What If 2020 Was Just a Rehearsal?

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Stanislav, Oct 7, 2021.

  1. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    It was all in quotes, I was quoting.
    Don't you think I know that anyone can easily do a search and locate the source be it original or another site quoting the original?
    It provides information, and anyone can validate, research further for themselves.
    The purpose was to show that there was and still is constant attack/war between former president Trump and the media.
    That was the purpose.
    Again you jump with strange understandings and obvious Dem's apologetic of damage control.

    The info is relevant to the discussion.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2021
  2. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    It appears that some in that party indeed.
    The emphasis is on it appears.
    But appearances in highly partizan discussions:
    A - can be misleading.
    B - need to be proven that its noting more then appearance.
    C - can be confronted within and outside the party.
  3. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    The number of leading Republicans who have spoken out against the destruction of our democracy can be counted on one hand. So, yes, it is the party itself who is doing it, not just some faction.

    I don't have a dog in this hunt. There's almost nothing the Republicans can do that would harm my personal situation. This is about the country I've served for more than 30 years--both in and out of uniform--the Constitution I've taken an oath to defend multiple times, and what I believe it means to be an American (regardless of one's political persuasion).

    I'm deadly serious about the topic and about the threat. And I'm sick of one person on this thread continuously lying and obscuring the simple facts of what is going on.

    I realize that, in order to get a sufficient number of Americans to go along, they must be lied to, constantly bombarded with propaganda, and the very system of our self-government undermined. But that doesn't make it right. It is un-American and unpatriotic, and I'm sick of it.

    Your BS simply does not weigh the same as actual facts, no matter how many times you repeat it, obscure it, and distract from the truth.
  4. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    I read it and think who is this post about.

    You are seriously upset wit GOP and taking it on me.
    You don't see what your party is doing.
    No one is seeing the Dems allowing a power grab by small minority that dictates and terrorizes majority.
    So many issues are upsidedown.

    Im here just engaging in conversations.
    Im not a politicians nor a member of any party.
    Just a guy trying to have a conversation with opposing views.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2021
  5. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Were that to be true.
    Rachel83az and Bill Huffman like this.
  6. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Plagiarism is dishonest and distasteful. That was plagiarism plain and simple. It was taken verbatim and was not attributed. Your assertions to the contradiction are bullshit.

    I never disputed the fact that Trump is a low life and gets plenty of grief for it. There is no damage to control, just more of your bullshit excuses.
  7. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    He doesn't want to have any conversation. He doesn't care what anyone else posts. He just lightly skims the posts then plagiarizes a response.
  8. Rachel83az

    Rachel83az Well-Known Member

  9. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    That's the irony.
    Each side thinks they are the knight in shiny armor.
    As I stated earlier better to have bipartisan cooperation then hate and fighting.
  10. Rachel83az

    Rachel83az Well-Known Member

    Only one side can actually BE a minority. You can't have two minorities in a two-party system. That's stupid.
  11. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    You misunderstood the subject.
    Read the post.
    And think which minority is using power grab
    and dictates and more to the minority?
    Which party allows this injustice?
  12. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    Usual tactic to shoot at the messenger.
    I read your posts but didn't agree with the content.
    Even when confronted with accurate undisputed truth you find a way to twist it.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2021
  13. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Just to make it clear to everyone, Lerner copied about half of the New York Post verbatim. What he copied and what he authored is not really discernable from just his post. He is just bullshitting about that.

    Last edited: Oct 24, 2021
  14. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    Gosh, you think?
    You were and continue to enable what GOPota is doing to this country. Own up to it already.

    I won't go through the Bulls#$t Mountain* output and try to understand what you mean. Let's try and lay out the fact-based foundation: the only thing the "Democratic Party" is now doing is trying to push through at least some of the Biden economic agenda. So, the Build Back Better 3.5T plan is the unrealistically leftmost limit on what they MAY do at the moment. What exactly in there justifies throwing out AMERICAN DEMOCRACY AND THE RULE OF LAW, or at least can be fairly compared with it? You can't seriously be this upset about free community college plan; it's not like you had to pay cash for either Tyraspol State degree or German apprenticeship program now did you?

    *since Jon Stewart coined this affectionate nickname for Fox, rightwing messaging only went downhill. New term due?
  15. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    The whole forum Political Discussions appears to become a platform to attack GOP.
    Sick Hipocricy.
    Most if not all posts that started by Dem's apologists and a like are to attack the Conservatives, GOP, Trump etc.
    Its hard to find post about bipartisan cooperation or constructive discussion about political issues.
    Everything is provoking these exchanges.
    Platform to promote Democrats and attack GOP.
    Trashing GOP, or Trump treads etc.
    Attacking any news outlet that is not marching to the Dem's leftist Politburo agenda, commanders.
    You don't look in the mirror, you close your eyes to the damage your party is doing to the US and the Democracy.
    Many US newspapers and news outlets have willingly become the the official propaganda arm of the Democrat Party and the left.
    The mainstream media has stopped reporting and is now for many years willingly advocating for the left.

    Republicans lost the Presidency and US Senate control in 2020, but made major gains in the US House.
    GOP also holds several key Governorship's (TX, OH, FL, GA, MO, MA and MD).

    I'm done with tread.
  16. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    Yes. Violent insurrection attempting to disrupt peaceful transfet of power is BAD. A party that visibly still trying to do that should be criticized. This is what 1st amendment for.
    Mandatory reminder: Trump is a criminal, and surrounded himself with a bunch of criminals. Manafort is Exhibit One.

    Because there is no bipartisan cooperation. You avoided answering this question: would you punish a GOP candidate for rejecting any attempts at compromise or bipartisanship? You won't, and unlike many GOPnik fans you at least talk about "cooperation" like it's a good thing. Most of the Right are taught by right-wing media to fear and hate the other side. Why do you think McConnell acts like he does? because this is what you and the rest of their base demand.

    OTOH, what you call "the official propaganda arm of the Democrat Party and the left", AKA the mainstream commercial media, are obsessed with bipartisanship and cooperation. Most Dem voters want the same thing; that's why Biden is President and not a more hardline candidate (basically just Bernie).
  17. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    I believe the real problem here is that the Republican base including Lerner are unaware of the danger that the country is really in because their primary source of information is lying to them. The most accurate news source for most of them is rated as Mixed accuracy. That is the best most of them watch! A significant portion watch worse like social media for their news source. It is why about 25% of them believe in QANON. Even Lerner has posted QANON nonsense here on this forum. It's unbelievable that 25% of the Republican party believes in such nonsense. They are being mislead everyday. The Republican party has gone off the deep end. Lerner is there drowning in misinformation with the rest of them.
  18. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Republican base voters should be careful what they wish for. 1938 was a good year. 1945, not so much.
  19. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    In 2016 P.J. O'Rourke explained that he supported Clinton over Trump not because she was right about things, but because at least she was "wrong within normal parameters". I've become increasingly sympathetic to that sort of reasoning, since if anything it's an increasingly apt description of the difference between today's major parties.
  20. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    A simple forum "like" is insufficient. I would like to nominate this for the post-of-the-month award!
    Rachel83az and SteveFoerster like this.

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