Schumer's speech

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by nosborne48, Mar 17, 2024.

  1. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    Bibi won't be tossed out., at least, not in the foreseeable future.
  2. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    So what? It's for good reason that what the Allies did to Dresden and the US did to Hiroshima and Nagasaki have often been referred to as war crimes.
  3. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    This reply was to Bill's post, talking about the Japan and Germany now being in good relations with US.
    I think the two events I mentioned were instrumental, even if horrifying.
  4. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Lerner explained the "so what". Israel should be allowed to win the war, was what he said. Meaning kill anyone and everyone they want to in any way that they want to.

    He will, at some point, eventually be tossed out. That's all I meant.

    Israel really needs a leader that is concerned with both Israel's security but also treating the Palestinians with respect rather than disdain and hatred. It's the only way a lasting peace has a chance. It's going to be hard though because Israel has treated the Palestinians with hatred and disrespect for years.
  5. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    As to Bibi, I don't know how stable the coalition now.
    It's posible it will become very narrow if Gans quits it, once ultimatum expires by June 8th.
    I hear in Israeli jews that he and Defence Minister are not speaking, and the cabinet is in turmoil, the direction is unclear.
    On other side 1.2 million Gazans evacuated Raffia and setled in tent encampment along the shore, the supply of food and aid is flowing via Kerem Shalom, and even commerce between Israeli suppliers and customers in Gaza.
  6. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    That might be the most ridiculous thing you ever said. You actually think that Japan and Germany are our good allies now because of those horrible things??? NO, it is because we treated them with respect after the war. <shakes head in disbelief>
  7. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    That's too, but first they were bitten to submission.
    Israel tried to treat Gazans and West Bank good, Jobs and commerce but it backfired.
    Iran and her terrorists will do the any peace maker on their side, what was done to Sadat of Egypt. When? On Oct 6 81 if I'm not mistaken, Ramadan?
    Jihad ideology is set to destroy Israel, any collaborators and US
    Last edited: May 23, 2024
  8. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    I agree that Iran is a big part of the problem. Not sure of the relevance to this topic though, are you saying that Palestinians should die because Iran is bad?

    The percentage of homes destroyed in Japan during WWII was 90% versus the Gaza 70% that is getting pretty close. Perhaps percentage of civilians killed as well?

    Taking land from the West Bank community is not treating them well. Israeli settlers shooting farmers dead is not treating them well. Perhaps you may say they deserve more so it is better than they deserve?
    Last edited: May 23, 2024
  9. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    Terrorists should die because they want and act to destroy Israel. If you ask me Israel is defending it self from destruction and savages in Gaza.
    Palestinians don't exists since 1948.
    Then it included Jews and Arabs of Palestine.
    Since 1948 there is Israel.
    Terrorists attack Israel from thise homes that are being destroyed.
    The area is very crowded, schools, hospitals homes most have tunnels l, store amo and rocket launchers etc.
    Hamas when murdered Jews in Israel kill all, they say they are former, current, future Israeli solders.
    Including women.
  10. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    You've made the statement previously that Palestinians didn't exist before 1948. What is that supposed to mean? That they don't deserve to exist now? That they can't be trusted because the name changed meaning in 1948? That since they didn't exist before it is okay to destroy them all? What is that supposed to mean?

    You were arguing that there is peace with Germany and Japan now because they were destroyed in WWII. I was just saying that that argument really doesn't make sense and even if it did Gaza has been pretty much destroyed now.

    The bottom line though is that Netanyahu is alienating the rest of the world. On October 8 the world was on Israel's side. That has been squandered. Even Israel's most important ally, the USA, is seeing protests against the way that Netanyahu is conducting the war. Going along like Israel has in the recent past is obviously not going to work going into the future.
  11. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    My point that this is now a global issue.
    Arabs of Palestine ancestors came to Jordan as refugees between 1947 and 1967. Most of them and their descendants in Jordan are naturalized, making Jordan the only Arab country to fully integrate the former refugees of 1948, as the West Bank was annexed and held by Jordan between 1948 and 1967.
    Some 2.18 million Palestinians were registered as refugees in 2016 and about 370,000 live in refugee camps. Those who are not Naturalized in Jordan are stateless without benefits of Jordanians.
    London agreement that Shimon Peres worked so hard to achieve would have given the control of the West bank to Jordan, but Israel didn't join those, PM Shamir rejected the agreements and Jordan no longer ready to consider such action,
    There are 6 million + Arabs who trace, claim to be Arabs of Palestine descendants, children of refugees.
    They want the whole land of British Palestine to "return" to.
    As long as they want to destroy Israel I don't recognize them as such Palestinians people, they are invented there is no such people after 1948, they are part of Pan Arab nations. How long are one is a refugee? after 75 years, new generations?
  12. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

  13. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    A state should/would be able to stand on its own.
    The Palestinian State would be a welfare state reliant on outside aid.
    Mostly because they'd spend the majority of their budget on underground tunnels and pipe conversion into rockets.
    Egoistical risk to the state of Israel.
    Once they drop the need to destroy Israel and agree to peaceful partition and temporary, 50 years no offensive army above police, then maybe there is an opportunity but I don't think Iran will let it happen.
    Require a government that does not intend to devote itself to the eradication of a neighboring state? And, perhaps its current government in Gaza could surrender and release hostages, including American hostages?
  14. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    Netanyahu can be removed only after an election. Don't assume that any election now or immediately after the end of the Gaza operation will have a different result than the last one did.
  15. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    You used the word Palestinian. Do you have to now repeat that irrelevant stuff to yourself about 1948 blah blah blah?
  16. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    Since you are supporting Palestinian State, this is why I used those words, for me Jews of that land also were Palestinians, its clear that I'm not supporting hostile terrorists state at this time.
    So I provided my opinion about the two state issue. No, to reward terror. Rewarding terror-being"nice" to them is the worst policy one can use or propose.
    Also, Japanese that moved to US, Germans that migrated to US assimilated and part of US.

    You have no idea what is fell on US by letting Jihadists in.
    I posted what and how the political Jihad will treat all, that will not submit to Islam.
    You can see it in the terrorists marching in streets of US.
    This is Political jihad, the end of Democracy.

    Here is what they wish our president

    "In a May 18, 2024 New York City Nakba Day rally held in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, Within Our Lifetime leader Nerdeen Kiswani said that President Biden is the oldest president in American history and he will die soon. In response to this statement the crowd cheered loudly. She said that the NYPD is an "occupying army," which shares its tactics with Israel and stated: "when we say NYPD, KKK, IDF – they're all the same, we mean it." She led the crowd in a chant: "No more pigs in our community! No more Israel in Palestine! No more Zionists in Palestine!" Abdullah Akl, another leading member of Within Our Lifetime led the crowd in a chant: "There is only solution, Intifada, revolution!" Abdullah Akl is also the advocacy director at MAS Staten Island Center and a graduate student at Harvard University. Video of the rally was uploaded to the YouTube account of Javier Soriano NY."

    Last edited: May 24, 2024
  17. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    You are too emotionally charged up.

    I said that a two-state solution is the only solution for a long term peace. I also agreed with you multiple times a Palestinian state formed now would be a bad idea. I've said it is years away that it can't be a long term peaceful solution as long as Islamophobic leaders are in charge of Israel or Jihadist would be in charge of the Palestinian state. Your argument going back many hundreds of years and arguing that Islamophobia is a "dangerous lie" is nothing more than Islamophobia excuse making and makes as much sense as a racist saying that Democrats are out to destroy this country by allowing immigration of none white immigrants.

    I suggest that you take a very deep breath and slowly exhale a few times. ;)
  18. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    We don't see many issues in the same way.
    But I do respect you and appreciate your efforts to show, share your views.
    Unfortunately the enemies are conspiring, and it came to Germany when it came, and I'm afraid, that it is coming to the free world as well.


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