Pat Robertson wants US to assissinate Chavez

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Ike, Aug 23, 2005.

  1. cehi

    cehi New Member

    Ike: "This guy is indeed a good Christian"

    Cehi: This is too abstract, Ike. Please explain further. It has always been there, but unpopular and unrecognized by some, that some evil people uses christianity or other forms of religion to cover their evil faces, acts and beliefs. I believe there are too many followers and not enough independents out there that are willing to be critical of these leaders. Hmnn... Thank you.
  2. little fauss

    little fauss New Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Pat Robertson wants US to assissinate Chavez


    Abner [/B][/QUOTE]

    Great minds think alike. And occasionally, you and I actually agree! :)
  3. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Pat Robertson wants US to assissinate Chavez

    Great minds think alike. And occasionally, you and I actually agree! :) [/B][/QUOTE]

    I guess miracles really do happen, eh!

    Abner :)
  4. agilham

    agilham New Member

    And one that occurred to SOE. Operation Foxley, it was called.

  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    How about the 1938 , 39 or 41 model?
  6. little fauss

    little fauss New Member

    I'm personally partial to the '46 model. That one was a bit less dangerous to Jews in particular and the world in general.
  7. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    And Robertson is, of course, relevant to this forum, because he lied in his campaign literature, when he ran for President, about having a Master's degree from the University of London. He explained that zealous staffers made a wee error; he had apparently attended a short workshop at London.
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Has anyone ever had a subordinate, who, in their zeal to excel and make a name for themself, made a "wee error?" :confused:
  9. little fauss

    little fauss New Member

    Yes, of course, but Robertson, as a religious leader who comes to people in the name of Jesus the Messiah, should be held to a higher standard.

    He shouldn't let data go out that presents him in a false light, especially presidential campaign literature. I think religious leaders should be held to a higher standard; you can find admonitions in the Bible that indicate you'd better tread carefully if you intend to call yourself a leader within the church, as G-d will hold you to a higher standard.

    I'm not saying that I demand perfection of religious leaders, but when they screw up or someone does so in their name and they let it slide until caught, they'd better expect to have their butts held to the fire. The standards are just higher.
  10. Alright.... I'm not going to get caught in any sort of "defense" of Pat Robertson, who should be tied up, tarred and feathered, and driven out of this great country of ours for things he's ALREADY done. Or maybe just locked up in a lunatic asylum for praying against hurricanes, blaming gays for all of our nation's woes, etc. The list goes on and on.

    Calling for the assassination of a national leader seems like another item to add to his growing list of sheer idiocy....

    But.... there's another side to this story. I lived in South Florida for a while and there are THOUSANDS of Venezuelans moving there fleeing for their lives from Chavez. They aren't all "rich" either - just sort of hard-working and semi-well-off - in other words, the very backbone of the Venezuelan economy. Now they are in Palm Beach County and south.... driving up real estate prices as they come. They universally would welcome a well delivered rifle shot to the head of the bastard who is ruining Venezuela and cavorting with dictators and terrorists. I guess so would I.... having heard the "other side of the story" and the sad tales that these emigres tell of the terror and abuse they endured before they finally had enough and fled for their lives, and the lives of their families and children, not to mention the future of their nation.

    If we are lucky, whoever takes out Chavez will also hit Robertson on the ricochet.....
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2005
  11. agilham

    agilham New Member

    Not one over the age of toilet training, no ;-)

    Er, does "wee" have the same meaning in the US?

  12. little fauss

    little fauss New Member

    And so would a lot of rational people. I would put it along the lines of executing a mass murderer.

    However, the question at hand is whether it's proper for a religious leader and one of the most prominent televangelists and conservative christian university leaders to suggest the assasination of a foreign leader in the public square. I personally don't think it's proper, and I can't imagine how such a proclamation furthers the Kingdom of G-d, which is still, as far as I know, the primary purpose behind all ministries.

    But, that said, I could be wrong. Who am I to know the mind of G-d? He used Samson, a man with a questionable taste in women and a penchant for prostitutes, to start the spark that eventually set His people free from the tyranny opf the Philistines. He used David, an adulterer and murderer, to lead the Israelites to their highest place in world history (of course, David later repented). He used Judah, who also apparently had that prostitute penchant, to be the ancestor of Messiah, King David, Solomon, etc. Rahab, a Canaanite prostitute, was an ancestor of Jesus.

    So G-d uses the foolish things to confound the wise. maybe he's even using Robertson here.
  13. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Me too. I have been denouncing this warped heretic and "dumb monger" by name from the pulpit for years. What is it with Yalies?
  14. Again, I'm not going to "defend" Roberston. I think I made my feelings about him perfectly clear in a previous post!


    I would personally welcome some good Old Testament "fire and brimstone" coming out of our religious leaders aimed at the evilness that is radical Islam, and all other terrorists and dictators who despise democracy and freedom. One of the things that's wrong with modern day Christianity, in my opinion, is its timidity towards taking a stand on what is right and what is wrong, and when we should kick ass on evil nations and leaders. If the ministers of America started calling out for the utter destruction of the heart of evilness in Mecca and Riyadh, I for one would start going to church again.....
  15. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    How about making that bouffant-haired, gaudy-tied, grin-as-bright-as-a-mandrill's-ass yahoo ambassador to Venezuela, smack dab on top of El Chavez?
  16. Janko, I'm coming to YOUR church! THIS is what I'm talkin' about here... and what we need....
  17. little fauss

    little fauss New Member

    I recently wrote an article tangentially related to this for publication in the newspaper; it was rejected for being too controversial.

    I agree that Christians need to stand up for what's right and what's wrong. John, the cousin of Jesus, lost his head for it. Paul of Tarsus wasn't exactly a wilting flower about making his opinions known in the public sphere. But that said, we still have a Messiah who refused to be drawn into geopolitical affairs and told people that the world would be conquered thrwough love, not the sword. So that's why you get the timidity from the pulpit. But I generally think that timidity is evidence of weakness and double-mindedness on the part of the church, not the love of Christ.

    I agree with you that Islam is unspeakably evil. I frankly hate it and do notconsider it valid in any way. I hate a faith that requires women to walk behind men, concealed under shrouds like common criminals (But I also hate our Western cultural traditions that treat women like racks of meat). I hate a faith that preaches Jihad.

    I hate Islam.

    But I do NOT hate its adherents.
  18. Guest

    Guest Guest

  19. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member


  20. Ike

    Ike New Member

    Robertson parades himself as a Christian clergyman. He has stated on many occasions that he in point of fact dialogs with God. I don't have any authority to declare that he is heretic or an awful Christian, but I can audaciously state that most of his utterances are antithetical to basic tenets of my faith (I am a Christian). Issuing fatwas is not something that is expected of a Christian clergy. When I was a young man in Nigeria in early 1980s, I used to watch CBN (courtesy of Anambra Broadcasting Service). Back then I used to imbibe everything that this man preached. Needless to say that today, as a wiser person, it’s nauseating to watch CBN or listen to this man’s heresies.

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