Yes - I'd like him "retired" in the Soviet fashion - Lavrentiy Beria style. Tuesday would be fine. (I read about Beria's death when it happened, in 1953. I was 10. Never forgot it)
Ummmmm... a Russian man, of his age, occupation, and background, listening to a woman - any woman? Doesn't strike me as realistic. This sounds like a myth of Ivanka as a positive influence on Drumpf - except even less believable. P. S. Of course, Alina Kabaeva is herself a major celebrity, 2004 Olympic Champion in Rhythmic Gymnastics and highly hyped. So what we have in Putin is an aging male who could have picked any partner - and chose to pursue someone known as "the most flexible woman in Russia (arguably, world)". This just feels telling to me. Left his wife and the mother of some of his secret children, too.
I'd like to see one happen. But not at the talks. The guy that should REALLY happen to is still in Moscow, as far as I know.
The Swiss just joined in the EU sanctions regime. Very unusual. Even during WWII the Swiss stayed neutral.
I don't wonder, it does not matter at all. If I had to guess: doubt anyone can pursue him without his express permission. Maybe he was a bit more accessible in the past, rumor has it they're together a long time - but still, doubtful. Besides, too complicated for someone who spent all her life in the gym, getting yelled at by Irina Viner. Even if they did make Kabaeva a Member of Duma even before they hooked up (not unheard of, she's not the first athlete in that fake parliament).
Amen. Doesn't feel very likely in the short term though, and speed is of the essence here. On the other hand, stranger things had happened.
Likely so. But if Alina ever gets tired of him - she has MY express permission to pursue me - any time!
Al Jazeera, one of the better international news sources out there I think, made an interesting observation. It appears that Russia has failed to achieve control of the skies over Ukraine even after four days of fighting. I'm unsure how this can possibly be true. What is keeping Russia from sweeping all others from Ukraine? Ukraine's airforce? Ground launced anti-air missiles? Lack of necessary infrastructure? How much damage has the Russian air force suffered? No one seems to be saying.
Ukraine has signed application to join the EU. We'll have to see if this makes Putin even angrier than he already is.
Um, in this scenario, you both would have to deal with an ex with access to trained assassins, exotic poisons, and willingness to use them.
It looks like it's unconfirmed right now.