Quantic School of Business and Technology

Discussion in 'Business and MBA degrees' started by Dustin, Jan 6, 2021.

  1. AsianStew

    AsianStew Moderator Staff Member

    They're a tad over my budget even with those type of mini scholarships, if the scholarship was 50% or more, like 75% or something even higher, they'll have more enrollments. I still keep getting emails from them about application deadlines... Just in case they drop the pricing one way or another, I've not removed them from my email lists yet, I like getting updates.
  2. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Sure they would, but they'd likely go BROKE. Bad business plan, especially for a Uni that teaches MBAs. Tuition is their only revenue. "We're not in Spain any more, Toto. This definitely isn't ENEB. And no Groupon..."

    This is a US school - and a different class of school entirely. They can hold a sale, but not a fire-sale. I think such an expectation is unreasonable.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2023
  3. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    And I know in the beginning (as Smart.ly) the school was free - and they chose who got that free deal very carefully. There were reasons for that program. Now, it's different - the school is accredited. They gave away freebies so they'd earn later. According to plan, they became accredited.

    It;s a quality setup and their charges are reasonable, for what you get. It's not a race to the bottom. You get a substantial (say 25%) discount from a place like this, be glad. No good asking for the moon. Fashion guy says - not a good look,

    This is their time... :)
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2023
    Dustin likes this.
  4. Elbulk

    Elbulk Active Member

    My wife is finishing her MBA with Quantic this month and I must say their content is decent. She got a scholarship but still had to pay $3,500 for the program.
    In my opinion they are organized.
    JoshD, Johann, Mac Juli and 2 others like this.
  5. AsianStew

    AsianStew Moderator Staff Member

    In addition to the name change, they may have made some other updates. That's the discounts I was referencing earlier, anything like $3500 is practically more than 50% off... they should offer discounts such as this more frequently.
  6. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Great! Congratulations to her. $3,500 for tuition represents about 65% discount. I'd say that's not bad deal, on average, for Nigeria. It's proportional to the difference in average incomes.
    Not here, to most US applicants. It's "for the needy, not the greedy." That level of discount should be reserved generally for other countries, e.g. Africa. The $10,000 full cost can represent years of average income in some countries. Here - it represents a fraction of one year's average income. And a far smaller fraction for those whose income is well above average, at least according to their claims on here...

    I remember once, a University in Wales made their MBA available at around 2,500 GBP to applicants in some African countries. The regular cost was 4,500 GBP. There was some griping on the board from North Americans (Canada and US) who thought the reduction should be available to everyone. The ignorance of such people makes me sick.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2023
    Dustin likes this.
  7. Dustin

    Dustin Well-Known Member

    Although I benefited from the discount, I don't think they should be offering them more frequently.

    Heavy discounting can produce a negative perception of value (the price-quality heuristic) and offering discounts too often causes people to expect a discount and therefore they don't buy when there isn't one available which harms revenue in the long run.
  8. cacoleman1983

    cacoleman1983 Well-Known Member

    This is why the perception of ENEB is so low for people who look into it initially.
    JoshD likes this.
  9. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Well, PART of the reason, maybe... I think there may also be other factors. You're talking degrees with reduced utility on their home turf and spotty acceptance elsewhere. This side of the pond, it's been everything from an RA equivalent, an unaccredited equivalent, a bachelor's, a grad cert. and once in a while nothing at all - because some evaluators won't even look at it.

    In Latin it might be termed a "Magister Alearum" degree - Master of Dice - because outside of Spain it's a complete crapshoot.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2023
  10. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    ENEB = About as far from Quantic as you can get.
  11. Elbulk

    Elbulk Active Member

    Thanks. Not a bad deal at all just that recently our currency has been a free fall, so amounts are now more than twice what they used to be in naira. The last government was terrible, the new one? probably worse. Same party, same ideology (just "win" the election, every other thing will sway, however)
  12. Rachel83az

    Rachel83az Well-Known Member

    On average, African countries are generally poorer than the US. But most Americans couldn't save $10k in several years either. The net worth of the average American is something like $5. It's almost impossible to avoid going into debt and getting 10k for a degree that might help them climb out of their financial hole is just a pipe dream. So I don't agree that scholarships should be limited to low-income countries. They should be available for anyone who has need.

    But demonstrating that need can also be problematic. So I'd rather that a few "greedy" people get a discount than they skip over the people who are "needy".
  13. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear about the free-fall. I was thinking in terms of "same-old same-old", which was bad enough, but not like this! Wow! Just read up on it... https://www.bsg.ox.ac.uk/blog/cash-politics-impact-currency-redesign-policy-nigerias-2023-general-election#:

    I hope things go well for you and your family. You've expressed the intention to move to Canada -- so I'd like to wish you welcome in advance. :)
  14. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    (1) All African countries are poorer than the US. By a LONG shot! Nigeria is the "richest" - and 69% of Nigerians were officially poor by International standards before the latest debacle, referred to by Elbulk and outlined in the article I cited.

    (2) Most Americans couldn't save $10k in several years? Why? I'm a Canadian -- and I can do, and have done even better than that. I'm an old-age pensioner. I was flat broke at 65, having spent my retirement money (not all that much) to live, over the previous 15 years. Then I changed my money - and other - habits: Measured over the last 15 years, my income has averaged $20K. That's not a lot. I have saved an average of $5K annually for each of those 15 years. Rent control has helped and I gave my last car away in 1998. What a relief! I have no debts. My one credit card is used for Internet purchases only and always paid off in full as soon as I get billed.

    (3) I'm opposed to ANY "greedy"people getting ANYTHING. They're poison. Lower than a snake with fallen arches - every damn one of them. Let them go to "race-to-the-bottom," "fire-sale" schools. Greedy people deserve greedy schools.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2023
  15. Elbulk

    Elbulk Active Member

    Oh, it was even better at the time that article was written. Oh thanks for the welcome. Like I said before, we may just become neighbours soon.
    Johann likes this.
  16. Rachel83az

    Rachel83az Well-Known Member

    That's privilege. Rent control isn't really a thing in most of the US, so someone earning $20k today is lucky if they can find a single room for $800-1000/mo. That's half, or more, of their income gone right there!

    $20k/year is about 1666/mo. Arizona's minimum wage is about $29k, but then you lose about 1/3 to 1/2 of that in taxes if you're a single adult with no dependents. So $20k/year isn't that far off.

    $800 rent
    $50/mo. phone
    $50/mo. on internet (maybe more these days?)
    $200/mo. for bare essentials groceries (fresh food? what's that?)
    $100 (maybe more) for car insurance - not having a car is not an option in many places, especially the poorer sections of the US.
    $70/mo. gasoline - 20 miles per day, 6 days a week, in a car that gets 24mpg @ $3.50/gallon.
    $10/mo. (on average) for thrift store clothes
    $10-20/mo. on very basic hygeine supplies (soap, shampoo, deodorant, laundry soap, toothbrush, toothpaste)

    We're already up to nearly $1300/mo. and I think I lowballed most of those numbers there. Even if we assume that we're able to save the remaining $300 or so, that's only $3600/year. So saving $10k is going to take at least 3 years. But that's best-case scenario. There are huge numbers of people who are literally living paycheck to paycheck, not making any extravagant purchases, and for whom a $100 plumbing emergency can make them homeless.

    Let's say someone lives where there is actual bus service. A bus pass in Phoenix is $64/mo. Great, we're saving another $100/mo., yes? No. In Phoenix, a lot of employers will not hire you unless you're within walking distance (maybe 1km or about half a mile) or you have a car. A bus is not acceptable. Which limits your employment and further diminishes the amount of money you're bringing home. Most homes (apartment, house, condo, etc.) are NOT within walking distance of an employer. Best case scenario is working for the local gas station, maybe. Grocery store, if you're lucky.

    This is how and why we get people who want to do away with welfare completely. If you're on welfare in the US, your cash-money income that you can spend on whatever you want may only be a couple hundred to a couple thousand bucks. But you need this for gas money (or a bus pass, if you're lucky), clothes, and other things you can't spend SNAP benefits (food stamps) on.

    If you manage to save any money while on welfare? Welp, you've just lost your welfare benefits, possibly forever.
  17. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    No it's not. Here, it's the law. And there's a penalty clause - if you move, it's gone. You get it again (if your building is older than 1995) but it starts in your new place at whatever rate the landlord wants to charge. I've been here 19 years - whether I like it or not. For that reason alone.

    Welfare is suppose to be a temporary fix - not a lifestyle. It's not designed to help people save - just to survive.

    I have some perks. My rent is less than $700. If I moved in today, I'd pay $1,400. I don't have to pay for electricity. The Province picks that up for lower-income seniors. Buses are free for people aged 80+. I qualified this year. From 65 to 79 there was a cheap pass - $300 a year. Before that I was paying full rate - putting $2,000+ a year in the fare-box. (I take a lot of buses.) And of course I don't need a car for work. I quit work at 50 and lived on my own money.

    But still I figure I've done pretty well for someone on this income. I had to make quite a few changes to make it happen. Small changes help. Not having my two German beers a day has saved me close to $30,000. One change. And I was careful - I always put that money away. I know a lot of pensioners who are still working. They have to. They have nothing saved. Now, I do... And I still have room to improve. Ditching my land-line will save me $800 a year. Again, one change. And I may spend it. Saving is going well enough.

    My gripe is against those who (say they) make six figures (or close) and still belly up to the "need" discount bar every chance they get. Gobblers and wasters... people with garages and basements littered with Android 2.0 tablets and the like...
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2023
  18. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    And if all the restrictions in Phoenix AZ work harshly against someone - maybe they should consider leaving Phoenix. People leave all kinds of places if conditions, particularly economic ones, are hard for them. That's why my folks left UK. I'm glad they did.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2023
  19. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    @Dustin That does NOT of course include people like Dustin - people who don't ask, demand or automatically feel they're entitled to a huge education discount. If you go through the normal procedure, give them the facts and they think you're really worthwhile and give you the moon -- you must be worth it. Consider yourself blessed! You've earned whatever you get.
  20. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    I'd like that. :)

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