Pat Robertson wants US to assissinate Chavez

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Ike, Aug 23, 2005.

  1. BillDayson

    BillDayson New Member

    I think that in most cases where the US supported third world dictators, it occurred in a Cold War context where the alternative was a revolutionary insurgency of some kind.

    I'm not sure that I would put Canada and the Scandinavian countries on top of the economic freedom lists. These are rather paternalistic countries with lots of government regulations and welfare-state programs. Perhaps that's associated with their cold climates and a sense of living on the edge of disaster. Economic freedom lists tend to reward the most laissez-faire, and one could argue that moderation is a good thing in that department.

    I agree with that.

    I think that a lot of these social indicators are very debatable. They embody somebody's vision of a utopian ideal in some isolated sphere, then measure how closely various countries approximate to it.

    But I'm not sure that everyone agrees on where they want to go. There are still a lot of conflicing social visions out there.

    And in real life situations, the ideal is probably going to be a balance beween conlicting motives anyway. Freedom vs security, for example. The optimum state might turn out to be one that doesn't maximize any of these values, but instead embodies the compromises that permits all of them to be satisfied in some imperfect way.
  2. JLV

    JLV Active Member

    And Europe. Still today.

    The US is nice but there are other nice places to live. Holland, Luxemburg, Scandinavia, Austria,.... I think Canada is a great place to live. There are other options if one is not up to the American Dream.

  3. Charles

    Charles New Member

    Do you have a citation

    You stated that the CIA admitted to murdering Allende as if it is a well known fact. Can you substantiate that statement?
  4. dcv

    dcv New Member

    VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. - One day after Pat Robertson called for the U.S. to assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, the televangelist raised the ante again today, urging the U.S. to covet President Chavez’ wife.

    In so doing, Mr. Robertson appeared to contradict two of The Ten Commandments in as many days, having flouted “Thou shat not kill” on Monday.

    Speaking on the television program he hosts, “The 700 Club,” Mr. Robertson lashed out at the Venezuelan strongman once more, telling his audience, “It’s high time that the United States coveted Hugo Chavez’ wife.”

    Warming to his topic, the opinionated preacher added, “And while we’re at it, we should covet his house, his manservant, his maidservant, his ox and his ass, for that matter.”

    Mr. Robertson indicated that all of the coveting he referred to would not require a war, arguing that it could be all done through the use of covert operatives within Venezuela.

    “We could send some special ops guys down there, and bang-bang, covet all of that stuff,” Mr. Robertson told his audience.

    Speaking to reporters after the program, Mr. Robertson was unrepentant about having broken two of the Ten Commandments in two days, telling them, “I fully intend to obey the other eight, and eight out of ten ain’t bad.”

    But the televangelist seemed to waver from that position slightly, telling reporters that the U.S. should “bear false witness against Hugo Chavez and dishonor Hugo Chavez’s mother and father.”
  5. little fauss

    little fauss New Member

    That, sir, is brilliant! That's a belly laugh! :D :D :D Yes, that gets my coveted three ultra smiley guy rating.

    Please tell me that's original. And if it is, why aren't you putting that prodigious satirical talent to use writing for The Onion or getting yourself nationally syndicated (presuming you're not already doing so)? Twain would be proud, he'd laugh himself silly.
  6. dcv

    dcv New Member

    Not original.

    I believe it was written by a guy named Andy Borowitz.
  7. little fauss

    little fauss New Member

    You're a big man not to try and take credit for it when asked. Your honesty beats the daylights out of 3/4 of the candidates in the field for any given presidential election.

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