Veteran not a hero? Try again, Joe Walsh.

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Abner, Jul 4, 2012.

  1. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    How does this advance the discussion? Ungrounded assessments and name-calling do not substitute for sound reason and argument. They're just lazy.
  2. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

  3. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Now where else have I heard the name Joe Walsh?
  4. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    The "REAL" Joe Walsh has had to send cease-and-desist requests to the fake one to keep the fake one from using the REAL one's music at campaign events. Sweet.
  5. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    Triple SWEET!!!!!!!!!! Doc D. Who would want to be associated with an anti American scumbag? This kind of reminds me of something that happened a while back. I don't remember names or anything else, but I just remember some piece of cagada dissing a vet who was wheelchair bound. They were running for office, which capacity I don't remember. Can you imagine? What have things come to? Dissing a dude who had his legs blown off in the commission of his duty in the US military? He served valiantly, and sacfrificed his legs for us. What more do want? Disgraceful! I hope this SICKO Walsh goes down in flames. :evil:

    Abner :mad: :mad: :smile: Go get em Duckworth!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for your honorable service. Walsh is probably just pissed at you because he knows in his heart of hearts that you have more balls than he ever has, or ever will.
  6. ryoder

    ryoder New Member

    Have I called him any names? I am just saying that if you watch his show you know exactly what camp he falls into. We all like to feel like we belong to something. His club is one that would not enjoy putting a picture of George Bush above his living room couch, whereas my club would think nothing of it. He wants big government, for America to have less of an influence in the world, an increase in federal power, etc. Big government liberal ideology. I am small government conservative ideology. He said he can't call a fallen service member a hero and I believe him. He is truly having a problem with this. I can call a sniper who takes out 100 Taliban a hero but he has problems with it.

  7. mcjon77

    mcjon77 Member

    Ryoder, can you explain something for me? Chris Hayes is someone that you OBVIOUSLY REALLY don't like. Calling what he said (or was it him personally?) "disgusting" and saying that he would have been one of those people spitting on returning Vietnam vets pretty much makes that clear.

    Yet you say that you watch him EVERY SATURDAY? Why? Why in the world would you watch someone who disgusts and offends you so much? I don't like Bill O'Reilly or Sean Hannity. They both irritate the hell out of me. My solution is simply to not watch them. The idea of watching someone I despise EVERY WEEK makes no sense to me.

    It's not like there is nothing else on TV, or you can't just turn the TV off. Is this one of those situations where your wife (if you have one) is making you watch it? My grandma used to make my grandpa watch the jewelry and porcelain figurine segments of the Home Shopping Channel every other day, so I can understand that situation.
  8. Jacobzzz

    Jacobzzz New Member

    You can tell that by simply watching him? Good for you.
  9. ryoder

    ryoder New Member

    I do watch him on Saturday mornings and no he doesn't disgust me. He is merely in the other camp. He feels that he is doing the right thing by having a liberal progressive show that discusses the issues facing our nation and the world from his perspective. I value his perspective. He is an intelligent person, however he does have a problem honoring our fallen dead. I don't know what is in his head, just what he tells us. The guy said he has problems calling our fallen service members heroes. Period. If they are not heroes then what are they? They went to Afghanistan with weapons and ammo, killed a lot of bad guys, got killed in the process, and then returned to the US for burial. That is a hero in my book but not in his book. Its pretty simple.

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