Schumer's speech

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by nosborne48, Mar 17, 2024.

  1. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    A Palestinian explains that the best thing that happened to the Palestinians is the State of Israel

  2. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    A new report from the Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI) shows a political activist group linked to the (CCP) has played a crucial role in funding and organizing anti-Israel protests that have disrupted college campuses across the U.S. in recent weeks.

    The report, published last week, highlights the activities of "seemingly grassroots activist movements," like Shut It Down for Palestine (SID4P), which was formed after the Oct. 7 attack on Israel.

    NCRI described SID4P as an "anti-capitalist, anti-police, and anti-government protest movement [that] functions as a hybrid online/real-world network for mobilizing frequent demonstrations as well as gradually escalating direct-action campaigns targeting critical infrastructure and public spaces."
    Over 200 US universities including elite institutions Carnegie Mellon, Cornell, Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology have been accused of raking in $13 billion in “undocumented contributions from foreign governments,” according to a new report.

    A sizable portion of the funds were said to be donated from authoritarian regimes around the globe including Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China and the UAE, the report from the Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI) claimed.
  3. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

  4. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    More proof positive that what I've been saying about Netanyahu is the absolute truth. That is that Netanyahu is a horrible leader. He is responsible for the security failure that lead to October 7. He is responsible for Israel going from its peak of world support on October 7 to alienating the world now. What I'm talking about is three allies Spain, Norway and Ireland have recognized a Palestinian state. I'll also mention the fact that ICC has put out an arrest warrant for Netanyahu's arrest. Netanyahu is a criminal and a horrible leader. The sooner that Israelis get rid of him the better.
  5. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    'Horrible' depends on your point of view. To the Religious Zionist parties, he looks pretty good right now.
  6. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    Besides, Bibi and Biden both know how this plays out in the long run. After the Israelis kill or expel the vast majority of the Gazan Arab population, peace will descend and the myth making will begin. Israelis will tell their children that Gaza's leadership launched a bloody terrorist attack without warning (true), that Israel could never be safe as long as this kind of thing was possible (arguable), that the IDF fought bravely to end the threat forever (certainly they were brave but as to ending the threat? Probably not.) and that the result is utterly justified as the Will of G-d or the Judgment of History (take your pick).

    How do I know? Because I grew up playing Cowboys and Indians in America.
    Bill Huffman likes this.
  7. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Yes, I used to play cowboys and Indians in America as a kid as well.
  8. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    You do bring up an excellent point. The starving of the Palestinians is in part a move to put pressure on Egypt to open their border to millions of Palestinians. If some Palestinians die in the process, so much the better would be their thinking. I saw an estimate that about 70% of the buildings in Gaza have been destroyed and it will likely take 16 or 17 years to rebuild that. So the suffering is long term. Generating lots of future terrorists over the next couple generations.
  9. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    In 2006 Israel left Gaza to Gazan people to govern, with PA top leadership escaping after Hamas was elected, middle leadership cave in, lower leadership were thrown out of buildings' windows and murdered by Hamas. Gaza had an opportunity for economic freedom, entrepreneurship, import and export, fishing etc.
    The Charter of Hamas is looking for the destruction of the state of Israel.
    What do we see in the small Palestinian State model - Gaza? Most of the funding went to building terror infrastructure, rockets, missiles, bombs and training combatants for Jihad. They carefully studied Hezbollah relative success in Lebanon war 2.
    With support of Iran and Qatar etc., they modeled themselves after Hezbollah. Hamas has 70% support in Gaza and West bank.
    The Multi front war was planned by Iran, and it proxies, including West bank Arabs as well, they were planning coordinated Oct 7 type attack not only on South but in North Israel by Hezbollah, same method, of capturing border cities or kibbutz hostages, killing many etc.
    Israeli military leadership failed miserably, the concept of smaller smarter, high-tech army with reliance more on Air Force failed.
    It was a miracle that Hezbollah didn't attack at the same time, because Hamas actually broke the plan of multi front coordinated attack.
    The situation is bad, Israel is facing a lot of pressure.
    There is an investigation going on about a spy and his operators on Oct 7 it's secret and happening behind the scenes.
    I don't have answerers, I think more could have been achieved in the first months of fighting while there was world support.

    As to Religeous Zionists:

    "Zechariah 12
    2 “I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding peoples reeling. Judah will be besieged as well as Jerusalem. 3 On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves. 4 On that day I will strike every horse with panic and its rider with madness,” declaresn YHWH. “I will keep a watchful eye over Judah, but I will blind all the horses of the nations. 5 Then the clans of Judah will say in their hearts, ‘The people of Jerusalem are strong, because the YHWH Almighty is their God.’

    6 “On that day I will make the clans of Judah like a firepot in a woodpile, like a flaming torch among sheaves. They will consume all the surrounding peoples right and left, but Jerusalem will remain intact in her place.

    7 “YHWH will save the dwellings of Judah first, so that the honor of the house of David and of Jerusalem’s inhabitants may not be greater than that of Judah. 8 On that day YHWH will shield those who live in Jerusalem, so that the feeblest among them will be like David, and the house of David will be like God, like the angel of YHWH going before them. 9 On that day I will set out to destroy all the nations that attack Jerusalem."
  10. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Well I agree that Hamas is a horrible terrorist organization that should have ideally been wiped off the face of the earth many years ago.

    For years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it’s blown up in our faces

    Blame Netanyahu, his stupid plans to divide the Palestinians and cause friction between Gaza and West Bank were bad for Israel. Netanyahu damages Israel again by supporting Hamas. He's a criminal horrible leader.
  11. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    I think the failure is on many levels. Bibi has his share and he should assume responsibility after the war.
    The Government policy is part of it.
    But you can't blame only Bibi, I think multi level failure is here, and it goes decades back.
    I think the military leadership, scaling down the army, is also to blame.
    And those in charge of security, the solder ladies reported and alerted yet the person in change dismissed it, also other officers.
    Bill, Israelis and non Israelis are asking where was AF and the army for 6 hours? Who neglected the security?
    PM in Israel is not the commander of military like in US President.
    If the army and military intelligence acted properly, the war would have been prevented. It would have been a major incident at the border but deterrence
    would stop the massacre, good chance the attack would have been prevented and differed by Hamas to a different time as it was earlier in the year, Passover time.
    It was the military and intelligence, security concept that Hamas is deterred. Bibi was acting partly according to the reports and assessment from top brass and his ministers, as well as the previous PM.

    No one in their right mind would believe Hamas would coexist peacefully in a two-state solution. "From the river to the sea" is not a chant for peace. If Palestine was a country, the only thing we could count on is them declaring war on Iseral as soon as it was formed.
    Last edited: May 22, 2024
  12. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    PA in West bank is also planning Oct 7 type attack on Israel.
    They are sending their solders for training in different countries, recently you can see videos of PA, Fatah training in Pakistan.
    Many Islamic wars are on Ramadan, SalaDin on Ramadan, Oct 7, Ramadan, Yom Kippur War on Ramadan.
    The Islamists can't allow Jews to be ruling, having their own country.
    They believe the Jews have to be paying the tax, etc., and be subdued.
    They all want to destroy Israel and create Palestinian state instead.
  13. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    And that is exactly why the horrible criminal Netanyahu wanted to keep Hamas in power so that there could be no peaceful two-state solution. That is exactly what the excellent article I last linked to stated. Regarding your last sentence, this is both true and false. It is true that any Gaza run or influenced government would immediately declare war on Israel. It is a silly fantasy though to believe that just because that is true today it would always be true. A possible two-state solution is years away. After the horrible criminal leader Netanyahu it is even further away now, many years at best and getting further away with each day that horrible leader is in power.

    Germany and Japan were our sworn enemies back in 1945. After the war, we treated them with respect and as our friends. They are now some of our best allies. So your belief that once enemies always enemies is a fallacy that has been proven wrong by history.

    Here's another link to that October 8 article I linked to above.
    For years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it’s blown up in our faces
    Last edited: May 23, 2024
  14. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    Young man in that area would become Hamas combatants or Jihad combatants, no mater what.
    War no war, this is it.
  15. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    This will not work, it was tried and failed.
    Egypt closed the borders with Gaza for a reason.

    The Islamists are after one thing, only one thing, to convert you to Islam, establish sharia law, and Calif. Or to allow some to exist as long as they are subduded.
    They will kill anybody who opposes this way.
    And killing 80% of Hamas is like putting 80% of the fire.
  16. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    After WWII many said similar things. I remember being a young kid and hearing adults express such hatred against Japanese and Germans in the late 50's and early 60's. There will be people like you described on the Palestinian side and Islamophobias like you on the Israeli side. It is possible for there to be peace. However as long as the Islamophobic or the Jihadists are in power there will never be peace.
  17. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    Nothing has blown up in Netanyahu's face. Consider. As long as he continues to use Hamas' attack as an excuse for total war to eliminate the Gaza Arabs (and looks theother way when his minister seizes 2,000 acres of West Bank territory), the Religious Zionist parties will continue to support him. Even if the Left leaves the government coalition, he still has a knesset majority and can defeat any no confidence vote or motion for early elections. Meanwhile, the U.S. will continue to sell weapons and supplies without practical limit.

    Nothing has blown up. Nothing will blow up.
  18. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    This goes along with my fear that when Netanyahu is tossed out, another Islamophobic leader just takes over. Which is a very strong possibility.
  19. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    Bill, the allies level Berlin and bombed Germany to oblivion, until surrender of Nazis.
    And Japan, didn't we drop two nukes on Nagasaki and Hiroshima?

    Why some are not letting Israel win, a 100% just war. If Israel looses, there will be no Israel.

    Islamophobic will go away automatically when Jihadists cease to exist.
    After 1500 years of Jihad and killing of non Muslims there is a reason for Islamofobia.
    And Jihadists use it for their defence.

    Perhaps this speaks volumes :
    ““Asharq Al-Awsat” Arabic international newspaper reports that in last week's direct talks between Brett MCGurk and Iran's then deputy foreign minister, they agreed that the ICC prosecutor should issue an arrest warrant against Netanyahu to oust him from power because Netanyahu refuses to capitulate.”
  20. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    Who is the occupier ?
    links below, at the end of the post you will find links full of information, one of the last links - mentions 151 Arab villages
    Let's start with a report from yesterday, 22 May 2024:
    During an arrest operation in the village of Sa'ir near Hebron, fighters arrived in the village casbah, which was a Jewish village 2,000 years ago at the time of the Talmud.
    "During an arrest operation in the village of Sa'ir near Hebron, we reached the village casbah, which was a Jewish village 2,000 years ago at the time of the Talmud. On the lintel of the house - a drawing with a menorah" (the shape of the menorah is identical to the method of Maimonides), says Lt. Col. Maoz Schwartz, Battalion Commander 7007.
    history of the village, especially the menorah: "In a house in the heart of the Kasbah in the village of Sa'ir, two lamps from the Talmudic period were found next to us, next to them a plant decoration, a semicircle and a star, familiar with such things from other places."
    The Land of Israel is the Land of Israel, not Roman "Palestine", not British Palestine and not the one that the Arab mob is trying to "acquire for itself", as an invented people that invented itself in the last century and has neither historical documentation nor archaeological documentation - settlement.
    The Arabs who passed through the Land of Israel over the past three centuries settled in Jewish settlements and nationalized their historical assets, disrupting and erasing the ancient Jewish history of the place, as well as archaeological sites such as the altar of Joshua ben Nun on Mount Ibal, which the Palestinian Authority seeks to erase completely by bulldozers, evidence and documentation that Hebrew-Israelis, the ancestors of the Jewish people, were present here in this land long before Muhammad and his allies established a new religion for themselves

    What will you find in the heart of Arab villages?, mikvahs, mezuzot, synagogues.
    What won't you find in Arab villages? - No Arab history.
    The Arab mob arrived in the Land of Israel as a result of passing through trade routes between the Balkans and the Arabian Peninsula, Egypt, Babylon (Iraq) and more.

    So maybe they are Philistines from the time of Canaan? - Nope. The Philistines were seafarers from the Greek islands, and probably Crete.
    So how do we know who these Palestinian refugees are who are trying to appropriate Israeli land?

    Just like Saddam Hussein al-Tikriti, who was born in Tikrit, Iraq, the Palestinians' surnames "نسبة" indicate their place of origin and tribal affiliation
    : Masri=Egypt (Mushir al-Masri, Hamas spokesman)
    Akari = the city of Akar, Lebanon (terrorist Ibrahim Akari)
    Zarqawi=Zarqa, a city in Jordan
    Al-Franji="The Stranger" Derogatory name for Europeans
    Al-Hindi=guess India
    Hamati=Syria butter
    Halabi=Aleppo Syria
    Dajani= Saudi Arabia
    Matar = Bani Matar village Yemen
    al-Kurd=Kurdistan, recently evacuated from East Jerusalem
    Tarabulsi=Tripoli Lebanon
    Hourani=Horan Syria
    Husseini=Saudi Arabia claim to be descendants of Muhammad
    Bardawil=Egypt, Lake Bardawil
    Zoabi=Turkish Iraq
    Abu Sita=Tarabin tribe Egypt
    al-Hijazi=Saudi Arabia
    al-Tamimi=Saudi Arabia
    al-Qurashi=Saudi Arabia
    al-Obeid=City in Sudan
    al-Tartir=Kafr Tartir Egypt
    Tamari=Saudi Arabia
    Zubeidi= Zubeidi tribe Iraq
    al-Sourni=Tyre Lebanon
    Al-Siddawi=Sidon Lebanon
    Al-Fayoumi=Fayum Egypt
    Sha'lan=Egypt Bedouin
    Maronites from Gush Halav, Christians who came from Greece and Malta,
    the Bedouins who invaded from Egypt
    , Circassians, from the Caucasus
    , Armenians?!
    And let's not forget the most famous Palestinian in the world
    , Arafat Al-Qudwa, who all his life claimed to have been born in Jerusalem! Arafat was born in Cairo, and his "tribe of Al-Qudwa" originated in Aleppo, Syria"AL Qudwa"
    Jerusalem is not mentioned in the Qur'an, not even once
    , nor are the PLCs mentioned in the Quran
    (Jerusalem in the Bible 656 times!)
    On the other hand, the "sons of Israel" are mentioned in both the Qur'an and Hadith 64 times
    , in all Roman records (provincia IVDAEA) only Jews are mentioned. There is no trace of any other people
    , even the ancient Arab historians do not put their hands in the plate
    "Ibn Khaldun" describes in his famous book Muqdima (مقدّمة ابن خلدون), page 55, the Land of Israel as "the exclusive seat of the Jewish people."
    Yaqut Al-Hamawi notes in his book (معجم البلدان): "Mecca is holy to Muslims, Jerusalem is holy only to Jews"
    Ibn Taymiyyah notes in his books: "There is no place in Jerusalem that can be called holy, and the same is true of the graves in Hebron"
    "Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiyah claimed in his book: "The Prophet Muhammad never set foot or visited Jerusalem"
    Muslims today claim that Muhammad flew overnight on a winged horse (Buraq) all the way from Mecca al"A distant mosque" which, according to them, is located on the Temple Mount, is therefore holy to Muslims
    as well (they only forgot to mention that the Arab historian Al-Waqidi claims in his book: "The Book of Campaigns (كـتـاب الـمـغـازي)
    that the Al-Aqsa Mosque (literally translated as "remote") is located not far from Mecca in a city called Jarna,
    especially since at the time of Muhammad's death in 632 there was no mosque on the Temple Mount but a Byzantine-style church, Called the Church of St. Mary's of Gastignan
    Muhammad took off with a winged horse from a Byzantine church LOL?
    (By the way, !! Dome of the Rock was built by Christian builders and the common shape of mosques today is an architectural replica of Byzantine churches from the Middle Ages named after Hagia Sophia)
    So let's say that the Jewish people is a "fiction" and there is no such people, the Temple never existed, the Merneptah tombstone is a forgery, the Tel Dan improvisation inscription and the Dead Sea scrolls only because of a "cosmic error" are remarkably similar to the Torah scrolls written to this day by the "strange" and hunched-back scribes in their moldy basements,
    Explain to me why the Palestinians who have lived here "from time immemorial" have surnames like Bushneck=Bosnia?, and why most of them bear the names of
    well-known and respected tribes with proven historical records originating in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iraq, etc.?
    After all, unlike the Jews who were forced to adopt their family names into exiles by the burgeoning bureaucracy
    and Christian authorities (the ruling of Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor in 1787), what is the Arabs' excuse for such non-"Palestinian" names?
    By the way, the Arabs living in Gaza today have no historical, archaeological or philological connection to the Philistines who originated from the Mycenaean culture and are described in the sources as "red-haired"
    After the Philistine "theory" collapsed, of course Arabs sprang up who claimed to have descended from the Jebusites in order to strengthen the claim that their connection to the Jewish people is older than the Jewish one, but even this argument has no historical/linguistic/archaeological/
    theological proof.
    Would we be surprised where, after the Muslim conquest of Palestine by Caliph Omar, he established his capital in Ramala and not Jerusalem?


    The Altar of Joshua on Mount Eibal,the%20Manasseh%20Hill%20Country%20Survey%20in%201980.%20

    a 2,000-year-old mikveh the

    Arab village of Al Lubban sits on the Talmudic Jewish settlement of Beit Lavanא-לובן_אל-ע'רבי

    Sakhnin - a Jewish settlement from the Talmudic period, conquered and nationalized by an Arab mobסכנין_(יישוב_עתיק)

    Other Jewish settlements occupied by Arabs: Huwara, Shemu', Gush Halav, Yafia, Samu'a, Araba, Kfar Manda, Nazareth, Kfar Kanna, Jash, Daburiya, Peki'in, Shfar'am, Kfar Yassif, and much more - link attached.קטגוריה:יישובים_ערביים_המשמרים_שם_עברי

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