Why the snobbery?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by DegreeDazed, Apr 14, 2010.

  1. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    One might use one's "snob-o-meter" to measure this post.

    The facts remain, however.
  2. The_Professor

    The_Professor New Member

    For the record, I do not deem the moderators of this forum as the ones afflicted with terminal snobbery. IMHO, of course...

    And, BTW, it’s not this thread in particular that the snob factor has necessarily run amuck. One would have to waste their time filtering thru many a thread to quantify this for you.
  3. ITJD

    ITJD Active Member

    The answer is you're both right. You've just found three very well-known exceptions to the rules and the other poster is a bit extreme with his views.

    I'd also like to answer one other statement regarding the opposite of snobbery. The corollary of snobby is driven. There's a lot of smoke on these boards because everyone here is driven to achieve something that's really hard (an education without f2f teaching with some of us doing it via rubric with no professors whatsoever).

    When you put that kind of effort forward you get personally invested regardless of where you go to school. Some people only need the degree to move up in their present job and don't care about accreditation because of that, they'd rather worry about cost. Some people want a degree with full utility because they're climbing outside of their existing career. They tend to spend more.

    People from either side don't understand the other. It creates interesting debates, but ultimately there are castes in accreditation and those castes are there for a reason, thus not all programs are created equal. On the topic of aristocratic faculty and their socialistic views, I'd like to point out that throughout history, socialism has been the preferred choice of those in positions of power. It tends to mollify revolts against a system in its early stages.

    Personally, I'm driven and climbing. I don't want a DETC degree and joined this board since I'm in distance programs at the moment. I'm aiming at Harvard Business School for a Doctorate or post MBA education. Why not? If the system is there, might as well take advantage of it.

    That stated, that doesn't mean that Capella or Walden are bad, and I'm considering Capella if HBS doesn't work out. Why not? If the system is there might as well take advantage of it.

    What you shouldn't do is immediately exclude anywhere just because of accreditation. If you plan your path properly it won't matter. (ex. At the point where you have Harvard on your resume, no one is going to question Capella or WGU or APU. Find ways to augment yourself with credibility such that it washes off on the others and on yourself.)

  4. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    I'm an extremist? :eek:

    I did say that I respect NA and see a place for it in education, and that I don't think than any given RA school is necessarily better than any given NA school. It's the reality, however, of what one could do with each degree. I would be the proud holder of an NA degree if I had one, but I am not out to change the world nor trail blaze, so yes, I have chosen to fall in line and take the well-beaten path. All of my degees will be RA.

    I also said that there are only a small handfull of RA schools that will accept NA transfers, which means that examples, such as those given, exist.

    "Driven" is a nice way to look at it. After some consideration, I realize the word I was looking for was "apology".

    This is exactly why neither snobbery nor apology should exist. We are all adults who make decisions as we see fit for our situation and should respect and treat each other as such. The entire world, however, is replete with people who will simply never grow up.

    Of the debate, sure, but I don't think that there are any battle lines to be drawn.
    Since, as I mentioned, each of us make decisions according to our situations, no one can REALLY understand another.
  5. StevenKing

    StevenKing Active Member

    Maybe the Marines look around and "believe" they are they only one's who ever do any fighting.

    Concurs with Oliver..."thanks" to all who serve or have served. I am proud to be numbered with you.

    -Steve King
  6. The_Professor

    The_Professor New Member

    I do know that APU, WGU, Capella, TUI, UoP and Kaplan will all accept my NA credits. I would suspect there are others but these are the ones in which I have direct knowledge, as they have made my shortlist of institutions in which I may consider transferring to should I happen to conclude that this would be in my best interest.

    I happen to be an acutely analytical individual, perhaps to a fault as some who are close to me have asserted on occasion; hence, my Professor nickname I have been tagged with both by professional colleagues as well as peers in the Gracie Jiu Jitsu arena (for the sake of full disclosure this moniker has nothing to do with academic achievement). Based on my critical analysis at this time, unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, all of the arguments proffered by the RA-centric proponents thus far remain wholly irrelevant to my personal and professional goals and aspirations. As such, I could continue to give half a squat for all the wonderful utility others will glean from their magnificent RA accomplishments.
  7. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    My point exactly- whether goose, gander, Doc or Terp, what's good for one isn't good for the other.

    Don't be such a snob :D
  8. The_Professor

    The_Professor New Member

    Glad you picked up on the snobbery… Twas by design. It’s that “givin’ as good as I get” thang... [​IMG]
  9. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Except no one does this. No one who's graduated from RA schools trumpets their degrees or their superiority. This is yet another strawman that distracts from the point.

    Attributing snobbery to some posters is just rudeness from a defenseless (and defensive) stance.

    I like "driven." There are a lot of posts that substitute drive for actual realities. But the reverse isn't true; no one is exaggerating the value/importance of RA.

    Personally, I don't have a dog in this hunt. Actually, none of the RA grads do. We just don't want the NA thingy exaggerated or glossed over. And accusing posters of "snobbery" or other labels is not only rude, it distracts from the issues. But that's the whole point, isn't it?
  10. The_Professor

    The_Professor New Member

  11. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    My bad, I meant to either do some research or edit it out before I posted that- obviously I did neither, this was just a bunch of extra rambling that my first draft contained.
  12. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Again, more of the same. I see you still don't have an answer to either your boorish behavior or your lack of understanding of accreditation issues. Good luck, "The Professor."
  13. The_Professor

    The_Professor New Member

    Thanks much, boo boo... [​IMG]
  14. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

  15. 03310151

    03310151 Active Member

  16. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

  17. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Awesome, Cory. I've seen that before. Guilty as charged!
  18. The_Professor

    The_Professor New Member

  19. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Member for 3 months. 30 posts, 13 of which are in this thread. Welcome to the community. Try joining it.

    From someone with 8,163 posts in just over 9 years.
  20. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    Yet the title "Distinguished Senior Member" eludes you... :D

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