

    b4cz28 Active Member

    That's a flat out lie. They didn't disrupt anything. It has zero to do with race and promotes western culture. I watched the video and they did nothing at all. You want them to brought up on charges and get paper because you don't agree with them? You are very tolerant aren't you?

    Proud Boys Peacefully Visit Anti-Canada Protest, Media Explodes – Proud Boy Magazine

    This is the stupid liberal crap I get sick of. Got to go with the feeeeeelllllssss right??? Sadly these boys lives will get ruined for standing up for Canada, those protest wanted to kick out all whites btw. That's no problem for you though is it?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 11, 2017
  7. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    I wonder if you think you are white some times. Geez! You only seem to cry racism when you claim that "illegals" are taking the jobs of black men". I don't get you man.
  8. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    What a dishonest, shameless clickbait headline.

    Why am I not surprised in the least?
  9. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    Johann and Abner, it sounds like you have it all figured out. Please consider telling the American government (and intelligence) that they are on the wrong track. You can start at this "open source":

    Johann, are you suggesting that hawala is exempt from global terror financing and transactions? At your request, you are being directed to a leftist MSM article, in lieu of a conservative article:
    Hawala: The Ancient Banking Practice Used to Finance Terror Groups
  10. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Then I'll help you out. Don't want to "make you sick" any more. I'm not worth it. :smile: Congratulations. You're the first person on my "ignore" list in 11 years. Feel free to put me on yours, because I'll likely say things that will make you feel very sick and I really don't want the responsibility.

    The Natives were peacefully protesting at the statue of Cornwallis, when the Proud Boys disrupted them. Cornwallis is the guy who put a cash bounty on Mi'kmaq scalps -so naturally, neither today's Mi'kmaq nor any other First Nations like to see him memorialized - and yeah, I get that. By the same token, we've recently renamed the Langevin Block, facing Parliament Hill in Ottawa. It's now the Office of the Prime Minister and Privy Council. Why? Sir Hector-Louis Langevin was one of the prime architects of the Residential School System. Native people certainly don't want to memorialize that system. It's taken decades to get to reconciliation (and payouts) over that ill-conceived and cruel travesty.

    Canadians and their Government have, admittedly, done some hellish bad things to First Nations over the course of history - and our successive Governments have apologized as far as it's possible for past wrongs and continue to work towards reconciliation. Some of those wrongs have continued pretty well to the present day -- hence the ongoing Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women. But we are all, Government, First Nations and all Canadians - trying to continue the reconciliation and move on.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 11, 2017
  11. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    The MSM has become a zoo. People are forced to stop and stare in total disbelief at the fraudulent news that is being presented as gospel by paid MSM lackeys. However, the MSM is starting to hemorrhage money - and they will continue losing money. Their financial losses are commensurate with the public's growing disgust.
  12. FTFaculty

    FTFaculty Well-Known Member

    The Proud Boys may have staged a perfectly peaceful protest and the media and military may have jumped on them wrongfully, and they probably had the right to do exactly what they did, but still, tell me there's not something a little odd and off about those fellows, maybe creepy even?

    Frankly, though, I think the discussion of U.S. free speech re: the pink middle aged lady and the alleged disruption of Congress is far more interesting.
  13. b4cz28

    b4cz28 Active Member

    I'm half white, or 1/3 white? my dad is part middle Eastern but I don't now how much. He was not a large part of my life.

    Abner, I don't have to act a certain way because I'm suppose to because of my race.
  14. b4cz28

    b4cz28 Active Member

    Say what you want. I watched the video and they disrupted nothing. Blah blah balh feeling's REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. You were just calling for them to be charged and tossed out of the military for protesting. Ironic seeing how that's what the Indians were doing. I wont call them that first Nation nonsense. Most tribes had been in passion of their land for less time then Canadians have been. They took it from someone else etc.
  15. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Not at all. I didn't mention hawala (money transfer system.) at all. Saying hawala is used to finance terror is like saying banks are used for the same purpose. True that. Both.

    Shutting down hawaladars has been tried - sometimes with disastrous results for civilians dependent on it, e.g. the recent Kenya-Somalia situation.

    No, I definitely wasn't talking about hawala. I think whatever particular Shari'a rules are involved matter little, in that respect. I was concerned more with the established Shari'a principles involved in Murabaha (credit sale), Mudarabah (owner of capital and agent), Musharaka (partnership) , Takaful (like insurance) Sukuk (securities) and so forth. And, of course, in Halal investing, which prohibits investment in companies involved in pork, alcohol, gambling, lending at interest, weapons, etc. Investing in companies that owe interest-bearing debts is allowed, provided those debts do not exceed 30% of capital.

    Shutting down street-level retail hawaladars - how much good does that do, really? It's the clandestine networks you need to seize - and that's much harder. If Abu-Bakr al Baghdadi was in my town (and I don't think he is), he wouldn't be using the Dahab Shi'il down the street from me (and yes, there is one - not far from the Mosque) - he'd likely be on a computer somewhere, maybe getting some Bitcoin on the Dark Web.

    Anyway -as I said - I wasn't denying hawala can (and certainly is) being used for very bad purposes. Moving the money is a necessary element. Hawala is not the only way to do that. As I see it, shutting the street-level hawaladars down completely is like shutting all banks because druglords are known to use some of them.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2017
  16. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    b4cz28 is Middle Eastern American and Johann is extraordinarily knowledgeable about Islamic culture, Sharia Law and banking. It's quite a combination.
  17. b4cz28

    b4cz28 Active Member

    Don't quote me on that lol. Not sure what you getting at though. My mother was from DR. My grandfather was a mysterious dude, we know nothing about him. My dad was a mixture of white and what ever my grandfather was....IDK?

    Ohh, clicked the blue hyper link..Yes we are my friend.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2017
  18. FTFaculty

    FTFaculty Well-Known Member

    I checked the hyperlink too, and I belong to that Abraham adoption clan also!
  19. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

  20. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    Making a criminal conviction difficult to obtain, by forcing the government to rely on clear-cut evidence, is a good thing. In the bigger picture, it keeps the government in check by ensuring legal standards are maintained for reasonable suspicion and probable cause. It will be interesting to see what evidence the prosecutor will rely on in the next trial against the woman.

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