Hi Ted, Dont forget to add the 1st newly Online MSc in Business Management and Leadership offered by School of Professional Studies of City University of New York to your list. http://sps.cuny.edu/programs/msbml/index.html
From the Great State of Kansas "Dust In The Wind" Baker University www.bakeru.edu pffers the MBA Finance, MBA Human Resources, MBA Information Systems, MBA International Business, MBA Marketing, and MLA Management & Leadership online. The MBA programs are 43 hours and the MLA programs are 36 hours. I'll have to re-post From the Great State of Kansas when Drew Elmore returns my email requesting info on Baker University's online tuition. They are accredited by the North Central Association and the Association for Collegiate Business Schools and Programs. Emporia State University www.emporia.edu offers the MS in Business Education completely online and the MBA Accounting and the MBA Information Systems with a combination of onsite and online courses. At $129/hr. in-state and $338/hr. out-of-state, the 36-hr. MBA programs cost in-staters $4,644 and out-of-staters $12,168 while the 35-hr. MS in Business Education, at $243/hr. in-state and $315/hr. out-of-state, costs in-staters $8,505 and out-of-staters $11,025. They are accredited by the North Central Association. Their MBA programs are accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business and their MS in Business Education, which is offered through their School of Education, is accredited by the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education. Fort Hays State University www.fhsu.edu offers the MBA Leadership, MBA Leadership/Human Resource Management, MBA Leadership/Information Assurance, MBA Leadership/Leadership Studies, MBA Leadership/Management Information Systems, MLS Human Resource Management, MLS Information Assurance, MLS Organizational Leadership, and the MLS Web Development. The MBA program charges $400/hr. for 25 hrs. of core courses, or $10,000, plus $214/hr. for 9 hrs. of specialization courses, or $1926, for a total of $11,926. The 31-hr. MLS programs, at $214/hr., cost $6,634. They are accredited by the North Central Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. Kansas State University www.k-state.edu offers the MS in Personal Financial Planning. At $415/hr., this 42-hr. program costs $17,430. They are accredited by the North Central Association and the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards. Ottawa University www.ottawa.edu offers the MA in Human Resources, the MBA Finance, the MBA Human Resources, the MBA Health Care Management, and the MBA Marketing online. At $405/hr., these 36-hr. programs cost $14,580. They are accredited by the North Central Association. Southwestern College www.sckans.edu offers the MBA, the MS in Leadership, and the MS in Management online. At $447/hr., the 39-hr. MBA costs $17,433, at $411/hr., the 39-hr. MSM costs $16,029, and at $378/hr., the 36-hr. MSL costs $13,608. They are accredited by the North Central Association.
From the Great State of Kansas Tuition for these 43-hr. programs is $530/hr., for a total program tuition of $22,790.
From the Great State of Kentucky The University of Louisville www.louisville.edu offers the MS in Human Resource Education online. At $1778.40 per three-credit class, or $592.80/hr., this 30-33 hr. program costs $17,784-$19,562 in total program tuition. They are accredited by the Southern Association. Morehead State University www.moreheadstate.edu offers the MBA Accounting, the MBA Bank Management, the MBA Computer Information Systems, the MBA Human Resource Management, and the MBA Management online. At $422/hr., these 36-hr. programs cost $15,292 in total program tuition. They are accredited by the Southern Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. Sullivan University www.sullivan.edu offers the MBA, the MS in Collaborative Leadership, the MS in Conflict Management, the MS in Human Resource Leadership, and the MS in Managing Information Technology online. A$485/hr., the 64-hr. MS in Collaborative Leadership costs $31,040 in total program tuition while the remaining programs @ 48-hrs. cost $23,280 in total program tuition. They are accredited by the Southern Association. Western Kentucky University www.wku.edu offers the MBA and the MS in Technology Management online. At $475/hr., the 33-hr. MBA costs $15,675 in total program tuition and the 36-hr. MS in Technology Management costs $17,100 in total program tuition. They are accredited by the Southern Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.
From the Great State of Louisiana Southwest University www.southwest.edu offers the MA in Organizational Management and the MBA online. At $250/hr., these 36-hr. programs cost $9,000 in total program tuition. They are accredited by the Distance Education and Training Council.
From the Great State of Maine The University College of the University of Maine System www.learn.maine.edu offers the Certificate of Graduate Studies in Non-Profit Management online. At $327/hr. for instaters and $929/hr. for out-of-staters, this 12-15 hr. program costs in-staters $3,924-$4,905 and out-of-staters $11,148-$13,935. They are accredited by the New England Association. Saint Joseph's College www.sjcme.edu offers the MBA in Leadership online. At $400/hr., this 42-hr. program costs $16,800 in total program tuition. They are accredited by the New England Association.
From the Great State of Maryland: The program also has ten hours of leveling classes if your undergrad degree was other than business, thus potentially making for a 46-hr. MBA costing in-staters $14,582 and out-of-staters $16,744.
From the Great State of Maryland The University of Baltimore www.ubalt.edu offers the UBalt/Towson MBA http://mba.ubalt.towson.edu. At $568/hr. in-state and $824/hr. out-of-state, this 36-54 hr. program costs in-staters $20,448-$30,672 and out-of-staters $29,664-$44,496. They are accredited by the Middle States Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. Capitol College www.capitol-college.edu offers the MBA Information Assurance, MBA Information Technology, MBA Leadership, and MBA Technology Management Law & Policy. At $332/hr., these 36-39 hr. programs cost $11,952-$12,948. They are accredited by the Middle States Association and the International Association for Collegiate Business Education Frostburg State University www.frostburg.edu offers the MBA. At $317/hr. in-state and $364/hr. out-of-state, this 36-46 hr. program costs in-staters $11,412-$14,582 and out-of-staters $13,104-$16,744. They are accredited by the Middle States Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. The University of Maryland Baltimore County www.umbc.edu offers the online MS in Information Systems. A $740/hr., this 34-hr. program costs $25,160. They are accredited by the Middle States Association. The University of Maryland University College www.umuc.edu offers the Executive MBA, MBA, MIM International Enterprise Management, MIM International Financial Management, MIM International Marketing Management, MS Accounting and Financial Management, MS Accounting and Information Technology, MS Financial Management and Information Systems, MS Health Care Administration, MSM Accounting, MSM Criminal Justice Management, MSM Financial Management, MSM Health Care Administration, MSM Human Resource Management, MSM Information Systems and Services, MSM Interdisciplinary Studies in Management, MSM Marketing, MSM Non-Profit and Association Management, MSM Project Management, MSM Procurement and Contract Management, and MSM Public Relations online. At $694/hr., the 42-45 hr. MBA costs $29,148-$31,230 and at $428/hr. for in-staters and $659/hr. for out-of-staters the other master's programs, all 36 hours, cost $15,408 for in-staters and $23,724 for out-of-staters. They are accredited by the Middle States Association and the International Association for Collegiate Business Education.
From the Great State of Delaware, Indeed! Thanks, SPandalai! Indeed, Wilmington University www.wilmu.edu offers the MBA Finance, MBA Health Care Administration, MBA Homeland Security, MBA Management Information Systems, MBA Marketing Management, MBA Transportation and Business Logistics. At $367/hr., tuition for these 36-hr. programs comes to a total of $13,212. They are accredited by the Middle States Association and the International Association for Collegiate Business Education.
From the Great State of Massachusetts Babson College www.babson.edu offers a 24-month Fast-Track MBA. It is a blended on-campus and online part-time program. The on-campus portion meets every six weeks all day Friday and Saturday at Babson College and in Portland, Oregon. Specific programs are offered in Building Business Insight and Advanced Business Leadership and both emphasize entrepreneurship. Stated program tuition is $56,002 plus an estimated $3,000 for books. They are accredited by the New England Association, the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, and the European Quality Improvement System (one of only three in the US). Bay Path College www.baypath.edu offers the MBA Entrepreneurial Thinking and Innovative Practices, MS Nonprofit Management and Philanthropy, MS Strategic Fundraising and Philanthropy. At $600/hr. these 36-hr. programs cost $21,600. They are accredited by the New England Association. Boston University www.bu.edu offers quite an array of non-traditional graduate business educational programs. Boston University Metropolitan College www.bu.edu/met offers the MS Administrative Studies with concentrations in Economic Development & Tourism Management, E-Commerce, Systems, & Technology, Financial Economics, Innovation & Technology, and Multinational Commerce. At $700/hr. these 48-hr. programs cost $33,600. Boston University Global www.bu.edu/global offers Master's Track Diplomas in Banking & Financial Services, International Marketing, and Information Technology Project Management, and a Master's Track Certificate in Project Management. The 24-hr. Master's Track Diplomas cost $12,900 (books and materials included) and the 16-hr. Master's Track Certificate costs $8,600. Boston University Online www.bu.edu/online MSM Banking and Financial Services Management, MSM Business Continuity, Security, and Risk Management, MSM Human Resource Management, MSM Insurance Management, MSM International Marketing Management, and MSM Project Management. At $700/hr., the 48-hr. MSM programs cost $33,600. They also offer the Graduate Certificate in Entrepreneurship, the Graduate Certificate in Project Management, and the Graduate Certificate in Risk Management and Organizational Continuity. The 16-hr. Graduate Certificate in Entrepreneurship, at $640/hr., costs $10,240. The 16-hr. Graduate Certificate in Risk Management and Organizational Continuity, at $680/hr., costs $10,880. The 16-hr. Graduate Certificate in Project Management, at $700/hr., costs 11,800. They are accredited by the New England Association. Fitchburg State College www.fsc.edu offers the MBA Human Resources and the MBA Management online. The stated graduate tuition and fees are $258.75/hr., but the asterisked note says for online students to add an additional $58/hr. tech fee; thus, at $316.75/hr., these 30-hr. programs cost $9,502.50. They are accredited by the New England Association and the International Association for Collegiate Business Education. Harvard University, through its Extension School www.extension.harvard.edu. offers the ALM in Information Technology with concentrations in Digital Media Arts and Sciences, Information Management Systems, Mathematics and Computation, and Software Engineering and the ALM in Management with concentrations in Communications in Business, Finance and Control, Information Systems Management, International Management, Management and Operations, Managing Nonprofit Organizations, Marketing Management, and Organizational Behavior and Human Resources. At $1725/course, these 10-12 course programs cost $17,250-$20,700. They are accredited by the New England Association. The University of Massachusetts Online www.umassonline.net offers two MBA programs online. The University of Massachusetts Amherst www.umass.edu, through its Isenberg School of Management, offers the professional MBA and the University of Massachusetts Lowell www.uml.edu offers its own online MBA Accounting, MBA Finance, and MBA Information Technology. At $670/hr., the 37-hr. Isenberg MBA costs $24,790 and at $530/hr., the University of Massachusetts Lowell's 30-42 hr. MBA costs $15,900-$22,260. They are accredited by the New England Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business Nichols College www.nichols.edu offers the MBA, the MBA Security Management, the MBA Sport Management, and MOL (Organizational Leadership) online. At $540/hr., the 36-hr. MOL (Organizational Leadership)costs $19,440 and the 36-45 hr. MBA programs cost $19,440-$24,300. They are accredited by the New England Association and the International Association for Collegiate Business Education. Northeastern University www.neu.edu www.northeastern.edu offers the MS Corporate and Organizational Communication, MS Leadership, MS Nonprofit Management, MS Project Management, and MS Technology Commercialization online. At $514/hr., the 36-hr. MS Technology Commercialization costs $18,504, the 42-hr. MS Corporate and Organizational Communication and MS Leadership cost $21,588, the 45-hr. MS Project Management costs $22,130, and the 51-hr. MS Nonprofit Management costs $26,214. They are accredited by the New England Association. Suffolk University www.suffolk.edu offers the Accelerated MBA for Attorneys, the Accelerated MBA for Berklee Graduates, the Accelerated MBA for CPAs, and the Accelerated MBA for Previous Business Majors. At $1100/hr., the 31-40hr. Accelerated MBA for CPAs costs $34,100-$44,000, the 31-49 hr. Accelerated MBA for Attorneys costs $34,100-$53,900, the 31-55 hr. Accelerated MBA for Previous Business Majors costs $34,100-$60,500, and the 37-55 hr. Accelerated MBA for Berklee Graduates costs $40,700-$60,500. They are accredited by the New England Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. Western New England College www.wnec.edu offers the MBA, the MBA Sport, and the MS in Accounting (with concentrations in Forensic Accounting/Fraud Investigations and Taxation) online. At $632/hr. the 36-hr. MBA programs cost $20,952 and the 30-hr. MSA program costs $18,960. They are accredited by the New England Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. Worcester Polytechnic Institute www.wpi.edu offers the MBA E-Commerce, MBA Entrepreneurship, MBA Information Management, MBA Information Security Management Systems, MBA Management of Technology, MBA Operations Management, MBA Technological Innovation, and MBA Technology Marketing online. At $1121/hr., total program tuition for these 49-hr. programs comes to $54,929. They are accredited by the New England Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.
Well, I think I'm finished researching online business-related master's programs From the Great State of Michigan, but it's almost midnight here (quarter till) and I'm tired. Good night!
From the Great State of Michigan Baker College www.baker.edu offers the MBA Accounting, MBA Finance, MBA General Business, MBA Health Care Management, MBA Human Resource Management, MBA Information Management, MBA Leadership Studies, MBA Marketing, and the MS Information Systems online. At $330/hr., their 53-hr. MBA programs cost $17,490 and their 55-hr. MSIS costs $18,150. They are accredited by the North Central Association and the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education. Central Michigan University www.cmich.edu offers the MBA with SAP emphasis within their Information Systems concentration (SAP is a type of software and the initials stand for Systems Applications and Products), the MBA for Value-Driven Organizations, the MSA in General Administration, the MSA in Information Resource Management, and the MBA in International Administration online. At $1000/hr., the 31-hr. MBA with SAP emphasis costs $31,000; at $655/hr., the 31-hr. MBA for Value-Driven Organizations costs $20,305; and at $425/hr., the 36-hr. MSA programs cost $15,300. They are accredited by the North Central Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. Cleary University www.cleary.edu offers the MBAGBS MBAM MBANM At $495/hr., these 52-hr. programs cost $25,740. They are accredited by the North Central Association. Cornerstone University www.cornerstone.edu offers the MBA online. At $435/hr., this 39-hr. program costs $16,815. They are accredited by the North Central Association. Davenport University www.davenport.edu offers the Executive MBA, the MBA Accounting, the MBA Finance, the MBA Health Care Management, the MBA Human Resource Management, MBA Strategic Management, and the MS Information Systems online. At $469/hr., the 31-hr. MSIS costs $14,539, the 36-hr. Executive MBA costs $16,884, and the 39-hr. MBA programs cost $18,291. They are accredited by the North Central Association and the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education. Note: I am biaesd. I have a much younger cousin who is pursuing her MBA in Health Care Management here and she likes the program. Just so we're clear on that. Eastern Michigan University www.emich.edu offers the Graduate Certificate in Entrepreneurship and the Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management online. At $401.50/hr. for in-staters and $791.50/hr. for out-of-staters, these 15-hr. programs cost in-staters $6022.50 and out-of-staters $11,872.50. The GCHRM can then be parlayed into either the MBA in Human Resource Management or the MS in Human Resource Management and Organizational Development, the coursework for which can be had alternate Saturdays in Livonia or evenings in Ypsilanti with many courses available online. At $401.50/hr. in-state and $791.50/hr. out-of-state, these 30-hr. programs cost in-staters $12,045 and out-of-staters $23,745. They also offer the MS in Integrated Marketing Communications online. At $401.50/hr. in-state and $791.50/hr. out-of-state, this 36-hr. program costs in-staters $14,454 and out-of-staters $28,494. They are accredited by the North Central Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. Kettering University www.kettering.edu offers the MBA General, MBA Information Technology, MBA Leadership, MS Engineering Management, MS Information Technology, MS Manufacturing Management, MS Manufacturing Operations, and MS Operations Management online. At $695/hr., the 40-hr. MS Manufacturing Operations costs $27,800, the 40-56 hr. MS programs in Engineering Management, Manufacturing Management, and Operations Management cost $27,800-$38,920, the 44-52 hr. MS Information Technology costs $30,580-$36,140, and the 48-64 hr. MBA programs cost $33,360-$44,480. They are accredited by the North Central Association and the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs. Lawrence Technological University www.ltu.edu offers the MBA Finance, MBA Human Resource Management, MBA Management Information Systems, MBA Marketing and Global Business, MBA Nonprofit Management, MBA Operations Management, and the MBA Project Management online. At $798/hr., these 36-hr. programs cost $28,728. They are accredited by the North Central Association, the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs, and the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education. Madonna University www.madonna.edu MBA Cost Management, MBA General Business, MBA Information Technology Management, MBA International Business/Financial Operations, MBA International Business Management, MBA Marketing Management, MBA Nonprofit Management, MSBA Leadership Studies, and the MS Project Management online. At $470/hr. the 30-hr. MS in Project Management costs $14,100, the 30-31 hr. MSBA Leadership Studies costs $14,100-$14,570, and the 40-48 hr. MBA programs cost $18,800-$22,560. They are accredited by the North Central Association. University of Michigan Ann Arbor www.umich.edu offers the Ross Executive MBA. Stated program tuition is $120,000 for in-staters and $125,000 for out-of-staters, which includes course materials, meals, and lodging. They are accredited by the North Central Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. University of Michigan Dearborn www.umd.umich.edu offers the MBA Finance, MS Finance, and MS Information Systems online. At $894.75/hr. in-state and $1003.35/hr. out-of-state, the 30-hr. MS Finance costs in-staters $26,842.50 and out-of-staters $30,100.50, the 30-48 hr. MS Information Systems costs in-staters $26,842.50-$42,937.20 and out-of-staters $30,100.50-$48,160.80, with stated tuition for the MBA Finance being $26,667. They are accredited by the North Central Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. University of Michigan Flint www.umflint.edu offers the MBA Acounting, MBA Computer Information Systems, MBA Finance, MBA General, MBA Health Care Management, MBA International Business, MBA Lean Manufacturing, MBA Marketing, and MBA Organizational Leadership online. At $527/hr., the 30-42 hr. MBA General costs $15,810-$22,134 and the 33-45 MBAs with concentrations cost $17,391-$23,715. They are accredited by the North Central Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. Michigan State University www.msu.edu offers an MS in Packaging online. At $585/hr., this 30-hr. program costs $17,550. They are accredited by the North Central Association. Spring Arbor University www.arbor.edu offers the MA in Organization Management and the MBA online. At $440/hr., the 36-hr. MA in Organization Management costs $15,840 and at $505/hr., the 36-hr. MBA costs $18,180. They are accredited by the North Central Association. Walsh College www.walshcollege.edu offers the MBA Accounting, MBA Business Information Technology, MBA Economics, MBA Finance, MBA Human Resource Management, MBA Information Assurance, MBA International Business, MBA Marketing, MBA Project Management, MBA Strategic Leadership, MBA Taxation, MS in Finance, and MS in Information Systems online. At $509/hr., the 36-45 hr. MS in Finance costs $18,324-$22,905, the 36-51 hr. MS in Information Systems costs $18,324-$25,959, and the 39-57 hr. MBA programs cost $19,851-$29,013. They are accredited by the North Central Association and the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education. Wayne State University www.wayne.edu offers the MBA Accounting, MBA Finance, MBA Human Resource Management, MBA International Business, MBA Leadership and Organizational Behavior, MBA Management Information Systems, MBA Marketing, MBA Quality Management, and MBA Taxation online. At $414.50/hr. for in-staters and $846.10/hr. for out-of-staters, these 36-52 hr. programs cost in-staters $14,922-$21,554 and out-of-staters $30,459.60-$43,997.20. They are accredited by the North Central Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.
Uh oh! That was supposed to read: Cleary University www.cleary.edu offers the MBA General Business Strategy, the MBA Management, and the MBA Nonprofit Management online.
From the Great State of Minnesota Capella University www.capella.edu offers the MBA Accounting, MBA Finance, MBA General Business, MBA Global Operations and Supply Chain Management, MBA Health Care Management, MBA Human Resource Management, MBA Information Technology Management, MBA Marketing, MBA Project Management, MS Human Resource Management, MS Human Resource Management/Human Capital Management, MS Human Resource Management/Industrial and Labor Relations, MS Human Resource Management/Leadership Studies, MS Information Technology, MS Information Technology/Business Analysis, MS Information Technology/Enterprise Software Architecture, MS Information Technology/Health Information Management, MS Information Technology/Information Assurance and Security, MS Information Technology/Network Architecture, MS Information Technology/Project Management, MS Organization Development, MS Organization Management, and the MS Organization Management/Leadership online. At $645/hr., the 48-hr. MBA programs cost $30,960 and, at $548/hr., the 48-hr. MS programs cost $26,304. They are accredited by the North Central Association. Concordia University www.concordia.edu offers the MAHRM, MAOM, and the MBA online. At $560/hr., the 42-hr. MBA programs cost $23,520 and, at $450/hr., the 40-hr. MA programs cost $18,000. They are accredited by the North Central Association. Globe University www.globeuniversity.edu offers an online MBA. According to my personal file DISTMBA1.rtf entry for Globe University (Last Updated: 06/28/07), their tuition rate was $470/hr.; hence, tuition for this 54-hr. program would be $25,380. They also offer the MSM Health Care Management, the MSM Information Technology, and the MSM Managerial Leadership online. They are accredited by the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools. Hamline University www.hamline.edu offers the MA in Nonprofit Management, MBA, MBA Conflict Management, MBA Finance, and MBA International Management in cohort format via evening classes and online components. At $443/hr., the 48-hr. MA in Nonprofit Management costs $21,264 and, at $575/hr., the 48-hr. MBA costs $27,600 while the 52-hr. MBAs with specialties cost $29,900. They are accredited by the North Central Association. The University of Saint Thomas www.stthomas.edu offers a Health Care MBA online. At $956.50/hr., this 54-hr. program costs $47,825. They are accredited by the North Central Association. Walden University www.waldenu.edu offers the MBA Entrepreneurship, MBA Finance, MBA Human Resource Management, MBA Leadership, MBA Marketing, MBA Project Management, MBA Risk Management, MBA Self-Designed, MBA Sustainable Futures, MBA Technology, MISM (Information Systems Management,) MS Leadership, and MS Nonprofit Management and Leadership online. At $720/hr., the 36-hr. MBA programs cost $25,920. At $705/hr., the 33-hr. MISM costs $23,265. At $685/hr., the 35-hr. MS in Leadership costs $23,975. At $420/hr., the 51-hr. MS in Nonprofit Management and Leadership costs $21,420. They are accredited by the North Central Association.
From the Great State of Mississippi The University of Mississippi www.olemiss.edu offers the Professional MBA online. At $348/hr. in-state and $786/hr. out-of-state, this 33-hr. program costs in-staters $11,484 and out-of-staters $25,938. They are accredited by the Southern Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. Mississippi State University www.msstate.edu offers the MBA and the MBA in Project Management online. At $485.25/hr., the 30-hr. MBA costs $14,557.50 and the 32-hr. MBA in Project Management costs $15,528. They are accredited by the Southern Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.
L'Etoile du Nord-Don't forget these. Metro State has 3 business related masters degrees including an MBA. http://www.metrostate.edu/msweb/explore/col/courses_programs.html Bethel has an MBA which has on-site and online components. http://gs.bethel.edu/business-admin/ Crown College has an organizational leadership masters degree. http://www.crownonline.org/D1index.real?area=547 http://www.crown.edu/ags/degree-programs/masters-degrees/organizational-leadership
From the Great State of Minnesota I had had Bethel on my list of online MBA programs, but when I went to their website I could find no evidence of their MBA program being offered online. Anyways ... Bethel University www.bethel.edu offers the MBA Entrepreneurial Management, MBA General, MBA Nonprofit Management, MBA Quantitative Management, MBA Social Impact Management, MBA Technology Application Management mostly online with F2F meetings on weekends every 6 weeks. At $575/hr., these 42-hr. programs cost $24,150. They are accredited by the North Central Association. Crown College www.crown.edu offers the MA in Organizational Leadership online. At $359/hr., this 36-hr. program costs $12,924. They are accredited by the North Central Association. Metropolitan State University www.metrostate.edu offers the MBA MMIS (Management Information Systems), and the MPNA (Public and Nonprofit Administration) online. Stated tuition for the 40-hr. MBA is $16,000. At $355.43/hr., the 44-hr. MMIS costs $15,638.92. At $330.43/hr., the 36-hr. MPNA costs $11,895.48. They are accredited by the North Central Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. Thanks, friartuck!!!