Non-traditional route to full-time professorship

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by chrisjm18, Feb 3, 2020.

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  1. chrisjm18

    chrisjm18 Well-Known Member

    That's a rather ridiculous approach. Are you aware that some universities and colleges are teaching institutions? Bowie State is one such school. Heck, even Penn State has a teaching track for those not expected to engage in research - Assistant Teaching Professor, Associate Teaching Professor, and Teaching Professor. There are so many professors who haven't had a peer-reviewed publication, including one of my associates who is an associate professor at a Catholic university. It's never good to assume.
    RoscoeB and SteveFoerster like this.
  2. chrisjm18

    chrisjm18 Well-Known Member

    I'll go ahead and add myself to the list. Today, I was offered and accepted an Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice (Tenure-track) position at an HBCU. I will provide more information at a later time!
    RoscoeB, Dustin, JoshD and 8 others like this.
  3. Mac Juli

    Mac Juli Well-Known Member

    chrisjm18 and Johann like this.
  4. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Congratulations! Can't wait to hear more!
    felderga and chrisjm18 like this.
  5. Vonnegut

    Vonnegut Well-Known Member

    We’re all thrilled for you Chris!
    chrisjm18 and felderga like this.
  6. felderga

    felderga Active Member

    chrisjm18 likes this.
  7. datby98

    datby98 Active Member

    Awesome! Congrats!!
    chrisjm18 likes this.
  8. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    That's awesome! Congrats!
    chrisjm18 likes this.
  9. JoshD

    JoshD Well-Known Member

    Congratulations Chris! This is phenomenal news!
    chrisjm18 likes this.
  10. TEKMAN

    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    Congrats, Chris!
    chrisjm18 likes this.
  11. chrisjm18

    chrisjm18 Well-Known Member

    Here's a follow-up of the application and selection process for my newly accepted position.

    Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice
    niversity of the Virgin Islands (The only HBCU located outside of the continental USA)
    "Historically America. Uniquely Caribbean. Globally Interactive."

    Applied (2/23/21)
    *Job announcement closed March 31st, 2021

    Interview with the Search Committee (4/14/21)
    *Associate Professor/Chair of the Department of Social Sciences
    *Associate Professor of Criminal Justice
    *Assistant Professor of History
    *HR Representative (Observer)

    Interview with the Dean (4/23/21)
    *Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences

    Research Presentation (4/26/21)
    *Members of the Faculty (approx. 8-10, including Dean and Chair)

    References Check (after 4/27/21)
    *Checks with three professional references

    Job Offer (5/3/21)
    *Dean offered the position contingent upon completing my Ph.D. by August 1st, 2021 (I just completed it on May 8th).
    *The offer includes a one-way airfare for me and my immediate family (don’t have any lol, i.e., spouse and kids). They are also providing relocation costs.
    RoscoeB, asianphd, Stanislav and 2 others like this.
  12. chrisjm18

    chrisjm18 Well-Known Member

    Since accepting the position of UVI, I have had several invitations to interview for non-tenure-track faculty positions. However, I had to decline because I wanted to leave the mainland U.S. I think it's best for my mental health and overall well-being. I am not saying I will never live there again, but I hope to find peace of mind for now. Below are some of the schools and positions for which I was contacted.

    May: Rosemont College (PA) - Asst Professor of Criminology & Sociology
    June: Texas A&M University-Commerce (TX) - Criminal Justice Instructor (competency-based online program)*
    June: Tarleton State University (TX) - Instructor and Coordinator (BAAS in CJ Admin)
    July: Gwinnett Technical College (GA) - Criminal Justice Instructor - master's degree required
    July: Goodwin University (CT) - Full-Time Faculty - Criminal Justice and Human Security (rank not specified but terminal degree required)

    *I actually really wanted this position because it's remote and based in Texas (one of my dream states, the other being GA). This program has two 7-week terms each semester. Faculty teach two courses one term and three courses the other term. So, a total of 5 courses each Fall, Spring, and Summer semester. The downside is that it's a 12-month position. Although it's an online faculty position, I think it requires one to be physically present in Texas. I wouldn't mind as long as I could travel in the summer and continue to teach from wherever.
    RoscoeB and SteveFoerster like this.
  13. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    Angelo State University posts virtual openings every once and a while for their School of Security Studies and Criminal Justice. The combination doesn't make sense since the security studies professors have backgrounds in history, military studies, public policy, and international relations. The program should be in the political science department, but I digress. Those with doctorates in CJ/criminology can teach in their homeland security and criminal justice programs.
  14. chrisjm18

    chrisjm18 Well-Known Member

    It's good to know that they hire for remote positions. I agree that security studies belong in the political science department. At the American Public University System, the faculty in the Doctor of Global Security and Doctor of Strategic Intelligence seem to have more political science and international relations degree than criminal justice or homeland security.

    I just saw a full-time remote position (Professor of Homeland Security) at American InterContinental University.

    I believe Northcentral hires full-time faculty from time to time as well.
  15. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    Speaking of Angelo State University, one of their homeland security adjuncts, who earned his degrees at Angelo State, has no professional experience, no doctorate, no publications, and no prior teaching experience.
  16. chrisjm18

    chrisjm18 Well-Known Member

    David Mahalak, D.Eng.
    D.Eng., George Washington University.
    Faculty Specialist - University of Scranton

    Elizabeth S. Marsal, Ph.D.
    Ph.D., Walden University
    Associate Professor - North Carolina Wesleyan College

    Carl Lewis, Ph.D.

    Ph.D., Northcentral University
    Assistant Professor - North Carolina Wesleyan College

    Stephen Preacher, DBA

    DBA, U.S. International University (now Alliant)
    Professor/Dean, School of Business - Southern Wesleyan University

  17. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Yes, we know of anecdotes. Anyone document a process or method yet? When I went looking for trade books and scholarly articles on the subject, all I got were writings about going the other way, from academia in to practice.

    I've always contended that going from practice to academia requires special, individual circumstances.
  18. chrisjm18

    chrisjm18 Well-Known Member

    There's an obvious gap in the literature. Maybe something I could do research on, perhaps specific to criminal justice.
  19. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Perhaps. Another explanation is that there is no literature because it is not a phenomenon.
    chrisjm18 likes this.
  20. chrisjm18

    chrisjm18 Well-Known Member

    Well, that's where an exploratory study comes in. I think a study like this should use qualitative methods. Thoughts?
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