I could go for more nuclear reactors, especially in Germany. I've never been to Chernobyl but I occasionally drive past the San Onofre power plant. They're examples of the issue with this choice. San Onofre power plant is on a prime bit of beautiful sea front property that is only useful now as a bemusement. At least it bemuses me because from certain angles from the freeway the plant looks like humongous human female mammary glands. It is going to take them until 2040 to finish cleaning up the place and that assumes they come up with a solution as to where the radioactive waste can be stored.
Well, Nature has 4 billion+ years of winning battles on its side ... so I'm going with climate change. It won't matter whether I'm right or wrong, anyway. The result will be the same, either way. And Mother Nature is in it for the long haul - she's impervious to time. However much it takes -- won't be all that long, I'm thinking.
I doubt seriously that Putin could press the button unilaterally. I know for a fact that Trump couldn't. I have to think the Russians have the same layers of process.
While I agree, Putin carries a big stick in Russia (e.g., murder on his command) while also having practically unlimited funds for bribes. I seriously doubt he will want to press the button though.
"...Woah, have no fear for atomic energy 'Cause none of them-a can-a stop-a the time..." The future is unwritten.